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Everything posted by ArtVandelay

  1. This is inside the fuselage, where is the dirt coming from, I'd expect a little dust, but that looks like mud?
  2. I thought I read the FAA is removing a bunch of ADF and VOR approaches early next year. Edit: found it, Feb 4, 2016...March 31, 2016, about 250
  3. Above 380 I lower nose to get extra speed, at 400 I would go full mixture and lower nose some more.
  4. I have AIG, just sent in renewal form: 400 & 250hrs I hope is enough to get me better rate.
  5. I would check radios at various frequencies to insure no squawk breaks with devices plugged in and charging.
  6. Not sure about that, but I will put my M20C up against ANY airplane in the most important performance standard:. MP$ (miles per dollar). It leads just based on acquisition price, if you throw in maintenance and maintenance reserves, it's the winner hands down. Don't forget to subtract the sales price, otherwise the cheapest airplane would almost always win. If you do that, I think all NA lycoming 4 cyl would end up roughly the same.
  7. That's a fast J from what I've seen/heard. Maybe 160 for an average-type J? I pulled that from the POH which I've found to be pretty close to spot on, but haven't tried it myself.
  8. I've had to deal with both, AOPA for service requests, and Garmin for a problem, no issues. And no I don't work for either.
  9. I think all single light installations are 46, the dual wing mounted are 36. To be sure, measure your current light diameter.
  10. Do you have an engine monitor?
  11. I would have to change my oil 4 times when I did my cross country trip last year, in a two week period. Everything I've read says engines don't wear out, they corrode out from inactivity.
  12. 200-300 hours a year? How many hours on the engine? I would at least price it as a runout.
  13. I lose oil thru the breather, as my oil accumulate hours, I lose at a faster rate.
  14. Don't forget the POH numbers use standard temps, so if it's warmer than standard you performance won't be as good. Also if traveling north or south and winds from west to east, you speed will be less because you'll be fighting the winds to remain on course, that's why winds hurt more than help.
  15. Ground speed is variable depending on winds, what was your weight, you lose about a knot/100lbs? Try flying higher, 6000', WOT, 2600 RPM should give you about 165k depending on weight, at 8000' you'll improve your FF a bit. The ? is how does it compare to POH? These look pretty close to my 78, I never cruise at ROP, rarely below 7000' unless it's a short trip.
  16. Anybody had any claim experiences with Falcon? When I was looking I read http://www.ravenware.com/factand/nofic/owning/buying.html and skipped Falcon.
  17. Commercial ratings do nothing for your insurance rates, as per my broker. Costs may depend on area you fly in.
  18. Ditto, except my FF is closer to 8gph, I got all the speed mods and remove my tie down rings.
  19. If I didn't fly for 5 months or more, I would not be worried about price of fuel.
  20. If a plane ever needed a prebuy inspection, this is it.
  21. Is the actuator,back spring in the current acclaim that much different, wouldn't it be easier,cheaper just to retrofit the newer part number?
  22. Linkage is all tight. I am leaning toward a new Governor as well. Guess I know what to ask Santa for Christmas. You said you only had 80 hrs on it SPOH? Maybe a call to the shop that did the overhaul and see what they say? I've got 400 hrs SPOH, mine doesn't do it as often as yours, on a 4 hr trip it dropped about 10-15 times.
  23. I notice that too, it only lasts for a second, unfortunately the JPI data is a bit noisy, the display must smooth out these variances. I only notice it at cruise. Here is what my FF and RPM looks like.
  24. Us crazy weather ? We don't have mud slides, droughts so bad restaurants can't serve water, etc. They don't call it the sunshine state for nothing. The downsides: thunderstorms pretty common, it can get hot ( you can avoid both by flying in the AM, humidity is high The closer to the ocean, the more moderate your temps, Orlando runs 5-10 degrees warmer than Daytona in general. Occasional hurricane, you'll have plenty of warning.
  25. That would bother me, blocking the line of sight.
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