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Found 21 results

  1. Hey Guys, Does anyone have a good Foreflight performance profile for an M20F that they could share? I just downgraded my Foreflight from Performance Plus to Pro Plus and lost my performance profile as a result. Any help would be appreciated.
  2. Has anyone created a checklist for the 201 and loaded into their foreflight ap?
  3. Hey All... PilotSafety.org is saving my bacon, maybe literally, with their Master Course on the Garmin 430/530. If you are in need of online training courses for Avidyne, Garmin, IFR, Foreflight, please check out their website. Anyone using code: JOLIE gets a 20% discount. bit.ly/PSJolie
  4. I would like to create a couple of different profiles for use with ForeFlight. 75% Power and Economy Cruise ... Cruising Altitude of 9000 feet. Can you share some of your Profiles? Thank you.
  5. Consider Subscribing and Fly Along! ForeFlight is a simple tool for all types of awareness in your airplane. It will keep you out of trouble even with TFR's. Had a fun flight to Braden Airpark and did EMS volunteer work for the Phillipsburg Emergency Squad. 20yrs and counting. Thanks for Flying Along! Subscribe to PilotFun101 Films: https://www.youtube.com/PilotFun101 Proudly Sponsored By: Special Thank You to - Moyer Aviation http://www.moyeraviation.com/ Bose Aviation - https://www.bose.com/en_us/products/h... Proud Partners: Special Thank You to Dynon Avionics - https://www.dynonavionics.com/ (Best All-In-One System) Elevation Adventures Flight School - https://www.elevation-adventures.com/ Use Promotion Code PilotFun101 for 10% off all courses!! GoPro - https://gopro.com/en/us/ (HERO 5 & 7) Foreflight - https://foreflight.com/ My Favorite Aviation App for Pilots Aviation Oil Outlet - https://aviationoiloutlet.com/ Best prices for pilots (FREE SHIPPING) E-mail - PilotFun101@gmail.com Follow me - Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/PilotFun101/ nstagram - https://www.instagram.com/pilotfun101/ Transponder - Lynx L3 - https://www.l-3lynx.com/ Best All-In-One transponder for pilots. GPS - Avidyne IFD540 - https://www.avidyne.com/ Audio Panel - https://www.ps-engineering.com/ Check out aviation fun stuff on Amazon https://www.amazon.com This Video is for entertainment purposes only and is not to be considered flight instruction in any way. Please contact your local CFI for flight instruction. #ForeFlight #MooneyZoom #PilotFun101
  6. Subscribe and Fly Along! Great and fun flight to Columbia County from Orange County. Flight following out of NY to Albany. Why I think flight apps are good for GA pilots. Thanks for Flying Along! E-mail - PilotFun101@gmail.com Follow me - Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/PilotFun101/ Cameras - GoPro - https://gopro.com/en/us/ (Hero 5 & 7) Transponder - Lynx L3 - https://www.l-3lynx.com/ Headsets - https://www.bose.com/en_us/products/h... GPS - Garmin - https://buy.garmin.com/en-US/US/cInTh... My Oil Outlet - https://aviationoiloutlet.com/ Check out aviation fun stuff on Amazon https://www.amazon.com This Video is for entertainment purposes only and is not to be considered flight instruction in any way. Please contact your local CFI for flight instruction. #PilotFun101 #ForeFlight #MooneyM20C
  7. Scenarios: 1. We purchased the MLB100 with our Avidyne AXP 322 and IFD 540. 2. Also, we have a GDL39R being used with Garmin Pilot. 3. What we have noticed on the Garmin Pilot with a GDL-39 since around mid-2018, after the update, we now have access and can utilize the new FIS-B weather products are available such as the following: Lightning Turbulence Icing Cloud Tops Graphical AIRMET Center Weather Advisory 4. My question is since MLB unit is a NAVWORX unit and NAVWORX is out of business, will the MLB100 units receive any updates via Avidyne and/or any other 3rd party source that may take on these units. If no, then basically, we have invested into a product (that is only a couple of years old) that will not provide any current FIS-B functionality. OR 5. Will these new FIS-B WX products become available via a firmware update to the IFD 540? Now for another scenario 6. Will the Garmin GTX 345R work with the IFD540? This will allow us to remove both the AXP-322 and MLB100 and 1 unit in lieu of 2. 7. In addition to question #6 (if the 345R will work) will the newer ADS-B products be supported with the IFD unit? Overall it seems like the IFD unit will need a firmware update to support the newer ADS-B features since many of these features are consider map overlays that the end-user can toggle off and on. 8. Regardless if you fly with a Garmin GTN or Avidyne IFD series, why can't you have Winds aloft and FIS-B Radar displayed both at the same time? On the inexpensive Garmin Pilot app you can display both at the same time, but not on our $$,$$$ GPS units. 9. On the IFD100 will the newer FIS-B products be available? 10 What about the Skytrax 100? Is the the same operating system and different name? Is this a total different unit? and can any details be provided about the new ADS-B FIS-B products in regards of the Skytrax100 supporting these features? Sorry, I do not fly with Foreflight; although, I do have the Foreflight APP. Foreflight users are welcome to chime in just as long the points are related to this post. The same goes for Garmin GTN, Avidyne IFD users, and/or any other FIS-B equipment and application that is applicable. This posting is not about which unit is better or worst; however, the objective is to determine and/or gather information and functionality based on the details depicted within this posting. Thank you.
