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Everything posted by LANCECASPER

  1. If I remember correctly, the dual puck brakes started with serial #0108 on the M20M.
  2. This might work: https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:4340751
  3. Frank handles both of those e-mails I believe.
  4. Contact Frank Crawford at support@mooney.com and let him know what you need. Frank is very resourceful.
  5. It looks like it's only approved for Cessnas (and Reims), but it looks like a direct replacement. https://www.aircraftspruce.com/catalog/elpages/igswitches.php They also have another kit with the ignition switch and locks that use the same key for baggage and door. https://www.aircraftspruce.com/catalog/elpages/igswitches2.php?clickkey=13673
  6. They might have just forgot to connect it when the put the belly back on. I've done that once or twice.
  7. That has the Pilot's guide, but he is looking for the Mooney-specific KAP100 AFMS that goes in the POH.
  8. Mooney has a whiteboard which we saw back on the tour during MooneyMax 2024 where they have parts that need to be ordered, the number backordered and the minimum order before they place it. The advice is to go through a Mooney Service Center. Have them backorder a couple of them for you. Sadly with some MSCs you have to convince them to place the backorder. Mooney has said that once they reach a certain level on backorder that exceeds their minimum order with the manufacturer, they will place the order. Quite a few people that have needed these in the past few years just demand them now and complain about the company, never place the backorder and won't listen to reason. I haven't needed many things in the last few years, but every time I have followed the advice they have come through for me.
  9. People thinking that ADS-B traffic is just as good as TCAS foolishly remove these during panel "upgrades". The good news is that the processors are available at a reasonable price. As an example here's what eBay has at the moment: https://www.ebay.com/sch/i.html?_nkw=SKYWATCH+497&_sacat=0&_from=R40&_trksid=p4432023.m570.l1313
  10. Around 2006 Mooney started a new process of sealing tanks, I believe using sealant on components as the tanks were being assembled rather than waiting until after to seal the tank. I've heard that the long term results have proven much better.
  11. The danger with high gusts is that they may have had a lot of correction in on final and then either very little wind in ground effect in between gusts or another unexpected high gust. It's hard to maintain rudder control and power correctly on short final in those situations. Whatever the flight crew did that helped evacuate all of the passengers quickly is worthy of high praise!
  12. This subject comes up every few years on Mooneyspace. The limiting factor in the Mooney airframe is the tail. There have been STCs that go up to 310hp and 2700 RPM, but the Type Certificate for our airframes have only gone up to 280hp. Mooney engineers have commented that in flight tests at higher speeds that tail flutter was observed. It's not a good day when your tail separates from the airframe. To get a turbine engine conversion approved you'd need to re-design the tail and the landing gear for higher gross weight since you would need to be able to carry more fuel to feed the turbine, since they burn more. Then you would need to convince people to fly on oxygen on every flight since the only place that turbines are efficient is up in the flight levels. Rather than develop this, it would be a lot less expensive just to buy an early Piper Meridian that's pressurized and already has a PT6 turbne.
  13. Your GDL52 is SXM, not XM.
  14. I have never seen that in any of the seven Mooneys I've owned. My guess is that a previous owner had a hard landing with a tail strike.
  15. The $10 Marine XM worked for Nexrad on the Garmin 396, 496 and the 696 (all GXM30 and GXM40 XM antennas), but I never got it to work on the Aera models. Everything since the GXM42 Antenna has been SXM(SiriusXM satellites), not the older XM.
  16. My bet would be the yoke switch
  17. Pull the breaker and they'll drop like a rock.
  18. I keep the basic XM subscription ($29) and an xm audio infotainment subscription. For a long trip XM shows a nice nexrad radar picture across the country - much better than the blocks of farther out ADSB. In the grand scheme $29/mo. isn't even a rounding error on my aviation expenses. Sirius XM plans: https://www.siriusxm.com/aviation/packages?intcmp=Global Nav_NA_www:aviation:plans_Plans Legacy XM plans: https://www.siriusxm.com/content/dam/sxm-com/pdf/aviation/XMWX_Aviation.pdf Differences between SXM and ADS-B: https://www.siriusxm.com/aviation/siriusxm-ads-b?intcmp=Global Nav_NA_www:aviation:plans_SXMvsADSB
  19. When I did mine on a Bravo that I had, the IA just signed off as replaced door seal, as he would if he had replaced it with any other door seal, since there are several different manufacturers of door seals. He just happened to have replace it with the best door seal. After that door seal was installed and tweaked a little after a couple flights, it was the quietest single engine piston non-pressurized airplane that I have been in. Priceless!
  20. @redbaron1982 had this repair done a few years ago and could probably provide some insight on cost and time involved.
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