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Everything posted by LANCECASPER

  1. I went and looked at it personally in April. Tanks are leaking, shock discs are original, paint is much rougher than the pictures show, oxygen tank is timed out, turn coordinator is inop, the LED display is going on the KLN89B, TKS is suspect - does not distribute all the way across on either side. Times in the ad are a year ago in October. Total time is now 3827.9, meaning engine time is now around 1650 TT. Of course it is out of annual so there's an unknown there as well.
  2. The Eagle has a STEC 30 so it won't track a glideslope or do a LNAV approach. For a simple autopilot with altitude hold the 30 is OK and if it's combined with GPSS it makes cross country flights easy. I had an STEC 55x in a partnership on a Piper Mirage and an STEC 550 in a partnership on a Piper Meridian. They are ok, but still no match for a King that has a nice firm turn on a localizer intercept or a decisive descent on a glideslope capture. The STEC in both of those airplanes hunted around for a course at times - even with a trip to the factory in Mineral Wells. If ATC brought you in above the glidepath you were going to hand fly the approach. Instructors for SIMCOM, the company that does recurrent training in those airplanes nicknamed the STEC autopilot S-TURN as the course intercept was vague at best.
  3. The deal breaker for me on the Eagle would be the autopilot. The STEC is not up to the standards and speed of the airplane. That would be very expensive to change out.
  4. http://www.mooneypilots.com/mapalog/prepurchase_inspections.html http://www.mooneypilots.com/mapalog/prepurchasehowwhy.html http://www.lasar.com/sales/checklist.asp https://mooneym20.wordpress.com/2012/12/25/project-mooney/dsc_0058/ http://home.comcast.net/~mjcoyle/aviation/mooney-primer.html
  5. Gill 7243-14 and Concorde 24-15 are the same price http://www.aircraftspruce.com/catalog/elpages/gill11-13534.php# http://www.aircraftspruce.com/catalog/elpages/rg2415.php?clickkey=915735 The Gill warranty: The manufacturer will replace with a new battery without charge (except for transportation) any battery which fails in service within 90 days. Addition of any chemical other than water or battery grade sulfuric acid voids this warranty. After expiration of Service Guarantee, adjustment will be made on pro-rata basis based on unused months of service. Batteries that are broken, discharged or fail due to freezing or abuse are not covered. The Concorde warranty: Warranty Coverages Should the CB Series or RG Series battery fail within the first 180 days from the date of installation or 300 hours of operation, whichever occurs first, it will be replaced by the distributor free of charge to the customer. As a reciprocating engine starting battery or as a standby battery for essential power, the Concorde aircraft battery is warranted for two years (730 days) from the date of installation or for 1200 hours of operation, whichever occurs first. Should the battery fail after 180 days or 300 hours, but within two years (730 days) or 1200 hours of operation, the battery will be replaced or credit issued for a pro rata amount based on the days or operating hours of useful service life, whichever is greater.
  6. I bought my first Bravo in '96 and changed Gills every two years, not by choice. On the next Bravo, after the first Gills went bad I went with Concordes and no problems for years. On the Ovation I have now it had Gills installed in 2014 before I bought it. I kept a battery minder on them, didn't have any problems, but two weeks ago decided to replace with Concordes and the correct Battery Minder (S5). If anyone wants a great deal on two 2014 Gill G-243 and you live around San Antonio let me know. They will be cheap.
  7. I would go with a portable GPS instead. Leave the compass that's in there right where it is to be legal, but if your DG or HSI goes, I'd much rather have the accuracy of a portable GPS for heading than any compass.
  8. There's only one that will work with a GDL 39 3D - that's Garmin Pilot. If you've already bought it for your iPad it's free for your iPhone.
  9. Just to back that up for the Lycoming TIO-540-AF1B engine, this says either the 48110 or the 48111: http://vargaair.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/11/oil_filter_app_chart.pdf
  10. I had a couple Bravos over the years - it's the 48110.
  11. Bob Minnis of Minnis Aviation (678-398-9781 cell 678-361-5696) is still around. He's in Georgia and had already sold Midwest Mooney. He developed and still owns the STC under Minnis Aviation.
  12. Don't get a plane with TKS and remove the TKS. You are taking what cost $30,000 to upgrade (Non-FIKI) and basically throwing it away. Also the TKS is your leading edge on the wing. The sheetmetal work alone to bring it back to original would be a huge cost. Just find another plane that doesn't have TKS.
  13. I sold a Garmin 530W for $8200, a KT-76C for $900 and paid $13495 for the Avidyne IFD540 and AXP transponder combination, so I was out $4395 there. The two were plug and play with the wiring that I had. My avionics guy installed the wiring for the WAAS position source to the transponder and did all of the paperwork for $500. That took care of ABS-B out. I use the Garmin 796 and the GDL 39-3D that I already had for ADS-B in. The interface on the IFD540 is awesome - huge upgrade over the 1998 interface and resolution on the Garmin 530. I had planned on waiting but having the traffic you get by participating in ADS-B out is well worth it. I could have waited but I would also have missed out on the benefits for the waiting period. I agree that the weather on the ADS-B is adequate and you get NOTAMs which weren't available on XM.
  14. Thanks for the good suggestion
  15. You should be good to go. I'll PM you off line.
  16. Concorde RG24-15 is the only way to go. They last 7-8 years. I use a batteryminder (s5 specific model for Concorde) with a y connector to keep them both charged and conditioned. The Gil batteries are a complete waste of money.
  17. Everything that is in the picture is included. No yoke mount. Works perfectly.
  18. One of the few who has bought the 770 is happy: http://www.beechtalk.com/forums/viewtopic.php?f=21&t=107762
  19. http://www.aircraftspruce.com/catalog/elpages/portPowerCharger24ces.php?clickkey=6351
  20. Thanks, you're next on the list. The buyer is supposed to come and pick it up Thursday. If you want to PM your contact info I will let you know if it doesn't work out.
  21. Garmin aera 500 GPS with case, sunshield, books, etc. Excellent condition. First $400 plus $10 shipping gets it. Price reduced to $360 shipped lancecasper@me.com
  22. I've had it three yrs. I have two of them and only need one. I use the 796 and the iPad but the 796 is much more reliable and stable. Lance
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