  8. Recently did a panel upgrade on my M20J. Thanks to this forum, ended up going with a GTX345 for ADS-B and a GTN650 for WAAS. I've been using Foreflight for years with a Stratus with no issue. However, with the new panel I am having a annoying GPS position issue when I connect to my new Garmin GTX-345+GTN650 using Bluetooth. The GPS position that I see on my Foreflight map is very 'jumpy' and seems to lag my position. As I'm flying, my position seems stuck for a few seconds - then will very quickly move/jump to a new location, or then jump back. Often it's moving/jumping over 1cm on the map at a time, which can be over a 1 nm! (I'm using a Wifi-only iPad Air) This is a new phenomenon. For years I have been using my Stratus 2S via Wifi to the same iPad without any issue. As a test, I went back to my Stratus and it worked fine and I never saw any issue with position. I'm not sure if new issue is with Bluetooth or something specific to our Mooney's Garmin 345+GTN650 setup. It's happened on multiple flights weeks apart. We just did a $20k upgrade on this panel - but I can't seem to get a reliable, smooth, position using this new setup with Foreflight. The position seems fine on the GTN650 screen though - so I don't think it's a GPS issue. I fly in very crowded SFO airspace and this is very disconcerting. Anyone else report a similar issue with GTX345+GTN650 and Foreflight? Any ideas on mitigation? It's not very confidence inspiring.
  9. Just upgraded to the Plus version of ForeFlight with the Aero layer and other assorted goodies. When planning a trip this morning, I realized HEFIN on V18 between KATL and KANB appeared to be just another way point with IFR and Aero layers active. Fortunately, I know it is a mandatory reporting point, although that is unclear if the Aero layer is active. I have submitted this observation to ForeFlight. While I expect the number of mandatory reporting points are few, missing one is likely frowned upon by ATC. This may not affect anyone, but this is just and FYI.
  10. I have a near-new, used twice, xGPS160 (with WAAS) Bluetooth GPS. I used this with my iPad for ForeFlight until I upgraded to a panel mounted Garmin GTX transponder that shares location. Bluetooth to iPad, Android, iPhone WAAS GPS Receiver GPS and GLONASS 10 Positions/second Bluetooth 10 devices non-slip holder built-in battery works with most apps that require GPS (tablet/phone) SOLD
  11. Fellow Mooney folks, I have a 2016 iPad Air, 32g for sale. It is wifi only, no scratches, dings or dents. Asking $350 plus shipping.
  12. Here's a head scratcher. Does anyone else get this 3rd huge outermost TFR ring randomly popping up around the standard D.C. SFRA in flight? I'm using Foreflight with Stratus 2 for fis-b display. I never see it on the ground while flight planning. It's usually labeled "dates unknown" in flight. The first couple times it happened, I asked Potomac Approach before flying through vfr - they had no idea what I was talking about, so I stopped asking. I thought I should bring up here though so at least I can tell the F-16 pilot "but this guy on Mooneyspace said it was cool" I've seen it for the last 2 years, so I doubt it's a Foreflight bug - they would have fixed by now - I'm guessing it's intrinsic to the fis-b data transmitted.
