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  1. I finally took the plunge and upgraded my panel. It all started with a failing KFC-150 and the desire to upgrade to a GFC 500. This of course drove replacing the attitude indicator and HSI. And for a "little more," I could go to a G3X 10" panel. So...I went with a nearly naked panel with the G3X touch, a G5 backup, GFC 500, but kept my GNS 530W and 430 navigators. Attached are my before and after pixs. I am now flying as much as I can to build new IFR habits around the new avionics.
  2. Hello, I have no space on my M20E panel for an engine monitor. I do have two VORs. Should I lose a VOR, and put the monitor there? I like having two. But, with a GPS for location, one VOR/ILS would be enough I think.
  3. Airspeed, Altitude, VSI for sale. Removed from 1999 Ovation. Accepting offers.
  4. I'm planning to upgrade my autopilot and I'm going to need to replace at least the pilot side panel. Panel was previously done by Envision Avionics Panels in 2017, but I can get limited info from them as they only deal with certified shops. The avionics shop where I'm getting my updates has their panels done at one of their other locations but they screen print labels. Trying to figure out the difference side by side in the same panel and if I should just have them use Envision again vs. complete panel redo. Don't have Envision pricing and the cost of panel work was rolled into install costs for upgrades from shop. Looking for a great looking panel rather than a patchwork quilt. My guess is laser etching is easier to get aligned and less likely to peel or fade, but may be the more expensive choice? I really like the quality of the panel I have...will I be disappointed with screen printing?
  5. Kinda' hard not to take advantage of upgrade discounts on some new hardware, so I started "round 2" of upgrades last week. Time to complete is about 3 1/2 weeks...with most of that waiting for JPI to process the exchange, programming, and shipping of an EDM930. They took my EDM900 in exchange for what I paid for it 4 years ago under a "Sun 'n Fun" special. Things on the docket for this round... Trade up G500 for G500Txi Install GCU485 PFD controller Trade up GTN750 for GTN750xi Remove KX165, install GTN650xi Trade JPI EDM900 for EDM930 Install Eaton lighted pushbutton to provide ARINC-429 GPS/NAV switching for ESI-500 backup ADI Add GSB15 USB charger underneath audio panel Existing panel... This looks surprisingly-familiar... Dry-fitting new panel, showing GDU1060 and GCU485 PFD Controller... Ready for shaping and clean-up before powder-coating Old and new panels aligned. Never realized how much bigger the GDU1060 is than the GDU620...
  6. Just a PIREP... I thought I would share some pictures of the Aspen PFD MFD Max upgrades. I also have a G5 so a pretty good comparison of color and clarity side by side.
  7. I would like to ask the good people of MooneySpace for suggestions on rearranging the panel in my M20K 231 in a cost conscious way, as well as help on deciding on a engine monitor. Any other hints for now and for the future are also most welcome. By "cost conscious" I don't necessarily mean "cheapest possible", rather "inexpensive but sensible". Work will likely be outsourced to a shop, a FAA A&P/IA is a rare sight at EPKP, one that would sign off my self-install even more so. I currently have standard analog / vacuum instruments as pictured below; in the avionics rack: KMA24, GNS430W, KY197, KNS80, ADF; in the right panel: a FT101 fuel totalizer, the adjustment panel for the remote compass for the HSI, a WX950 stormscope, TIT, ELT, XPDR and a void. The AP is a KFC200, which works well but is lacking, as far as I can tell, GPSS. Everything works and I see no signs of something wanting to fail. My primary goal for now is to install an engine monitor. I do want a "primary replacement" unit, since the cost difference vs the non-primary units is likely close to fixing whatever gauge breaks first, and I want the recording of as many parameters as I can get. I do not plan on removing the original gauges at this time. I also need an intercom. I don't think I can afford to replace the KMA with a modern unit, since it would probably mean major rewiring. So a Telex PC4 or similar will most likely go above the AP annunciator panel. Hooking it to the KMA should be simple enough. In the future I do want to replace things that break with modern devices, if cost is not prohibitive and compatible with whatever remains, but future-proofing is not a primary requirement at this time, so let's not get too carried away. Think more G5 (if it becomes a KI256 replacement) or Aspen, not G500. GFC500 only when the KFC200 breaks beyond economic repair (hoping never...). For the immediate task at hand - an engine monitor - I am thinking either a CGR30P/C combo (where the ADF indicator and the electric AI are) or a EDM900 (landscape across ADF and VOR, which gets moved to where the AI is). When I try hard enough, I can imagine a MVP50 or a EDM930 in the right panel, but it is more rearranging of stuff and I'm not convinced that the ergonomics will work. This is a stock M20K, with a GB1, so I expect it to need fairly continuous tweaking of the knobs. I really don't see them in the avionics rack, I want to keep the KNS80 for now, and moving it, if even possible, is likely a major PITA. I have, briefly, considered using a Dynon HDX / Garmin G3X / G500 as just engine monitors that I can expand into full glass cockpits later, but as others here proved, they won't really work in that capacity on a budget, and I am not ready to go "all in". Thank you all in advance!
