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Everything posted by LANCECASPER

  1. "Piloto" on Mooneyspace (Jose Monroy) developed the ATD300. Maybe he'll chime in and discuss the benefits of active traffic. My thoughts are if it's in there why take it out?
  2. cackling. 1 : to make the noise or cry a hen makes especially after laying an egg. 2 : to laugh or chatter noisily. crackling 1.the making of slight cracking sounds rapidly repeated. 2.the crisp browned skin or rind of roast pork. 3.Usually, cracklings. Southern U.S. the crisp residue left when fat,especially hog or chicken fat, is rendered. It sounds like you have either (1) a chicken laying an egg in the backseat with a headset and mic on or (2) maybe someone frying bacon in the backseat. If you're smelling bacon also I'd say it's #2. Is this happening just in the mornings around breakfast time? Seriously though I would try to isolate it by turning everything off and then adding radio by radio. Make sure it is not the headset you are using. Edit - just noticed your 2nd post re: the alternator. That sounds like the culprit especially if it improved when you add more load.
  3. That's part of it. Not going to go into all the reasons on a public forum. After owning a '96 Bravo I ended up selling it to get into a partnership on a new Piper Mirage in 2000 (me and one great partner). After a couple of Service Bulletins that grounded the airplane for many months, I ended up in a partnership on a Meridian (me and one great partner and one horrible partner). After that experience I got back into a Bravo and then a job shift caused me not t have much time at all to fly so I sold it. I own a great Ovation but had the opportunity to buy the TLS that Dr. Fontaine owned. I wanted less into an airplane and want to eventually own a hangar home.
  4. It's a longshot but I would pull every circuit breaker except the com radio and see if it does it. If it doesn't then add one item at a time to see if it can be narrowed down.
  5. The fine print is that if the 2200 hours is within 12 years that is the TBO. Of course if it's within 5 years (40 hours per month avg) then the TBO is 2400. Both of these figures are highly unlikely for most GA owners.
  6. There's a lot of truth to that, otherwise even though it might be 50/50 the one who owned 100% of the airplane to begin seems to always feel like it's their airplane that they are letting the other person fly.
  7. I would put one Avidyne transponder in just so it could envy the other Garmin transponder
  8. The 310 HP STC is specific to the 3 blade Hartzell prop http://hartzellprop.com/hartzell-aluminum-composite-top-props-now-available-various-mooney-models/
  9. Just a couple hours ago Avidyne announced that they got EASA approval for the Avidyne 540 and 440 !
  10. It's on trade-a-plane. http://www.trade-a-plane.com/search?category_level1=Single+Engine+Piston&make=MOONEY&model=M20R+OVATION3&listing_id=2157310&s-type=aircraft
  11. Just the difference in the 2 blade and 3 blade prop. The rest is negligible.
  12. What was the cause of the complete failure?
  13. I can't even imagine everything going black in IMC on approach - very sobering. Great idea putting in the SAM with the battery backup and the COM 3 and XPNDR 2. I still can't believe that Mooney (and Beech in the Bonanza) got the G1000 approved with the backup instruments on the far right - very difficult to use those in the most difficult of circumstances - and with no backup nav whatsoever (thankfully now everyone has an iPad or something like it). Back when this got approved, wouldn't it have made more sense to put a 2" attitude, altimeter and airspeed somewhere in the pilot's field of view?
  14. I can see resetting it once or maybe twice but continuing to reset it sounds like bypassing the safety of the circuit breaker and a good recipe for an electrical fire. You mention IO-550 - if it's on an Ovation you still had two batteries worth of electricity and maybe even a back-up alternator to get down safely.
  15. If you clean the Goof Off or Goo Gone with rubbing alcohol the new decal should stick just fine.
  16. The GDL 39 is completely independent and not interfaced at all to the 430W.
  17. The cost of the prop ($12,000?) plus about $8000 for the STC, prop governor modified for 270 rpm, labor.
  18. The 696 doesn't have bluetooth. You'd have to use a GDL39 or GDL393D with the combination cable for ADS-B in. The 796 has bluetooth.
  19. http://donmaxwell.com/publications/MAPA_TEXT/_overlay/Fuel Tank Repair_How We Fix Them 2-05.htm Look for the solution under "Panel Screws". It works. A tinnerman washer along with that fix helps too. Once you get it fixed, for new wing walk, this product at kofflersales.com works great. You could do 10 wing walks with one roll. Easist to make a template out of poster board first.
  20. Definitely go with the Energizer and not a lightweight starter. The lightweight ones tend to kick back and take out the Starter Adaptor which is much more expensive than the starter.
  21. Reddero, If it's for your 252 I think you need the 646275 (24 volt) starter.
  22. There is an aviation aisle at Home Depot, Lowes, True Value, etc . . . Just kidding, the hangar elves many times do their shopping in these aisles.
  23. If you're thinking of inducing labor, take her on the return to San Marcos, it's sure to happen.
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