  13. I started this new thread because the other one degenerated into a privacy cluster. I am looking at the ESG as perfect for me for the following reasons (anybody else in this club?): I am a card-carrying member of the cheap bastards society. My panel is most likely not going to be updated much, I am keeping it "close to original". If I flew for business or had more money than cents I would install an all-glass wonderland with a Garmin kool-aid dispenser. I like the idea of pulling my NARCO AT-50A out and sliding the ESG in (minor wiring mods). The ESG will use my existing transponder antenna (bonus). The ESG comes with WAAS GPS and a GPS antenna (bonus). So, the ESG will now give me a mode-S transponder and ADS-B out. Am I done? Is that all I need to be compliant? Yes, I realize that if I want ADS-B in I'll need a separate system (Stratus 2/iPad/FF will do it). I dream of <$2K ADS-B out and here it is. Yes, I know it is 3.4 AMU, but that old NARCO AT-50A of mine is not going to last forever
  14. I did my first long XC trip this weekend after installing the GDL88 and Flightstream 210 (naturally Garmin introduced a new solution just as my install was being completed, but that's another topic). I'm liking what I'm seeing. Weather is quite usable, nicely integrated with Foreflight both graphically and in the lookups for the airports. TIS-B traffic is fascinating, though, of course, incomplete. I found it useful on a couple occasions to track traffic I was given by Center. Bidirectional communication from the GNS-430W to the iPad for flight plans is marvelous. On the FIS-B side,I had to keep an eye on a line of showers associated with a stationary front today, and found the radar information more than adequate for strategic planning. There's certainly more information available than there was with the basic XM Weather subscription. One question I have I how long it takes an aircraft to register on TIS-B after it takes off. I can envision passing an airport with departing traffic and potentially not seeing it on TIS-B due to system lag. Does anyone know how long it takes for an aircraft to show up once it lifts off?
  15. I made a Pirep today. Haven't done that for a long time. For that matter, haven't talked to FSS radio when aloft for a long time. I was induced to do so because the ADS-B weather (well, FIS-B, I guess) displayed by Foreflight is so handy, and displays pireps conveniently and easily, I was inspired to try to be helpful. . Foreflight also makes it easy to look up a freq for FSS (now that Flight Watch is dead). It was pretty cool to watch Foreflight after I filed the pirep and see it eventually appear on my iPad. It appeared within 14 minutes. I wonder if that's representative of the lag time for one to reach the cockpit after its filed. Anyone else have any experience with that issue?
  16. Avidyne is excited to announce connectivity with industry-leading app providers ForeFlight and Fltplan Go. This announcement expands Avidyne's connectivity options which include the previously announced MK10 Bluetooth® Keyboard. Initial connectivity will allow iPads with the newly-announced ForeFlight version 7.6 to wirelessly receive and display GPS position and flight plan information from Avidyne's IFD540/440 units running the current v10.1 software. FltPlan Go running on an iPad, Android tablet, and Windows 10 tablet can wirelessly display GPS position and flight plan information from the Avidyne IFD540 or IFD440 running the current v10.1 or later software. Many additional capabilities will be added in a future IFD software release for the IFD540/440.
