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Everything posted by ArtVandelay

  1. My AP mentioned having to trim the windows, but didn’t mention milling them. I took the trimming to be trimming the size of the windows.
  2. Hmm, I think it’s a better stress test to do the mag test with the mixture leaned but not severely so. I have to enrich the mixture to get rpms up, but not fully. Full mixture only on low altitude takeoffs. I have an engine monitor, I ignore rpm dropping, and focus on cylinder EGTs to make sure all cylinders are firing.
  3. Start pulling circuit breakers?
  4. Your prop control is all the way in, Js max rpm is 2700. Edit: BTW, the controls should not be able go to the panel, they should be adjusted to come up just short.
  5. I love westbound flights, similar area of the country, similar result. I noticed you’re running max rpms, I reduce it to 2500 to make for a quieter ride, it won’t hurt your TAS that much.
  6. Yes, it’s has External Flight Plan enabled.
  7. The instructions that came with the STC seem basically simple, remove retainers (screws or rivets), etc. I don’t see anything that requires a major change.
  8. I think I figured it out, well sort of. The old GTN has a setup page to configure External FPL crossfill, the Xi DOESN’T, or as least it’s not documented. The only reference is in the error messages, which seems to confirm this: If it was supported they wouldn’t tell you service is required,they would point you to the setup section. The GTN does have an External FPL crossfill setup, I need to go to the hangar and see if it’s an undocumented option. Do you have an Xi or old GTN? I can’t believe Xi has less functionality than its predecessor.
  9. Would it drop the price? Is getting a PP really that much more burden than a LS? If our planes are now LSAs, would that labeling lower the prestige and the prices?
  10. What does the engine monitor show you?
  11. I’ve tried the flight plan transfer from iPad to G3X, no joy. My GTN flight plan was empty. There’s not even the connextX symbol on the Garmin Pilot flight plan page to attempt it. When I switched to internal it gives me the warning that the flight may be updated and I can transfer the flight plan. If I switch back to external after transferring the flight plan it removes all waypoints and is empty just like the GTN. I went through the configuration menus on the G3X and didn’t see any pertinent options. Any ideas?
  12. So obviously logbooks should be kept. But what about sales receipts? Especially if past warranty period. What about equipment no longer installed? I assume all docs (PMA, manuals, receipts, etc) can be trashed. I want to clean up the mess of documents.
  13. Search for mini rocker switches, filter on white curved actuators O/I markings, SPST. That should get you down to less than 25 choices (Digikey showed 27). Pick appropriate amp rating. It looks like they don’t have any in stock, you’ll need to order well ahead of time.
  14. You mean this:
  15. That’s why I ask about the Flightstream, it should handle both kinds of data streams. Check the connection type to FS510 is ConnextX (I’m assuming the 210 and 510 have same functionality, with the 510 also having database updates). Maybe the FS510 needs to have its settings changed?
  16. I think it’s an indication problem, bad connection or probe. And no, they’re not reliable or accurate in my experience, which is why I replaced them with an modern engine monitor. Do you think your cylinder temperature is 475° and your oil pressure is just above 60?
  17. Winds at 14k are usually benign during summer months, but sure to check wind forecast, you might want to fly lower altitude to improve ground speed when returning westbound.
  18. iPads can have multiple Bluetooth devices connected, Aera can’t, so choose: flight plans or ADSB data.
  19. Yes, it’s hardwired to G3X, because Aera can only handle 1 BT connection, that’s connected to the GDL52R to get traffic and weather. I don’t think Aera can send flight plans to GTN, I tried that once I think. So GTN can broadcast plans it out, but I haven’t gotten it to receive one yet.
  20. I don’t have Flightstream, so I will try it with source external and see if it works.
  21. I’m using Garmin Pilot on an iPad as well. I thought ConnextX wouldn’t work if G3X source is set to external?
  22. Are you using Flightstream to transfer directly? Yes, flight plan transfers to G3X and my Aera 660 from GTN 650Xi as I enter it, G3X source set to external.
  23. I agree, especially since they can land in a parking lot and don’t need a 2000+’ runway. NORDO, slow, and landing against traffic…what could go wrong?!
  24. On a related subject, I’ve been unsuccessful getting a flight plan from my iPad to G3X to GTN. If I set GPS source to internal, I can transfer from iPad to G3X, but switching back to external (GTN), it doesn’t sync up, even if the GTN flight plan is empty. There’s a YouTube video where supposedly this works, but could be the experimental version. Is there a setting I’m missing?
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