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Everything posted by ArtVandelay

  1. I just have to wonder how the electronics of the Surefly will stand up to heat and vibration over many years.
  2. Not for cracks, but for a hole I imagine you’d need to layer fiberglass mat or piece of plastic underneath and then bond it and smooth it out with the Permatex.
  3. Mine too, I estimate they are about 2-3 feet from the AP servos…any motor or any wire with a large enough amperage will cause interference with the magnetometer. There’s a free app “magnitude” that will measure magnetic field strength you can use to check areas, just be sure strobes, landing lights, and motors are operating.
  4. AFAIK, our 1970s VR technology doesn’t do temperature sensing so that level is going to be the same when it’s 13.
  5. First, mark the yoke position. Id recommend putting anything you’ll interact with on the right side of the yoke, because I assume you fly with your left hand.
  6. I use Permatex Plastic Weld Adhesive (Cream color).
  7. 13.7 is charging, if you don’t believe me, pull your field CB and then look at the voltage. However, it’s charging at a low rate. A good thing to do is check the voltage drop from your battery terminal to the alternator, it shouldn’t be more than 0.1V. A bad connection or relay can cause significant voltage drop which means your alternator may drive the voltage to 14.x but the battery could only see 13.x.
  8. I would check for the cheapest and easiest to fix problem first; is the belt loose?
  9. Do you want to build or do you want to fly?
  10. FYI, Fort Pierce SS fuel pump is not available due to them starting construction on new hangars, they will be dismantling and moving it. There’s a NOTAM. Other than that, it’s business as usual.
  11. To me Hard means you have IFR and other factors that make it more difficult. Turbulence, potential thunderstorms, potentially icing, night, reported clouds below minimums; all add additional stress.
  12. Crapping out won’t hurt the battery unless you drain it completely. Overcharging can, but 14.2-14.7 wont, here’s a chart of ideal battery voltages (I assume you have an AGM):
  13. Sounds like the right time to install the battery, easy to do and since you already have it, after 6 years the battery doesn’t owe you anything and you’d hate to be grounded away from home because of it. If that doesn’t work out, check all connections on alternator and voltage regulator are clean and secure. If that doesn’t work, try a new voltage regulator.
  14. Hmmm, responding to potential customers has to be priority 1 in the broker business. I understand not wanting to just answering random questions, but if specific to a plane he’s selling, he better respond if he’s my broker.
  15. Let’s not forget that generating electricity has it’s own pollution/carbon emissions. Not all electricity is generated by wind/sun/nuclear power. And manufacturing of wing and solar panels have their own pollution and carbon emissions, nuclear has it’s own environmental problems. It’s more economical to store electricity and use in cars, but the batteries are a pollution problem as well.
  16. Good question, I had problems in the beginning, it kept giving me warnings when it shouldn’t. I adjusted the settings but haven’t actually tried to test it by doing slow flight.
  17. The AV20S is not approved under a STC, but under NORSEE standards and is only legal as a secondary instrument. I too use it as a 3rd option, just in case the Garmin network of instruments went kaput. It also has AOA functionality if you’re interested in that too.
  18. Some of you are way more patient than I am. I’d be on phone to local avionics shop making an appointment to upgrade my panel. Do you guys still have rotary phones too? [emoji38]
  19. That assumes the STC holder is still in business.
  20. Not me, I was burning 7.9gph, for 64 gal,(standard for the J) that’s 7 hours plus an hour of reserve. By personal record is 6 hours, but that’s not a record I want to break.
  21. What happens if someone loses an STC document, asking for a friend? I know 337s are copied to FAA
  22. In aviation, there’s no problem enough money can’t fix. ;-)
  23. Yes, not just because of extra fuel, but also more efficient running LOP: In picture above I was getting 21.8 mpg, no wind it’s 17+.
  24. Here’s a thread discussing this: https://mooneyspace.com/topic/34636-auto-pilot-kfc-150-vs-replacement/
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