  17. I'm curious to know if anyone has an opinion and current experience with the latest versions of Forefight and Garmin Pilot. My renewal for Foreflight is in the next few days, but I'm debating on whether to continue using it or if I should give Garmin Pilot a try for the next year. Last year, I staged myself with the same question, but at the time the price of Garmin Pilot for the version I would need was substantially more than a comparable version subscription to Foreflight. Since my plane was in for upgrade when my foreflight subscription came up last year, I just went ahead with what I was familiar with considering the price delta. I included a panel pic, but considering the functionality of an Ipad in flight now, I went ahead a left a blank spot on the panel to mount mine. A few factors for me in consideration are: 1.) I sold my BadElf Pro when I upgraded my panel, with the intent of buying a stratus 2 or a GDL39. Since then, it seems like AHRS and Syn Vis have become increasingly popular. But since I don't have either one, I'm not married to either system. I will admit that the Flightstream 210 is pretty appealing, and considering that both can benefit from it, I may get one regardless of this decision. 2.) This year, a subscription of the Foreflight Pro Plus is $199, while Garmin Pilot is $74.99 for the base subscription and an additional $74.99 for the IFR Premium package. 3.) They both are now integrating Logbooks, documents, Synthetic Vision, Geo-referenced plates, etc. so it seems like functional features are a moot point. 4.) The only thing I have found that is a big difference is the forefilght Web which is still in Beta, but will make for easier flight planning if I leave my ipad or phone in the plane, car, house, etc. I don't have any real world experience with Garmin Pilot beyond the trial period I enrolled in last spring, which was minimal, but it seemed to be pretty friendly as well. Are there any limitations or advantages of one over another that I'm not considering? It looks like they are going the way of standardization, and it's quickly becoming a game of preference vs. feature set and functionality. I did notice that Garmin has the VIRB integration, which is pretty cool, but would not be a deal breaker for me. Abe L. Harper, Jr. 1R8 N7463V - '75 M20C
  18. HOUSTON , July 16, 2015 /CNW/ -- ForeFlight, maker of the leading app for pilots, today announced connectivity with Garmin avionics, broadening the flight planning, in-flight, and connectivity capabilities available to customers. When connected to Garmin Flight Stream , ForeFlight Mobile customers can now wirelessly receive ADS-B weather and traffic, precise GPS position data, and dynamic pitch and bank information on iPad or iPhone. Additionally, flight plan transfer capability is currently in development and will be available in a future app update. ForeFlight Mobile now connects to the Flight Stream 210/110, Garmin's Bluetooth ® wireless gateway, and displays the full suite of ADS-B weather and traffic information received via the GDL 88/84. The Flight Stream 210, with its internal attitude sensor, powers ForeFlight's Synthetic Vision and adds backup attitude capability with dynamic pitch and bank information. WAAS GPS position information from GTN™ 650/750, GNS™ 430W/530W navigators, or GDL 88/84 with an internal WAAS receiver can be used to power features like ForeFlight Mobile's moving map, geo-referenced approach plates, and taxi diagrams to enhance situational awareness in the air and on the ground. http://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/foreflight-announces-connectivity-with-garmin-avionics-300114174.html
  19. Foreflight with syn vis and Stratus 2 is really amazing!
  20. I've spent months considering how to upgrade my technology-deficient panel to get the best situational awareness bang for my buck, as well as get ADS-b compliance over with. I'd settled on: (1) a Garmin GTN650 (2) trading in my geriatric Bendix KT76A transponder for the inexpensive, plug and play KT74 for ADS-b out (3) using the Stratus 2 with ForeFlight for traffic and weather. It makes sense for me to stay with ForeFlight, as this is what I've gotten somewhat adept at using as a newbie pilot. I could instead get a Garmin GDL88 to put traffic and weather on the GTN650, but the added expense for this info on the small screen doesn't seem worth it, and I don't really have the panel space or budget for a large MFD in my '68C. So I figure let the ipad do some of the work. BUT then I see this: https://buy.garmin.com/en-US/US/in-the-air/avionics-safety/sat-comm/flight-stream-110-210/prod153681.html For 0.5-1amu, you can transfer nav data from your ipad to the GTN650. Sounds awesome, particularly as I hope to start instrument training soon. I'm guessing this kind of ipad integration is the future. But the catch right now is that you have to use Garmin Pilot instead of ForeFlight. Ok, so maybe I'll suck it up and learn to use the other app and also get a Garmin GDL39 instead of the Stratus for ADS-b in. The problem is, Garmin Pilot is not nearly as loved as Foreflight, with the strong negative opinions encapsulated here: http://flythewing.com/308/Blog/Entries/2015/1/12_Garmin_Must_Buy_ForeFlight.html How are others with finite budgets and scant panel space working through these issues? Will there be ForeFlight-Garmin integration soon, and I should do my original install plan? Should I switch to Garmin Pilot? Should I wait a bit longer to let the Foreflight vs Garmin market shake out? My parents went with Sony BetaMax in the late 70's, and I don't want to repeat their mistakes...
  21. Just updated foreflight and they have changed the interface. Seems cluttered to me, what do you think?
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