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  1. I’m a private pilot and I want to get my instrument rating. I’ve owned a few airplanes, but none of them were really good for IFR. I am looking at Mooney’s pretty seriously, and I am interested in a lease, or share that will allow me to handle my IFR training. I’m located in Alabama. My number is 205-585-1002.
  2. I had an unexpected pitch up command by my GFC500 autopilot as I was about to cross the intermediate fix to an RNAV approach. Was it an autopilot or a pilot error? Watch the flight and slow motion replay for the answer. Corrected unexpected pitch up and completed approach landing in strong gusty winds.
  3. I was on an "escape" mission from a major front chainsawing across North and Northeast FL to get back to home base. In the process ended up flying through a band of extreme rain (but thankfully not a thunderstorm) and then had an intermittent stuck mike for the rest of the flight while dodging weather, etc. A lot of you might wonder why I did not use a handheld. I actually always carry one in my flight bag. It's an older version of an iCom and I have adapters to connect with my BOSE LEMO plug as well as an antenna connector to plug into a jack below the panel that connects to COM 2 antenna. I started to assemble the spaghetti but found myself interrupted by further weaving and dodging as well as responding to ATC. A bit too long to put together for a relatively short flight (less than 45 min). I just kept on flying.... A bit of a stressful flight When you watch the video you will be just as annoyed as I was by the constant intermittent stuck mike!!! Chris
  4. LIFR conditions on the coast with conditions deteriorating due to sea fog to roll in a few hrs. Unlimited ceilings some 20 nm inland and VFR at destination. Runway looked clear from the air, but on the landing roll-out saw some deer running along the left side of the runway. You should increase the brightness of your screen and then you should be able to briefly see the deer as well as the whole video better. Enjoy!
  5. It was a perfect day to do practice approaches in actual IMC since ceilings were between 800 ft and 1500 ft around the area. Filed for a "round robin" flight noting in the remarks that I wanted to do practice approaches into KBQK and KJAX. Well..... you can't always get what you want! The Jax approach controller was superb handling all the traffic. Non-stop coms! Enjoy! Chris
  6. Hey All... PilotSafety.org is saving my bacon, maybe literally, with their Master Course on the Garmin 430/530. If you are in need of online training courses for Avidyne, Garmin, IFR, Foreflight, please check out their website. Anyone using code: JOLIE gets a 20% discount. bit.ly/PSJolie
  7. Consider Subscribing and Fly Along! Great Training and Dedication will make you pass!! Trust Me! Thank you for all your support and E-mails. Subscribe to PilotFun101 Films at: https://www.youtube.com/PilotFun101 Proudly Sponsored By: Special Thank You to - Moyer Aviation http://www.moyeraviation.com/ Bose Aviation - https://www.bose.com/en_us/products/h... Proud Partners: Special Thank You to Dynon Avionics - https://www.dynonavionics.com/ (Best All-In-One System) Elevation Adventures Flight School - https://www.elevation-adventures.com/ Use Promotion Code PilotFun101 for 10% off all courses!! GoPro - https://gopro.com/en/us/ (HERO 5 & 7) Foreflight - https://foreflight.com/ My Favorite Aviation App for Pilots Aviation Oil Outlet - https://aviationoiloutlet.com/ Best prices for pilots (FREE SHIPPING) Follow me - Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/PilotFun101/ Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/pilotfun101/ TicTok - https://www.tiktok.com/@pilotfun101?l... Transponder - Lynx L3 - https://www.l-3lynx.com/ Best All-In-One transponder for pilots. GPS - Avidyne IFD540 - https://www.avidyne.com/ Audio Panel - https://www.ps-engineering.com/ Check out aviation fun stuff on Amazon https://www.amazon.com This Video is for entertainment purposes only and is not to be considered flight instruction in any way. Please contact your local CFI for flight instruction. This channel and it's content does not represent the views of the FAA.
