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Everything posted by LANCECASPER

  1. Sale closed today. New owner is a Mooneyspace member
  2. There are a lot of these (KNS80) in good shape for sale - it's an easy, cheap swap until you decide what you eventually want to do.
  3. Anthony, Here's the right Batteryminder for the Concordes in your Ovation : http://www.aircraftspruce.com/catalog/elpages/batteryminder11-14352.php?clickkey=58037 It with come with one connector for a battery. You need one more of these for the second battery: http://www.batteryminders.com/ring-terminal-assembly-rta-2415 To hook up two batteries to the same Batteryminder get one of these: https://www.aircraftspruce.com/catalog/elpages/batteryminder11-12442.php You may also need an extension to run it out to the Batteryminder through the external power door, https://www.aircraftspruce.com/catalog/elpages/batteryminder11-12443.php?recfer=6622
  4. If you don't have one already, may I suggest a Pilot's Guide for the King Autopilot? http://www.ebay.com/itm/112103606028?item=112103606028&viewitem=&vxp=mtr
  5. In December Gulf Coast had a special going for $14995 for the IFD540 and the AXP340 transponder. If you have the space go with the 540.
  6. Once Mooney announced the Ultra anyone who was thinking of an Acclaim or Ovation waited for that, Too bad they didn't wait until it was certified to announce it.
  7. Prices went up a lot during 1993. Serial number 150's invoice is below. N134JF Mooney Invoice 1993.pdf
  8. Ipads are amazing devices and I use one every day of my life including when I fly, as a backup, but I use a Garmin 796 which is designed for the harsh environment of an airplane. It's never let me down no matter what the temp. The used prices keep coming down and now with Garmin's new nav data prices it's comparable to the Ipad. (That being said though, the only times I've ever had the iPad overheat on me were my fault since i left it in direct sunlight, in a case. Now I make sure and take it out of any case so the metal case can dissipate heat. The iPad is a multipurpose tool that happens to do aviation apps. The 796 is designed solely for that purpose.)
  9. Coming to a Circus near you . . .
  10. The 1991 J model uses the same flap motor as the K model
  11. Wow - that was a deal for transponder with waas position source, ads-b out.
  12. I had this happen on an Ovation. Had the fuel system adjusted, still did it. A new set of standard Tempest massive electrode plugs (roughly $300) completely took care of it. I think taxiing full rich will only make it worse.
  13. The old GPS antenna may not work, unless it's a WAAS GPS antenna. That link shows that the Appareo includes a new WAAS antenna. I would make sure that's the one that gets used. He may be able to use the old coaxial.
  14. Now all you need is a Kool Scoop. I've had one of these on every Mooney I've owned - works great during taxi. http://www.aircraftspruce.com/catalog/appages/koolscoop.php?clickkey=4323
  15. The G5 does not need to be installed by a Garmin authorized dealer. Here's what Trek from Garmin said on Beechtalk: Hello Brad, I did confirm yesterday that the G5 certified does not fall under our install guidelines and can be ordered online and the unit installed by your local A&P. however they will need to register the unit on the Fly.Garmin website in order to get the STC documentation for that install. _________________ Trek A. Lawler Supervisor, Garmin Aviation Field Service Engineering Aviation Product Support - - - - - - https://www.aircraftspruce.com/catalog/avpages/garmin-g5-cert.php http://www.chiefaircraft.com/gmn-k10-00280-00.html
  16. That kind of condescending attitude toward another human being is nauseating. Anyone who has to tell you repeatedly how much better he is than you loses the respect of anyone who understands good character.
  17. Tom, This is what I used on the TLS that I finished a few months back. It helps some with the sound but especially temperature as well because of the radiant barrier. http://www.soundexproducts.com/information.html It's not cheap - the 3/4" x 36" x 48" sheets are over $122 each but the material is super high quality and easy to work with. I ended up with 2 complete sheets left over. I think I have with shipping about $270 into it. If you want the two sheets which should do your airplane I would send it to you for $150 shipped since I know you're in the middle of a huge project. Lance
  18. It looks like they will special order it in white also
  19. I'll upload a 1997 M20K Encore POH. Here's a link to my Dropbox: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/piyn0vr2hxq1h2m/AABHJCqv81CR-daCUaXGvgNma?dl=0
  20. A couple possibilities: http://www.ebay.com/itm/Floscan-Fuel-Transducer-Model-201-Used-/152184198375?hash=item236ee294e7:g:xmQAAOSwENxXmVyb&vxp=mtr http://www.ebay.com/itm/Cessna-182G-Floscan-Fuel-Flow-Transducer-M-N-231-/331875811665?hash=item4d45570151:g:gA8AAOSwbYZXVyuK&vxp=mtr or better yet, a complete Shadin with transducer: http://www.ebay.com/itm/Shadin-Fuel-Flow-Model-912041-/142068307787?hash=item2113ee574b:g:5sYAAOSwyDxXh51j&vxp=mtr
  21. On a Bravo recommended is 25 hours.
  22. No matter what you do, when you find an airplane you're ready to pull the trigger on, get a pre-buy done on it by someone who knows Mooneys well. It is the only logical part of the airplane buying decision . . . especially if you are financing part of it.
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