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Everything posted by thinwing

  1. I havent heard the Bravos lycoming ignition system as being described as "challenged"before...do you mean induction system??
  2. he was over the runway at 2000ft agl so i am having trouble with his landing short even with the engine failure....im thinking he needed to speed up and not slow down...at least to best glide
  3. uhu contact cement
  4. no kidding..and all the entrys handled by the box instead of mental gymnastics i no longer have
  5. my IFR rating was in a Maule m5 with good basic navcom,adf and vac guages but no autopilot.At age 27 I felt comfortable flying in fairly low imc from fog but never in higher icing alitudes to clear mountanous terrain.Sure we trained to do intersection holds with one navcom or adf but I would never go back to serious IFR flight with that kind of equipment now at age 70.I probably would not have undertaken half the current flights I feel good about because the advances in gps,moving map,digital autopilots ,turbo charging ,FIKI ice protection have made all the difference .Sure any one unit can fail just like the engine can and we fly with many good backups to all the glass...I could probably figure out an intersection hold in IMC but if that were actually the case ,I would be declaring an emergency and getting all the help via radar vectors i could.I still to this day have a good idea where the nearest basic vfr (1000 )before any IFR flight.There is a reason all the airline guys fly with all the equipment they have.
  6. i must be weird..i have old carpet in a tshape and just scoot arround on my back...it gets blown out every couple of months
  7. its a hassle..the only fairly sure way is to show up with an aircraft appraisal from a certified appraiser
  8. ive done frozen turkeys and ice creme to wilderness campers
  9. correct...another administrative judge if I understand the appeal process correctly
  10. well the problem as i see it...a non avation savvy judge can ultimately deside if a potential site used as a landing area (not an airport)is an apropriate landing area.The judge in the Trent Palmer case sites "lack of a windsock"and runway markings as a basis of appropriate landing site,This is contrary to what is currently taught to pilots operating in non airport environments.
  11. speaking of Martha...she is back to flying as a student pilot ...may have all ready got her PPL
  12. Also it is not even June yet and temp is a balmy 97 degrees!
  13. More pedantic....above chart shows two bands occupied by vhf amatuer radio bands in the 2 meter (144 to 148 mhz)and 1.25 cm (222 to 225 mhz).Also a poor impedance mismatch wont effect recieve decible but on transmit a really poor SWR say 3 to 1 means high percentage of radiated power is reflected back down the coax to the radio.There ,it has no where to go but backup to the antenna,than back again...this resonating wave is what causes finals to burn out.Antenna tuners (matching network impedance )can balance this out...our 10 watt am transcievers are desighed to put up with a lot of mismatch but in a poor match ..10 watt transciever has the same effective range as a low power handheld ...also a HAM....amatuer extra class
  14. this was my go to method
  15. It was different time...field approvals were far far easier from our local GADO (general avation district office ?)
  16. 1500!!!...assuming half the avalible 2340 weeks were even flyable due to winter ,storm or wind conditions over a safe 8 or 10 kts...that is truely an impressive number even for professional ride pilots...I fly with a mentor pilot about my age who shows me his 2 or 3 hundred flyn badges....hes at 600 and has been flying about the same time...you must have been averaging twice a week ! (for my fixed wing friends...a typical hot air balloon flight lasts about an hour but typically takes an hour or so prep time on takeoff and after landing with requirement for 2/3 people to crew,so getting weather,crew and time off work to all lineup...Steves logged 1500 actual flight time is an increadable feat!)I am truely impressed!
  17. Me too...kubichek 105k racer...once you get your class 3 special issuance...(it would be good for I guess a year maybe)that is time to go basic med...Avemco could ask you to review it every year even though it is good for 4 years with 2 year course (through aopa)....much easier and better with your own cardilogist and you to review for basic med requirement
  18. very funny,even better when Tom took James skydiving....especially funny is James bolting ,and running away!!!
  19. steve ,as you know there are currently only 2 LTA insurers that i know about so at 72 you donot have any insurence history for fixed wing except 83to87.With that being said,because of your advaanced age,Avemco is probably your only bet.Unfortunately,you not having a need for class 3 since you sold your 201,you cannot use basic med because of the 10 year requirement.This assuming you simply flew hot air balloons with out any medical ,which is perfectly legal.I think your real obstacle is getting a 3rd class medical probably with yearly reporting requirements....Im guessing that alone will take more than ayear..good luck
  20. there is a lookout parking lot overlooking starwars canyon ...typically 50 60 cars parked with USPS stating No Drones.So flying thru there now could result in 500 ft violation of people etc....with the typical careless and reakless add on...
  21. and those lithium batteries...my 100 mile range Nissan Leaf is now down to 33 mile range.Cost of new battery is twice what 2011 leaf is worth.I plan to drive this thing till battery goes dead and than donate the thing.I donot plan to ever buy another electric.
  22. Does Bob Kromer repair turbos?
  23. the only temp i can actually manage is TIT....and I notice it is lowest upon touch down but than a 1/2 mile taxi and turn arround its back up to 950 plus...idling for about 5 min sometimes less it drops back down to the low 700s.It takes a real leap of faith to pull up to the hangar and just shut down.So according to Deakin..I am causing early turbo wear...but I am currently at 1450 hrs on this airresearch(garret?) and can detect no noticable bearing roughness,unusal runout,squealing noises .(I check this every 25 hr oil change by loosing clamp to compressor duct to intercooler and hand spin the compressor wheel )ive had to rebuild the wastegate due to an actuator oil seal leak and when i sent this out to Gary Main I asked him what best practice re turbo cool down.He advised just keep what im doing ,.but coking is more of a design issue of how the turbine shaft housing with their bearings are supplied with oil.He feels my airresearch turbo is particularly robust...I think he said the bearings are actually ceramic..The smaller units in the twin turbo continentals were according to him less than robust maybe due to smaller physical size.I dont really know..but hes the guy that repairs them in Calif.
  24. this one is really pushing a violation IMO!...out there in n nevada...folks have house on 10/20 acre lots.He was invited to land at his friends rc strip ..say 600/700 useful.He makes a high and low recon to assess the area and decides to beg off.This is precisely what the FAA advises in their circular for off airport landings.IT was my guidance when landing at friends places with big enough property in my bell 47.Any way...one of the neighbors doesnt like the other neighbor rc flying..and go out and cell phones Trents approach.Judge bascally rules since he didnt complete the landing,it was an unnecessary low flight and violated the 500 ft rule.This is rather strange circular logic thought up by the FAA adminstrative law judge.My big concern is that every time I fly my hot air balloon...I am constantly evaluating landing approaches...frequently below 500 ft or less than 500 ft from nearest structure.If I see powerlines or animals or unfavorable takeout I add flame and climbout They never occur at airports and are thus all off airport landings..SO..some Karen calls this in ..than according to this judge ,Im in danger of risking all my certs. on the fact I didnt complete the landing.Personally i feel his flying groups call sign"flying cowboys"is unfortunate because I think the FAA hates that term...a pilot acting like a cowboy was a deritiveof some one flying like yoyo.My belief..the FAA is out to make a example of another utuber so close on the heels of parachute plane crash guy and redbull ignoring FAA waiver refusal.
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