  8. I've embarked on a panel-redo, and I've hit a snag and need some advice. My 67C had a shotgun panel that featured an EGT gauge and 4-cyl selector right in the middle of the panel. I plan to finish my IR this year, and want a six-pack instrument arrangement. The a/c has a Radair 4-cyl EGT with a single gauge and a selector switch. The panel mount rotary switch is 2-inches in diameter, about 2-1/4" dia. with wires attached. It is in the middle of the photo resting atop the TC. The single-channel EGT gauge itself is just below the AH. Re-designing the panel to have a six-pack arrangement, with CDI and Dynon 2 EFIS between the six-pack and radio stack, the 2-1/4" EGT gauge must go to the left side below the key/master sw. There is no place left for that huge selector switch because of its 2" diameter. The switch is made by Shallco. I also include a diagram of the new layout. Any suggestions? Does anyone have a smaller switch idea? I assume that the red/yellow wires on the EGT are the dissimilar thermocouple wires and I need to be careful about cold junction error when selecting a switch. I have been scouring the interwebs looking for smaller switches, but have not had any luck. It seems that this calls for a 2-pole, 2-deck, 4 position switch. Son #1 has access to a water-jet cutter and he is going to be cutting the new panel next week. :-)
  9. Greetings! Can anyone explain why an 1988 M20K 252 with round window corners would have: 1. an STec 60-2 rather than a KAP 150 autopilot 2. A completely black instrument panel (the whole thing) rather than the white or cream colored IP that is so signature to same-era Mooneys? Others shopping for 252s will probably know the plane I'm talking about; it seems to be the only 252 for sale at the moment that *doesn't* feature the white panel. Thanks for any info! -Matt
  10. We are looking to share the new expansion to the entire Mooney Community. What are you looking for? What are you interested in doing in the near future? Please give us an opportunity to earn your work and make a good difference not only with your aircraft, but throughout the community as well. We can accommodate your needs from an annual to a full avionics stack upgrade. We are running several different specials and are booking installations for the upcoming ADS-B mandate that is right around the corner in 2020. Give us a shot, you will NOT be disappointed!!! Shoot me an email, text or call me if you have any questions and to schedule your visit. Greg Baker 541-205-9141 gbaker@bakeravionics.com
  11. I just put an EDM 900, Garmin G5 and CiES senders in my 1966 M20E and I have some extra parts leftover that I'm selling. The prices include ground shipping within the USA from Huntsville AL area. ***SOLD***EI UBG-16 ***SOLD***EI FP-5L ***SOLD***Garwin Cluster Gauges P/N 22-169-07-A $300- Cluster gauges with harness. Oil temp probe, CHT probe, shunt and original fuel float senders available on request as well. The fuel levels were jumpy in some positions, but unknown if it was sender or gauge. Otherwise the cluster gauge worked fine when removed. Misc parts - Now asking $200 for all of them together: *Mitchell Tachometer P/N D1-112-5025 - Tach worked fine when removed. Can include tach cable if needed. *Manifold Pressure / Fuel Pressure gauge P/N22-469-01-A - Worked fine when removed. *Attitude Gyro P/N 23-501-06 - Tumbles and needs O/H. *Brittain Pilot Valves - 2 Brittain pilot valves. Unknown condition. Here are some pictures:
  12. So now that paint is done, she is getting major surgery on the panel. It is scary looking at this! But Phil and Danny at Thomlinson at KFMY are masters at avionics. When done she will be amazing!