  8. Consider Subscribing and Fly Along! Took over 25 minuets to get my clearance at Orange County (MGJ) Frequency and phone number was down. This is my 1st Hard IFR flight to Columbia County (1B1) with no autopilot. Lots going on at once. Be ahead of your plane. I had a great learning experience on this flight. Thanks for Flying Along! If you would like to help support PilotFun101 check out our website HERE at https://pilotfun101.com/ for MERCH E-Mail - PilotFun101@gmail.com Subscribe to PilotFun101 Films at: https://www.youtube.com/PilotFun101 Proudly Sponsored By: Special Thank You to - Moyer Aviation http://www.moyeraviation.com/ Bose Aviation - https://www.bose.com/en_us/products/h... Proud Partners: Special Thank You to Dynon Avionics - https://www.dynonavionics.com/ (Best All-In-One System) Elevation Adventures Flight School - https://www.elevation-adventures.com/ Use Promotion Code PilotFun101 for 10% off all courses!! GoPro - https://gopro.com/en/us/ (HERO 5 & 7) Foreflight - https://foreflight.com/ My Favorite Aviation App for Pilots Aviation Oil Outlet - https://aviationoiloutlet.com/ Best prices for pilots (FREE SHIPPING) Follow me - Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/PilotFun101/ Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/pilotfun101/ TicTok - https://www.tiktok.com/@pilotfun101?l... T ransponder - Lynx L3 - https://www.l-3lynx.com/ Best All-In-One transponder for pilots. GPS - Avidyne IFD540 - https://www.avidyne.com/ Audio Panel - https://www.ps-engineering.com/ Check out aviation fun stuff on Amazon https://www.amazon.com This Video is for entertainment purposes only and is not to be considered flight instruction in any way. Please contact your local CFI for flight instruction. This channel and it's content does not represent the views of the FAA. #IFR #PilotFun101 #Mooney
  9. After loss of pitot input the IAS "red-x'd" on my dual GI 275 installation. I had the opportunity to test various failure considerations I had been thinking about to evaluate how the AHRS (attitude indicator) would perform. Would it "red-x", tumble or drift? The failures were equivalent of having lost alternator and battery and therefore shutting down the panel as well as causing the pitot tube to freeze in IMC. Would the GI 275 AI survive? Chris
  10. GI 275 software 2.32. upgrade installed and showing very easy access to the GPSS vs HDG toggle function for the Autopilot. It is now in the first menu level rather than three levels deep. I did not install the alternative option which is a physical panel switch since I wanted to try the software option first. Since the software option works quite well I do not think I will be installing the switch. Need to make more flights in IMC and busy ATC with interspersed deviations to make final assessment. However, based on this flight it appears I will stay with the software option. There were no glitches whatsoever. Easy to toggle even in busy ATC airspace. GI 275 performed excellently as in the past including an RNAV approach. Very happy with the change!!!
  11. I was asked in a PM whether the active leg of a hold was displayed in the GI 275 while also displaying it on the GNS 530W and if it was flown correctly by the autopilot.My setup is a GI 275 ADAHRS+AP as primary ADI and a GI 275 ADAHRS configured as MFD/Standby ADI. They are connected to the GNS 530W and the ADAHRS+AP unit drives the KFC 150 autopilot. They work perfectly together and will fly a hold and course reversal without any issues.This video shows them in action. Regards, Chris Koppel
  12. Through work, I won tickets to the Chiefs' Game on this past Thursday. After I committed to going and using the tickets, I checked the weather and discovered that the forecast was Low IFR for all of Thursday and Friday. The forecast for Downtown Wheeler Airport had a 700 foot ceiling. I thought about changing my personal minimums down to 1,000 feet and "going for it!" But a cooler portion of my brain persevered and I decided to go on Delta's 0600 flight instead. It was solid IMC from takeoff to over 10,000 feet and then between layers the rest of the way to KC. When we landed at MCI on Thursday morning, I asked the captain where he broke out - "about 350 feet". Glad that I have a portion of my brain that is founded on using facts, not just gut and go-for-it.
