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Hello everyone!

I thought I would share this with the forum users, being I know some of you must be into flight simulators!

About a year ago I build a flight simulator with "wrap around" views and realistic controls.  It reached its full state about 5 months ago with more PCs and hardware and now consists of 6 PCs (1 server and 5 clients) 5 Samsung 20" LCDs (for views), 1 Samsung 22" Wide LCD (for panel), FlightLink AV-B controls with rudder pedals.  I also have found a way to interface the Fujitsu 1620 tablet Electronic Flight Bag package I have for my cockpit to the simulator so that it gets a "gps" signal from the server.  I have also acquired and installed the Mooney M20J aircraft for FSX made by Carenado (very good model!) – which only came out about 6-8 months ago.

I have a bunch of pics at the following link:


If anyone is curious about what it takes to set this up I would be happy to answer any questions!  When I *ever* get the resources area complete at MooneySpace I plan to post an article outlining the process of building a simulator like this.


just a quick question.  what sim fsx? and how did you get the gps data to go to your handheld? i would love to have my fl190 read out gps data along with my fsx sim.  thanks Brooks


Very nice work, Craig!  I just recently added FSX to my new machine (Core i7-920 with 8GB of RAM) and flew some approaches in the default Mooney Bravo.  I think I'll add the M20J since you said it was a nice one.  I'm using a 24" widescreen + a 20" widescreen for the radio stack, GPS, kneeboard.  Have you used any other aftermarket add-ons for FSX?  I believe there is one for a 530 or 430 that behaves more like the real one and I'd love to hear some feedback.


Yes, the software is Microsoft Flight Simulator X (version 10)

The software that I use to link all of the views together is WideView, there is a second program that runs to synch traffic between all computers called WideTraffic.  Both of these programs can be obtained below:

WideView/WideTraffic: http://www.wideview.it

The Mooney M20J Aircraft is by Cerenado: http://www.carenado.com/ecommerce/buscador.php3?id_producto=52

I think the 530/430 you mention are made by RealityXP: http://www.reality-xp.com - I have not tried these yet but I plan to.  I want to have a custom panel made for my setup that will closely match my real panel.

The GPS output is much trickier.  I use a setup that requires a program called FSUIPC (http://www.schiratti.com/dowson.html) - with this I enable GPSOut in the options, then I use a little hack I found online to send the GPS signal across the network and my Fujitsu tablet thinks it is getting the data from the USB port (when in fact it is a network bridge to a fake USB port).



thanks for the info.  after seeing your system i did some poking around and i also found a software called xconn v04 which you simply run in the background while running fsx.  it gets the gps data and ships it out your comm port.  seeing as i didnt have one, i installed a freeware serial over ethernet software and hooked up two virtual commports between my fsx puter and my samsung q1 (connected to my network over wireless).  my fl190 software found the comm port instantly and it all worked on the first try.. total time 15 min to configure.  thanks for the ideas !!

i was currious thought, are you using the 6 puters for grafics output only?  is this because you really need a large cpu for each video output or just because you had them laying arround and each is capable of 1 video output.  would it be more efficent to build 2 screeming puters each with 3 video cards like the new gtx 295's to accomplish the same goal? 

thanks Brooks



I originally had 3 systems each with 2 video cards.  However, it seems that it puts a real strain on FSX to run multiple displays versus just one.  For whatever reason as well, the server computer tends to have slightly different weather than the clients - so it is best to run just the panel off the server and views from clients, since all clients seem to show the same weather.

With the six seperate systems I was able to crank the settings up to pretty much max on all systems.  I don't have top end systems, but they are pretty good.  2.4 Ghz Core2Duo, nVidia 8800 series, 2GB ram.

Excellent news about the xconn 04 - never heard of that one!


Heres the article about Microsoft shutting down the studio that produces their Flight Sim X.


By now, many of you have heard that Microsoft has closed Aces Studio, the publisher of Microsoft Flight Simulator. This was not a reflection of the quality of the products Aces has developed, the sales performance of the games, or the quality of the team at Aces. This difficult decision was made to align Microsoft’s resources with our strategic priorities. Microsoft Flight Simulator X will remain available at retail stores and web retailers, the Flight Sim community will continue to learn from and encourage one another, and we remain committed to the Flight Simulator franchise for the long term.

