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Everything posted by ArtVandelay

  1. I would try flushing the fuel flow sensor with carburetor cleaner and verify electrical connections are correct and secure.
  2. My totalizer is usually within +/- 1 gal, the overhauled factory senders less accurate, maybe +/- 2 gal, more close to full, probably because the full tanks hold a bit more than spec.
  3. I also adjust my seat so I have to point my toes forward to activate the brakes, makes it impossible to accidentally hit the brakes.
  4. Either I think, from the certified text: Additionally, G3X Touch can now serve as an attitude source for the GFC 500 autopilot, which does not require the G5 electronic flight instrument when installed with G3X Touch.
  5. You can check the senders by removing them and check the electrical resistance as you move the arm. If they don’t read correctly or the arm doesn’t move freely they can be sent in to be overhauled.
  6. Don’t forget an engine monitor.
  7. I believe the sun does something to the plastic, I’ve had this happen to sunglasses, I used acetone to remove the damaged layer of plastic.
  8. Id expect CHTs around 350°, I only see 390° on climbs. I always cruise RPMs 2400-2500 and LOP so only can compare to my climbs with cowl flaps open but airspeed of only 100 knots.
  9. Oil pressure and temperature is low. Edit: and your CHTs are a bit high for that fuel flow.
  10. Does BK go to the SunNFun and Oshkosh? I would be asking them questions.
  11. Can’t read the entire tail number, looks like N6425?
  12. Define reputable? MSC? Think about what you’re saying; you don’t want the OWNER to be in control of his own aircraft. That will make a lot of owners nervous. I think limiting the distance from the home airport is not an unreasonable restriction and not allowing flying it to be flown to the buyers home airport would be understandable as well.
  13. They changed it starting #1616, although earlier years may be retrofitted, my 78 has this and the various engine drain tubes are mounted there. I wonder where they put the drain tubes with the flat cowl flaps?
  14. I thought the senders were connected in series and should be 0-30 ohms, or 0-60 when connected in series. Check the other tank to make sure you’re measuring it properly.
  15. I can’t imagine FAA not requiring a license of some sort…this isn’t a plastic drone.
  16. How does a panel upgrade effect the landing gear? In other words what made an avionics shop inspect the landing gear? And what specification were they using to decide if the landing gear bolts were worn too much? I think they would need to swing the gear and check for play, something that would be done in an annual inspection. So either your annual inspection shop overlooked it or the avionics shop went looking for labor intensive ($$$) work, what you called a deep dive. Either way, I would not be happy and would be questioning the shops involved.
  17. What prevents a unscrupulous mechanic from taking advantage of this opportunity? Can a mechanic go out to the tie down area and start grounding planes because he feels they aren’t 100%? Sometimes it’s a judgement call, as owner and pilot, I want the final decision.
  18. Well, that’s a good point. I definitely would limit the surgery (borescope cylinders is fine, but no removal of cylinders to inspect the internals). If I limit just inspection plates, spark plugs, and some interior pieces, then I could put it back together myself if needed.
  19. Prebuy is solely the buyer’s responsibility, all fees should be paid by the buyer and I would get that in writing along with acknowledgment this isn’t a inspection, just a evaluation of value of the plane and the plane would be returned to original condition.
  20. You fly it home, prebuy AP needs to return to original condition.
  21. Camguard may help to prevent corrosion, but it won’t clean up or heal any existing corrosion damage.
  22. Or just deflate the nose tire.
  23. I didn’t say they were permanently closed, still odd to see this (maybe GP started tagging closing recently, and I just never knew it). And private airports are usually marked with an R.
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