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Everything posted by LANCECASPER

  1. Ordered this from Aircraft Spruce for a friend a couple weeks ago, but it turned out he didn't need it. Still in the box - never installed or even out of the box. New at Aircraft Spruce they are $550. Buy this one for $500 shipping included. Fits all 24 volt Mooneys.
  2. I just ordered a set of new pre-cut baffle seals from GEE-BEE. On the last oil change a MSC had not laid the baffle seal correctly before cowling up the airplane - it was running hotter than usual. I discovered that before my annual and ordered a set. The material that GEE-BEE uses will make it much easier to make sure they are leaning forward when the cowl is put back. Anxious to finish up the annual so I can see what difference it made. http://www.n252q.com/2007/09/baffled-about-baffling.html
  3. Here's a good price on the kit (2 o-rings per Shaw cap and a cotter pin). I got mine from him and am satisfied. https://www.beechtalk.com/forums/viewtopic.php?f=44&t=130666
  4. The black ones will sometimes show cracking within a year. The fuel resistant blue ones are the way to go. http://www.csobeech.com/fuel-caps.html
  5. Every Mooney I've had when I bought it leaked from one of those two screws. Putting in the right size screw with this on it has fixed it every time: http://www.aircraftspruce.com/catalog/eppages/permatexprod4.php?clickkey=288791 It is slow drying especially this time of the year. I've let it dry and cure usually for a week and then used this for wing walk: http://www.kofflersales.com/p/anti-slip-abrasive-tape.asp?cid=23 I order the KSC regular grip by the foot, 24" wide. You can do the wing walk for about $50 shipped. It turns out great.
  6. Take it to someone more familiar with the system.
  7. I bought it from Kurt and watched it last night - very interesting video. I'll make the same offer Kurt did - $30 and I'll pay shipping for the next person who would like it.
  8. That's the AXP340 Transponder, not the audio panel.
  9. I am always amazed at Don's engineering and inventive abilities.
  10. I've tried them all (Minimax, Robotow, Nose Dragger, Powertow, etc, etc.) over almost 24 years of owning Mooneys and by far, hands down, the Redline Sidewinder is the best all around solution. PLENTY of torque, portable, built very well, zero complaints. Don't even think about a MiniMax, even if someone was to give you one. Do a search of "Minimax" on here to see why.
  11. Which of these would work on a built in system on a Mooney? http://www.ebay.com/sch/i.html?_from=R40&_trksid=m570.l1313&_nkw=transfill+adaptor&_sacat=0
  12. Could you share what the installed price of the Stratus ESGi was on a Mooney?
  13. It won't hold the relay shut. I have the plug which connects to the battery minder (which sits on the floor of the hangar) zip tied and accessible through the oxygen filler door. I have the two batteries on a Battery Minder 210-AY splitter connected to one Battery Minder.
  14. Goof Off is usually pretty good at these type of things. Of course the headliner will cover it so no one will ever see it.
  15. Please PM me your e-mail address
  16. If you type in "Crownair" under the search you'll find a lot has been written about them.
  17. $6000 for an annual by an MSC in San Diego Ca on a Mooney that hadn't been to an MSC in awhile doesn't seem out of line. I think there are other MSC's where that same annual would have been pushing $10000. Most likely going to cost more where you live since it costs more to do business there. I'm sure they did some routine things that get overlooked in a one day annual.
  18. Call me cautious but I am not a fan of in flight mag checks. Scenario . . .If you switch to L and and your only good mag was the R mag - not something I want to deal with in the air. Back in '99 I was flying a Bravo over Metro Atlanta and the engine started running rough. I asked a much wiser more experienced pilot who was in the passenger seat, "What do you think?". He said, "I think I see an airport". We landed at Peachtree Dekalb and sorted it out on the ground. It ended up being a bad mag and got it replaced the next day. Even though we had some altitude I was happy we verified that on the ground, not over Buckhead.
  19. Mike Elliott is about a Mooney hour away
  20. This one used to belong to Parker then Tim. http://www.controller.com/listings/aircraft/for-sale/list/category/6/piston-single-aircraft/manufacturer/mooney/model/m20k-encore
  21. It took a lot of engineering to get it to fail so soon but it ties in well with their company philosophy "We're not happy until you're not happy." Why do I feel this way about Gill batteries? Two new Gills were put in on 9/14/2014 for almost $1000 with labor on an M20M I bought November 2015. I replaced one of them immediately, just after one year in service, with a Concorde since it wouldn't hold a charge and now I'm replacing the other one with a Concorde this week since it's dead. Over the past three decades, early on, I bought Gill batteries thinking that since the initial cost was a little less that I was saving money. That was false economy. Their product has continually gotten worse. The Gills each cost about $250 per year to own. The Concordes each cost between $50 and $100 per year depending on how they are maintained.
  22. People seem to get an average of 5 years for a Concorde, with some getting much more. Maybe an average of 3 for a Gil, with some getting much less. The 24v J Model can use a Concorde RG-24-11M http://www.aircraftspruce.com/catalog/elpages/rg2411m.php Or for $10 more the Concorde RG-24-15 http://www.aircraftspruce.com/catalog/elpages/rg2415.php. It has 13.6 amp hours vs. 11 for the RG-11. Three pounds additional weight. concordeeligibility2014.pdf.pdf
  23. Heres the link to the video
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