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Everything posted by ArtVandelay

  1. Here is video that discusses this:
  2. Did you use the PGD location? Since I would probably go with them if I bought the Aspen, can you elaborate, PM me if you rather. Thx
  3. Really? I file /g and have gotten direct many times, and usually get then on GPS approaches. I normally stick to airways just to avoid the many MOA areas.
  4. Did you "Settings" under wifi to see if it's connected?
  5. The inspection rate is fixed, then add for oil, filter, etc. the rest depends on what they find.
  6. My 650 required a new antenna so if the answer is antenna specific keep that in mind.
  7. Never 0, 2.5-3.5 at low idle
  8. I think for redundancy you would want 2 separate antennas, when I was in you position, I replaced the 430. My backup is my iPad and VOR,ILS on second nav com radio.
  9. If you have the visors and just need the brackets, a good substitute is a wire clamp (might be called something else), it's a metal clamp with rubber.
  10. They're advertising PFD pro installed for $11789, sounds like spending more for the pro would save you money [emoji1] They have to install a backup GPS antenna, are they doing the GPSS as well?
  11. The problem with the ongoing chute save count is deciding whether the chute really help. For example in a recent incident the Cirrus was getting low oil pressure, and could have glided back to the airport if required, ended up pulling the chute. I'm with you on airbags, it should be trivial STC to include all M20 types. The other danger other than impact forces is fire, which I think bladders could help and of course the soft landing via chute should prevent.
  12. Something like the Mooney M-18? Exactly except with more horsepower, improve the aerodynamics (the exposed cylinders aren't helping, great for cooling tho).
  13. A plane designed to carry 1 person, no luggage and probably limited fuel, empty weight is probably 800lbs so drag from lift and frontal area is minimal. It's all about the weight and parasitic drag.
  14. Here is what Bob was referring to
  15. Thinking out loud, could you tie the chute release to the speed brakes and/or landing gear? It would certainly bring down the speed and the landing gear would help soften the impact if landing on a hard surface. To be effective probably would have to improve the deployment speed.
  16. What app? I use the skew-t app for iPad : SkewTLogPro Are you still on the "free" year for the app? Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk I'm not sure if I paid for it or not...
  17. I think your fine at any altitude as long as you are away from airways. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  18. What app? I use the skew-t app for iPad : SkewTLogPro
  19. Don't know, the app also returns no data error.
  20. What am I suppose to do with that paper? POH or logbook?
  21. If it wasn't captured on video it never happened. [emoji6]
  22. Almost every 30+ year old plane is going to have some blemish or 2, if it's just cosmetic I wouldn't bother repairing. I would ask for more pictures, top, bottom view, and aileron
  23. I don't understand the repack requirement. Is this because of the rocket or the chute? Can't they seal it in breakaway plastic to protect from environment? There is a video of the chute deployment, it takes about 10 seconds for it to stabilize in the horizontal position.
  24. If you want to test you ignition system, do a in flight mag check. Set up in cruise, LOP, do the mag check like you do on the ground. Check to make sure EGTs rise on a single mag, if any don't rise then you have a plug that's not firing.
  25. Not to mention they have the same seating position.
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