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Everything posted by Hector

  1. Jeppesen green label NavData cards = $75 SOLD Jeppesen Skybound adapter = $45 These were used with a GNS 430 before removal for upgrade. Will post here for a week then Ebay.
  2. This all came out of my bother-in-laws Cherokee 6. All was working nicely before he decided to go all glass panel. To set the price I looked at same items on eBay and Barnstormer and then went a little below to hopefully sell quickly. If someone can show me that I priced it too high make a serious offer and I’ll reconsider. For regular Mooneyspacers it all comes with a guarantee . If you don’t like it you can return it and I’ll give you your money back. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  3. The below came off for avionics upgrade. I'll post it here for a week or so and then off to eBay or Barnstormer. Everything was working when removed a couple of weeks ago. 1. Garmin GNS 430 (non-was). P/N 011-00280-10 (14/28 VDC). Includes tray, backplate and connectors and GPS antennae. $3200. SOLD 2. KX-165 NAV/COM P/N 069-1025-01-R18, 14VDC with Glideslope. Plastic lens over NAV frequency has scratches but does not affect unit when its on. $1350. SOLD 3. Garmin GAD 29b P/N 011-03236-11 with connector. $350 4. Garmin GMU 11 P/N 011-04349-01. $125 4. KI-209 VOR/LOC converter and glide slope indicator, P/N 066-3056-03. $750. SOLD 5. Suction Gage P/N AW1821AF03. $60
  4. Congratulations Christian. Beautiful airplane! Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  5. My bother in-law has gone all glass and he is getting his airplane back from the avionics shop tomorrow (5/17). The vacuum system was removed and he had both a regular and backup vacuum pump. If you are interested I’m sure he selling that stuff cheap. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  6. South Florida Mooney drivers, I’m looking for instructor or school recommendations in the Miami area. Good friend got the bug and wants to get his PPL. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  7. Garmin 496 just removed from my Mooney where it was panel mounted. It comes with everything you see in the pictures, including 2 glare shield antennas, two stick antennas, XM antenna. Everything was working when removed. It also includes the data cable in case you want to panel mount it (the data cable is short but usable). $350 plus shipping. The AirGizmo panel dock is not available.
  8. Used Novus as well with good results. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  9. I have a PJ2 and a Vertex 220. Both are nice but the PJ2 is what is in my flight bag. I’ll sell the 220 if anyone is interested. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  10. Congratulations! Glad that airplane found a worthy owner. Take care of her and she’ll take care of you and you both can create countless new memories together Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  11. It just takes a big enough tree... Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  12. Saturday attendance at SnF was record braking. The parking lot was full and they had to park cars at the nearby Geico facility. The other days not so much and the vendor presence was disappointing. In the other hand I was able to speak with the folks that were there, like Garmin, uninterrupted for al long as I wanted. BTW, I did speak with the BK guys very briefly and they said end of May for Truetrak approval for Mooney’s. . Do I believe that? Absolutely not. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  13. Again, lots of ways to find restaurant while you are on the ground. Once you are in he air in a long XC not so much. An App that had a built in database that can be updated regularly would solve that problem. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  14. You would think there would be an app for this by now. Phone knows your GPS location so it would search nearest airports with a restaurant and include some kind of rating system where pilots can give the restaurant a star rating. I run into this issue on long trips in areas that I’m not too familiar with and I don’t know of an easy way to find these airports Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  15. Loved airplanes the first time I saw one. When I was 6 or 7 other kids where playing with toy cars and trucks, I had nothing but airplanes and aircraft carriers. Many a battle were fought in my back yard. When I was 8 my dad’s boss offered him and my older brother a ride in his piper 180 and I promptly pushed my brother out of the way. There was no way I was not going to fly that day. That was my introduction to GA and I couldn’t stop thinking about that flight for weeks. In high school I worked evenings and weekends to make enough money for flight lessons. Shortly after graduating from high school I got my PPL. Then it was off to college to study aeronautical engineering of course, but the plan was to graduate and go to the Air Force or Navy to fly jets. My nearsightedness killed that plan but I graduated with an aero engineering degree and got a job as a structures engineer working on A-7s. Not long after that I got my instrument rating and then came wife and kids and aviation activities slowed down a bit but never stopped. Flew rentals for many years and was part of a Navy flying club with access to T-34Bs for $50 an hour. Flew the hell out of those T-34s. Always loved Mooney’s and a colleague at work had one but was moving up to a twin so I became a Mooney owner. Now over a thousand hours in the old Mooney and I still look forward to the weekends to fly her. Grateful to have spent an entire career (32 years now) working on airplanes (F-18’s now) and looking forward to retirement soon so I can spent more time.....at the airport flying my Mooney. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  16. When I transition from pavement to grass or vice versa as OSH I never do so at 90 degrees or anywhere near that. I ease into it by getting one main on the grass (or pavement) and then slowly transitioning the other main (parallel entry). Yoke back as far as it will go and go SLOW. Remember rolling on grass is going to take a lot more more throttle (specially if wet) so the elevator will be more effective so keep the yoke on your chest the hole time you are taxing. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  17. It’s now been officially confirmed by SnF that tickets sales have broken all previous records and they have dropped the daily attendance limit in order to accommodate the crowds. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  18. The discounts I have seen before at the air shows is really more like buy a year and we’ll give you 13 months. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  19. Last time I checked Rain-x contains alcohol which is known to cause crazing in acrylic material with prolonged use. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  20. Have not used their hub system but just before I bought my C the previous owner had done an avionics upgrade and fas stack build the custom wire harness. He just told them all the boxes in the panel and where they were and they built a wire harness with all the correct connectors to tie it in all together. He installed all the new boxes and just plugged in the new wire harness and it all worked perfectly. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  21. Wow!!! You would think someone would be yelling Hot Mike! Hot Mike! Instead of letting this bozo continue his story. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  22. I don’t know. I helped install a TT on a piper and the installation was pretty darn simple and straight forward. Around 35 hours but I’m sure after you do it a few times you could get it down to 25 or so. Then I had the chance to fly behind it and I found it to be intuitive and simple.....and quite capable. Yes it is not certified below 700 but it flew the GPS approach hands free to the runway numbers with a stiff crosswind. That being said, there is a place for the TT I think. I would not choose to install it in anything more than a J model. But for a replacement for the older models it is quite reasonable since you are not likely to get back what you pay for a GFC500 on an E or even an F when you sell. BTW not having the trim servo on the piper was a non-issue, and I suspect it will be the same for any plane that didn’t come with a trim motor like most older Mooney’s, and ATC did not complain at all when I entered a course vice a heading in the TT. The TT was even very handy for an ILS approach as entering the final approach course as you centered the localizer made it an exercise in maintaining glide slope while letting TT fly the localizer final approach course regardless of cross wind conditions. All in all not a bad little AP for the money for older Mooney’s......if it ever comes to fruition. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  23. It does not appear COVID will have an impact in attendance this year. My understanding is that ticket sales are WAY above normal. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  24. Put me down for the up block Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  25. What I do. After leveling off at the desired altitude and heading and making all final adjustments to mixture, etc, i watch the course heading in the GPS to see if I’m slowly drifting left or right with PC on. Then I adjust the roll/aileron trim as best as possible to maintain a fairly constant heading. It is not perfect as the PC is not intended to hold a heading, but you can get it dialed in pretty good with aileron trim so the drift left or right is minimal. I then engage my Accutrak if I want to fly hands off. You want to get the aileron trim dialed in correctly anyway before you engage Accutrack or it will be constantly adjusting for a left or right course drift. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
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