  13. So am I late to the dance? Apparently they did away with the additional 6 months to complete recency experience for IFR, hence needing an IPC check after 6 months?
  14. My son is the best copilot. https://www.dropbox.com/s/lg7w5b9ztlhkr7u/IMG_8482.MP4?dl=0
  15. Enjoy. Russ
  16. Hello to our Canadian friends. I have to meet some work friends at Niagara on the Lake this weekend. I'll fly into CYSN from Erie (KERI). I have done the towered Billy Bishop (CYTZ) many times, but this will be my first trip to a non-towered Canadian airport. I will file IFR, I have CANPASS, and will do the eAPIS stuff. My Questions: 1) When I land, do I have to call and close my IFR flight plan? Do this with FSS? 2) Can I close in the air? Do I still have to call and report landing? 3) On departure, what is the best way to pick up my clearance? London rdo? Toronto approach from the ground? FSS? 4) Anything that I haven't though of? Thanks for the help! Brad
  17. As an older pilot working towards my IFR rating and doing it as cheaply as possible I've been wondering; how do I get the best possible reception of ATC clearances and other information over the radio? I've got older King radios and David Clark headsets that I bought from ebay. I don't want to spent the maximum dollar possible but I'm wondering if there are some more modern equipment purchases that have yielded big increases in the quality of the voices you hear over the radio in the air. Mine is currently OK but I doubt that it's great.
  18. As a PPL student earlier this year, I spent many, many hours trolling these forums as well as other sites, trying to glean the benefits of others' experience. My goal was to acquire a plane that I could fly to/from client sites all over the east and midwest. I want to share some of my recent thoughts/decisions in case someone else comes along who is looking for similar info. I bought Parker's Encore-converted 252 in July, about the same week as I got my PPL. I thought really hard about whether I needed TKS at the time, but it was a big jump price-wise to find something already equipped. And, N252BH was such a nice plane... I went ahead and bought it and figured I'd sort through the TKS issue when I got to it. Fast forward to now, and I'm about 10 hours from getting my IFR. I've been trying to fly back and forth from my home in southern Missouri to a client site in eastern PA, every week. Let's just say that, as a VFR pilot in a non-deiced airplane, my opportunities to fly an 800 nm route to the northeast have been severely limited. I'm still flying commercially as a "fallback" 3 trips out of 4. First it was frequent IMC that kept me on the ground, and as the weather has turned colder, now it's ice. Doh! but I insist on learning the hard way, I guess. I thought really, really hard about where to go from here. Getting the IFR will help, but doesn't solve the ice problem. Short of not flying, I considered these options: a) trade up to a newer Mooney with FIKI buy a booted Baron as my winter commuter and load hauler (very appealing in some ways) c) upgrade 252BH with TKS If I were able to a find a partner, I'd love to have a B55 Baron. But I don't want to take on the financial responsibility for a twin, as a sole owner. When I see how many of those poor birds have been sitting on the market for years on end, I cringe at the thought of ever trying to sell one. And I looked at John G's transition from his Bravo to an Aerostar and, well, that's a whole 'nother league of cost. Be nice to have that 2nd engine in night-time IMC though... As for upgrading to a newer plane, it's a big jump price-wise to get to a FIKI Mooney that interests me. And, 252BH has a 1050lb useful load - it would be hard to replace that. It's got nice new paint thanks to Parker, and it's a low time airframe. The final data point came this past Monday, when I flew up to PA with an instructor. We picked up moderate rime ice on our climb to FL190, and ended up having to go to FL230 to get above the tops. At FL230, 252BH was doing this: Manifold: 28.5" RPM: 2400 or so OAT: -22C or so TAS: 207 kts, calibrated Fuel: 11.2 GPH, 25 deg LOP That was the first time I'd been above 15,500 MSL, and I was really pleased with the performance at FL230. I wouldn't want to fly that high all the time -- after 3 hours on oxygen I was feeling pretty crunchy by the time we landed. But nice to know the plane can do it, and maybe I'll adjust.... So I bit the bullet yesterday and booked an order for TKS and some new avionics. I had planned to get inadvertent TKS, but CAV and AirNet (installer) essentially refused to quote it. I was torn over the choice anyway, so with their "encouragement", FIKI it shall be. I feel good about that, although not about the cost. <cough> One other note: I decided that, while the plane was down for TKS, I'd go ahead and do some avionics and interior work. I talked to a number of shops around the country, hoping to find at least two places that could do all three tasks. Airnet Aviation at KLCK (Rickenbacker - Columbus OH) was the only shop I could find that could handle all three. I looked at breaking it up into 2 phases, but it's both cheaper and less downtime to do it this way. Here's hoping that goes well.