Microsoft Game Studios is investing significant resources in many exciting and new areas of gaming and entertainment, including Windows games. We believe these future investments will push innovation, community, and collaboration to unprecedented levels and will provide more synergy with our ongoing investments in Games for Windows - LIVE as well as other Windows entertainment technologies. We have nothing specific to announce at this time, but stay tuned for more information.

We are humbled and proud of the passion and support that the Flight Simulator franchise has developed over its more than twenty-five year history. This includes you, the large community of flight simmers, as well as the vibrant third-party ecosystem that has developed around the game. We will continue to produce, sell, and support the latest version of Flight Simulator as we plan for future versions of the franchise. Thank you for your understanding of our decision and for your continued support!


Wow, had not heard that yet.  Here is the odd part at the end:

We will continue to produce, sell, and support the latest version of Flight Simulator as we plan for future versions of the franchise.

If they are done with it why mention future versions of the franchise? Undecided

  • 4 years later...

I am interested in a simulator that is similar to my Ovation 2. I noticed this thread but the pictures are no longer up. Does anybody have any info on a sim?


I have been messing around again the last few days with FSX so this is timely for me. I tried to look at the pics too, but they are indeed no longer available through the original link.

I would like to get some ideas on a fairly simple setup that could be easily upgraded. Particulars such as flight controls, computer specs, monitors etc.. would be helpful.


There is a Bravo in the Microsoft flight simulator that can get you started in the right direction for little Money...

Works really well as a procedure and timing trainer to back up what you learn with your flight instructor. Or test your flight plan in advance, that kind of thing...

It has a Garmin in the panel...

Best regards,



Attached are some photos of my setup.

FSX w/ Carenado Mooney 201 plane (I modified to have top speed closer to my F model)

Saitek yoke, throttle quad., multi-panel, switch panel, radio stack (use the SPAD drivers for all Saitek products; lots of headaches prior to discovering this multi-unit driver package)

Elite 430 hardware and RealityXP software (top right of physical instrument panel). Spendy, but allows you to really learn how to use the 430.

2 Viewsonic 24" LED monitors

Saitek trimwheel (mounted right where it is on a Mooney)

Playseat seat for race cars (not planes) so you can fasten down Saitek rudder pedals and sit like you do in a Mooney.

ipad mini mounted on forpilotsonly.com clipboard/ipad mini holder combo (WingX and FSXFlight-to feed the ipad gps info from FSX).

Reality XP-Garmin GTX 327 transponder

Reality XP-Garmin GMA 340 audio panel

Plus some more stuff, if anyone wants more info.

The goal was to have the simulator be configured as close as possible to my 75' F model. I got pretty darn close and love the setup.

What would I never give up? the Elite 430 hardware (looks and has close to same tactile feel as my real 430) and the trim wheel.

Monitors are mounted on 3/8" plywood.

Set everything up so I almost never touch my keyboard during a flight (and I use ATC feature extensively)

Biggest headache: getting the elevator setup configured to be realistic. Finally got that figured out. post-8041-0-59995800-1370052167_thumb.jppost-8041-0-86057400-1370052183_thumb.jppost-8041-0-73786000-1370052198_thumb.jppost-8041-0-20694400-1370052219_thumb.jppost-8041-0-28992300-1370052395_thumb.jppost-8041-0-36858200-1370052831_thumb.jp

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I have been flying the Bravo in FSX. I need to build a new computer that will handle FSX better and X-Plane. I can use FSX with the one I have, but it won't handle X-Plane. It's kinda like the professional mechanic who's own vehicles are neglected. I am a IT pro, but have old stuff for myself. I am on the network side of things though, not the desktop arena.

Anyway, yes I would be interested in more about your setup Cloud. You have a nice arraignment that looks like it could be cost effective in the beginning and be able to add-on as you go.



Cool this is why we have a shortage of people wnating to learn to fly in real airplanes. ;)   Why spend $6k on a PPL when you can spen $6k on a simulator and fly anywhere in the world for no extra cost.

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