  13. So I like integrated IT things. I have done Information Technology for 20 years. Currently I work for a controls systems visualization company. Dynon Skyviews seems to be the most integrated system out there. The idea of spending lots of dollars on components that don't integrate is silly to me. On a daily basis I have to answer questions about how to integrate software and data and things. I have a basic steam gauge panel. A tablet and phone for navigation with ADSB - IN with Stratux. Thinking about an Engine Monitor Dynon Skyview classic 7" with Engine Module + Engine monitor kit $2600+$600+$610 = $3800 - Would require Minor Mod - STC is a couple years away. Insight G3 = $3185 - STC PMA With the G3 I would have a good engine monitor. The Skyview would be install over on the other side of the panel and would get the following. Engine Monitoring Angle-of-Attack - upgrade "Six-Pack" Flight Instruments - backup on the other side of the panel.... would need to hooked into the pitot system- is this going too far? Would be the same as attaching a AoA to the pitot system. Autopilot Capabilities - Upgrade Mode S Transponder with ADS-B Out – Need to replace $2200.00 Currently TSOed 2020 FAA Mandate ADS-B Out Compliance – Not done yet Dynon COM Radio – Upgrade – 2nd radio is KING 170b Synthetic Vision - Mapping and Navigation - replace phone tablet. ADS-B In Traffic / Weather – Could hook Stratux up for temp adsb in When the STC becomes available I could buy the another screen and replace the primary instruments on the pilots side. do the adsb upgrade. Would need to obviously have a long chat with my IA. Remember my goals are Engine monitor, upgrade path, maintain my CB status.
  14. So, finally kicked off the big upgrade this past Monday. A few pics from end of week 1...after my nerves calmed a bit. Seriously, these guys are the best. Very happy with the first week's progress. Antennas from left...GA37 (GTN750 and GDL69), GA36 (future GTN650), and NGT-9000 Lynx WAAS antenna. Also added the Skywatch antenna to use the "+" feature of the Lynx's TAS/TCAS feature. More after end of week 2 next Friday.
  15. G'day folks, I've got a faulty rheostat on my panel and am looking for a replacement part - JS1N056P251MA - just looking for someone parting one out. I've sent a part request through to lasar... Thanks.
  16. The Lucky Strike, my M20C, is equipped with a KX155 with glideslope and a King NDB, in addition to a VFR GPS com. It also has an old KN86 ADF that is inoperable. I plan on using it as an IFR trainer in the Spring (it will also be my IFR traveling machine). I'd like an IFR GPS, but between the box and the installation it just isn't in the cards right now. On the other hand I could replace the inoperable ADF with one that works without spending big money. Should I?
  17. My still fairly new to me '68C started life with an impressive useful load of 1050 lbs but is now old and obese, with only 888 lb officially (though the accounting is sketchy in parts). Previous additions that are here to stay are bladders, 201 wing tips, and cowl closure. I figure there's a good amount of added weight behind the panel , and it's about to get the panel redone this summer (STEC-30, G650, Aspen PFD among other stuff). I'd like to hear ideas and experience on how to maximize the useful load gains before it gets reweighed at the end of this. My current thoughts are: 1. removing all Brittain wing leveler components (nonfunctional) will help 2. obviously removing the rest of the old engine gauges and panel components, along with any orphaned wiring 3. headrests from the front/rear seats (these aren't all that comfortable anyway) 4. Maybe get rid of the overhead speaker and handheld mic input? Will I ever actually use these for anything?? 5. I should try to drop 10lbs myself- seems only fair given what I'm asking of my plane. Anything else likely to be hiding in this plane that should be torn out?
  18. I am looking for an original aluminum pilots side panel from a sixties era M20E. This is the one with the horizontal bend in it, P/N number 820001-3. I am happy to pay for it and apparently these get tossed for some reason so if you are upgrading and have one, please PM. Instrument layout unimportant.
  19. From the album: panel

    New Panel- No smoke!
  20. Hey guys, I'm looking to build a CNC router with my son this Christmass when he comes home on break. As a first project cut I woul like to fabricate the left instrument panel on my 68C. Does anyone have any CAD drawings in any format that I could use as a baseline? The panel on my steed is the shorter version but if someone has the taller version I can modify the drawing and shorten the bottom side. I would like to change my DG to fit the square HSI cutout of an NSD-360A. I would also have to push the instruments on the left and right away because the NSD is wider than I would be able to fit between instruments.
  21. While conducting preflight today I noticed a missing inspection cover under my right wing (closest to wing root and rear). Does anyone have an extra one from an aircraft being parted out? Are all these plates the same size for different Mooneys? Call me 334-479-6220
  22. From the album: panel

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