  19. I have a KLN 89B for sale with a current database (expires 12/7/16). Removed in working condition this week. Asking $800.
  20. Hello all, While prepping for an upcoming trip to Lincolnton NC (KIPJ) I was looking at the ILS charts. I noticed a different set of minimums for the localizer approach based on the GATEQ fix. These minimums allow a lower MDA, but it's not clear to me exactly how to use them. The chart is below. Any ideas? What am I missing?
  21. Hey guys and gals, Due to a growing family I've decided to put my J up for sale. I love the old girl and never thought we would part ways but all good things must come to an end. It's a great machine and well maintained with several annuals and visits to D Maxwell in the logs. 201PX has flown on average about 150 hours per year with a max one year of around 220 hours and a TT of around 1100 hours since I purchased her October of 08' . The engine was overhauled by Mena Aircraft Engines in December 2010 and has proven a solid performer in the 690 hours I've put on her since. It's a buy and fly plane. All of the Mooney "gotcha's" are in good shape...SB 208 complied with, tanks are leak free, gear pucks are in great shape and the airframe is corrosion free. Feel free to PM me or contact me through email. bodiebell@aoldotcom See specs below... $89,900 Approx 690 SMOH. Engine was overhauled by Mena Aircraft engines in December 2010 Useful load 1010 2 or the last 4 annuals have been performed by Don Maxwell MSC Engine burns approx 1 quart per 8-10 hours Prop overhauled 2009 Prop governor overhauled 2011 Prop dynamically balanced 2014 Magnetos overhauled 2014 New leather interior and carpet 2008 (8/10) New paint 2004 (8/10) Top and bottom cowling repainted in 2015 Interior panels painted and repaired with new chrome hardware 2014 (7/10) Tanks resealed by Wetwingologists 2004 New landing gear donuts installed 2008 SB 208-B complied with with new style insulation installed New custom leather yokes by Aero Comfort Corrosion X applied by Maxwell 2012 IFR cert 2014 Garmin 430W EDM 700 engine analyzer Concorde battery S-TEC 30A autopilot (3 axis) KT 76A transponder WX 10A Stormscope Digital tach Rosen visors Wingtip strobes Nulites on the panel SIRS lighted compass Cowl plugs with N number Reiff oil sump heater
  22. I am in search for one or two other instruments rated pilots that may be interested in sharing the flying and ownership of a very well equipped M20J. If interested please PM me for details, and provide a phone number and email address where I can follow-up and contact you. Hank
  23. Starting to sell off stuff from my recent panel install. First to go is a package of the following: GPS: Garmin GNC300XL IFR Approach GPS/ Comm with tray. Annunciation control unit for above: Garmin MD41-444. CDI with GPS input: Collins IND350A GPS/VOR/LOC. GPS antenna. I can throw in the comm antenna too if you want it. No connectors or cables included. A serviceable tagged GNC300XL alone can run >$3000. All this stuff was installed in my plane in 2009, well before my purchase of it last year, and was working when removed a couple of months ago. But none is yellow-tagged. So I think $1500 for the whole package is reasonable.
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