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Everything posted by LANCECASPER

  1. Rocket Engineering had the STC to do the L (Porsche )and M (TLS and later TLS Bravo) Mooneys with the LTSIO 550. They did a few but I don't think they do them anymore.
  2. "As an aside, and of course we don't know exactly what happened, but it appears that IMC took out this man, his wife and his 9 YO son." IMC didn't take them out, but lack of training and poor decision making did.
  3. Could you do it in 2500 feet? Yes all of us could do it on most days and you would hone your skills knowing that you had to fly by the numbers every time on each landing. However, I wouldn't want to be based there and have to do that every time. Extra runway length can make us sloppy if we aren't keeping up our proficiency, but I still like the extra margin it provides on those days when everything doesn't go right. Just because you can doesn't mean you should . . . I have an Ovation 2 that has the 310hp STC and as others have said take-off is not going to be a problem, however one other thing to think about is an aborted take-off. If something does feel or sound right I like to have some extra runway there so there's a possibility I could set it down, taxi back and check things out rather than making a trip around the pattern. Just my 2 cents
  4. Here's another option: The patterns can be ordered from: http://planepatterns.com/products/ The material can be ordered from: http://www.soundexproducts.com/order.html I did this on a 1989 TLS Bravo that I had and it made a difference.
  5. I would definitely make sure you have an insurance policy that allows that before you charter it to other pilots.
  6. He was the least funny of the Marx Brothers.
  7. Keeping old shock discs on a Mooney is false economy when you calculate how expensive it is to do tank re-seals, replace landing gear parts, etc. http://www.knr-inc.com/knr_inc_joomla/shoptalk-articles/25-shoptalk/23-200904-does-your-mooney-need-a-chiropractor
  8. He and his wife agreed that he should put the airplane up for sale. Asking price was never talked about.
  9. You can also look on flight aware after the flight and it will show whether your ADS-B was working properly.
  10. Thanks for posting that - I started subscribing to Flying in June 1985 and took my first lesson the next month. It's fun to go back and re-read some of those articles.
  11. Aircraft Spuce sells it in black https://www.aircraftspruce.com/catalog/appages/windlacedoorwelt.php?clickkey=35093
  12. Have the hangar elves pull off the old wing walk (they may need a hairdryer or heatgun to soften the adhesive as you, oops they, go). Help them find the screw by the cabin door that leaks and then follow this link: http://donmaxwell.com/publications/MAPA_TEXT/_overlay/Fuel%20Tank%20Repair_How%20We%20Fix%20Them%202-05.htm Look at the section entitled "Panel Screws". I bought Permatex #3 at O'Reilly's Auto Parts. I gave the elves a new stainless screw and had them cover the threads with the sealant. They tightened it and made sure there was some sealant oozing out of the top once it was tightened. They let it cure a couple of days and then put on the new wingwalk. Aircraft Spruce sells the self adhesive wing walk material. I used a couple sheets of poster board before I removed the old wingwalk and made a template so they could cut the new wingwalk accurately. https://www.aircraftspruce.com/catalog/cspages/3msafetywalk.php I bought 6 feet of the 24" wide for my R model. The hangar elves did the repair for about $75 and they did a really good job.
  13. https://www.aircraftspruce.com/catalog/elpages/wamcolamps.php Part number 7327 $.52
  14. I just went through this - its the switch made by Bendix King on the yoke thats going bad. There are three microswitches inside. http://mooneyspace.com/topic/14138-cleaning-the-yoke-trim-switch/
  15. N301D 2001 Piper Meridian
  16. I think my experience and others who had similar experiences is why his website now only shows the 28v model for Mooneys. It used to recommend the lower priced one but then say that Ovations needed the 28v model. Before, their strategy was to show a low price on the DeWalt to look good against the other brands in that price range, but in reality if you are going to spend the money to buy a 28v Minimax, just get a Redline Sidewinder - looks like a better engineered product. https://www.redlineaviation.com/mooney/sidewinder-mooney-airplanes/
  17. I tried the Minimax and it was a bad experience. I stopped by the booth at Sun and Fun last April. He advertises that the Ovation (and I would guess all long bodies) needs the Milwaukee Drill upgrade, at the time I had a K model so naturally the mid body should be fine with the DeWalt, as he verified in person. A couple of months later I order it and there is no way this thing has enough power to move the M20K. I call him and he says I should have ordered the Milwaukee version but maybe he sent me the wrong bottom geared unit. I take pictures, go back and forth and finally he agrees to take it back. I paid shipping both directions which i consider tuition. What did I learn from this education? I learned never to do business with him again. I have heard good things about the Sidewinder but have never tried one.
  18. +1 on this. The way the airplane taxis, and the firmness on which it lands really depends a lot on these shock discs. I bought a '97 Encore from the original owner and the first thing I did was change the shock discs - all 11 of them had '97 dates on them. Later I bought a 2000 Ovation and the shocks discs were 11 years old - they were not absorbing any shock and the airplane sat "tail low" on the ramp. Every landing was very firm. Since the discs were changed I notice a difference in the way it taxis and absorbs the shock on landing and like the way it looks when it sits on the ramp - much more level. Mooneybuilder - Do you notice a big difference in how long the heavier long body M, R, S and TN can go on their shock discs? Thanks Lance
  19. Awesome news, and happy to hear. Just one follow-up question for Stacey & Mooney, though: he specifically said ADS-B Out. I'm curious what, if any, facilities there will be to equip with ADS-B In so that we can have weather and traffic options on the MFD to replace the TIS-B and GDL69. Is that something that Garmin has to address or is it a Mooney issue as well? Under the "Compatible Devices" tab, Garmin mentions regarding the GDL-88 that future support is planned for the G-1000. https://buy.garmin.com/en-US/US/in-the-air/avionics-safety/weather-solutions/gdl-88/prod63471.html
  20. I recently updated a 796 on a Macbook Pro 15 Retina, no problems.
  21. I don't have one but here's what their website says http://ultimatedoorseals.com/repairs.html By the way, do you like it? Is there noticeable difference?
  22. Bose X Headset with Coiled Cord option and Panel Power Lemo Connector - Excellent condition. Ear cushions replaced recently. Will include new mic cover. Bose case included $395 shipped. lancecasper@me.com
  23. I think you'll find something that will work here: http://sloanled.com/indicators/downloads/SloanLEDIndicatorsCatalog.pdf
  24. I just sent you a text "Bob Cabe is a Mooney Instructor in San Antonio (210) 289-5375"
  25. I have owned both the 696 and 796. The 796 is hands down the best portable on the market. I like my iPad for a lot of things but the 796 is designed for aviation and very intuitive. In 10 minutes you have everything it can do figured out. The geo-referenced approach plates are excellent. I have in connected to a GDL39D and the synthetic vision is great. I used my yoke mount and mounted it on my center post - not ideal but OK. My only complaint is that a subscription for approach plates is too expensive.
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