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Everything posted by Hector

  1. Wow. Been there a number of times on my way to or from the keys as a fuel stop ( gas is expensive in the keys). Anybody know how long the blue crab season is? Might need to make a run. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  2. Tight fit but after you do it a few times it’s easy and you don’t need to spill a drop of oil. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  3. This. The rest is fairly low risk but if you screw up the fuel strainer in particular you will have a very bad day. Get someone to show you how to do this properly before you attempt to do it yourself. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  4. David, thank you for the report and I have one question. By any chance do you know if you can do the flight plan transfer via connect (Bluetooth) while at the same time show weather and traffic on ForeFlight via wifi from a stratus3 for example? I’m actually considering the GNC355 because I already have ADS-b in/out. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  5. We use MAUS ultrasonics scan to inspect F/A-18 wings skins (composite) for voids, disbonds, delaminations. It is not unusual to find some voids or small areas of delamination but these can be tracked to see if they grow. Inspections can be put in place to ensure safety. Cirrus could, if they want to, institute a fleet leader program at some point through their dealer network whereby they inspect high time aircraft to see how well the composite structure is aging and use the data to extend the life limit. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  6. Flight bag. Always with me no matter which airplane I fly. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  7. There is no documented fatigue life limit for Mooneys. There are also some very high time Mooney’s out there with no evidence or findings of fatigue cracks in critical structure. Most of the aluminum structure is 2024-T3 which has excellent ductility and the steel tube structure is lightly stressed. The killer for Mooney’s is corrosion. If you can keep corrosion under control the airplane will outlast you. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  8. Most aluminum casting alloys can be welded, but welding aluminum takes some skill. Do I want to take the chance the mechanic who is doing the welding has the required training/certification? Frankly, I rather have a new part machined from a superior alloy. The first one lasted 50 years. The new updated part using a superior alloy will be the last one I will buy with little risk and piece of mind. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  9. Agree David. Need to figure out what it is made of. If it’s an aluminum casting I can almost guarantee that 7050 will be superior but the drawing will need to specify the grain orientation as the the properties of this machined part can vary depending which axis you pick (anisotropic material). Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  10. If we can determine the alloy for the original part we can certainly come up with an improved alternate. If we can’t find documentation to determine original alloy then we’ll need to have it tested (chemical composition, hardness, conductivity). I may be able to help if it comes to that Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  11. VERY COOL GUYS!! The value of this community is awesome. To put this in perspective, frankly, we don't know the long term future/viability of Mooney as a company. It may very well be that we will need to start relying more on each other and this community, and folks like Maxwell, David (Sabremech), LASAR, and others who are willing to make parts to keep our birds flying. It should also be noted that in order to remain in the good graces of the FAA with these owner produced parts, technical documentation in terms of a good drawing produced and maintained by folks that already have a relationship with the FAA I think is important.
  12. Yes there is one section there that is not removable but does have a couple of access panels so you can get to the flap actuator and other stuff. I think you can inspect well enough through those access panels and although I doubt it is a structural skin (carrying loads) I'm not sure and would be hesitant to remove all those rivets and swap them with screws/nutplates. Probably not an issue but it is a mod I would need to further investigate before I jump into it. I do have a couple of the belly panels that are actually sheet metal screws and those are more of a PITA than anything. I have screws of different size/diameter in the same panel and putting them all back in is a trial/error business as I never bother to note which screws came out of which holes. I am seriously considering converting those to RivNuts so they are all the same. It really does not bother me that much that there are 1000 screws in the belly. If they are all the same type/size with the right tools they can come off and back on in under one hour.
  13. Alright. Donated. Let’s see if we can get there Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  14. Awesome!! So we have a 3-D model of the part. We can 3D print it if we want to compare with the real part as a last check before we go to production. I can do that if we feel it is necessary and ship it to whoever is doing the verification. Then Sabremech uses his CNC shop to make the Parts?? Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  15. I have never setup a go fund account so I’ll let others take a crack at that but if no one comes forward to do that then maybe we can just get a PayPal email to send Money to. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  16. Probably the best way to go. If all the folks here that are interested in buying a set of these pitch in some for the drawings it should be a minimal amount. Actually surprised the drawings are that inexpensive. Where I work, an engineer would have to review and approve/sign off the drawings and his time alone would be more than that. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  17. My Brittain work great. I’ve had to fix the bellows by re-taping them but no big deal. Unfortunately I don’t have the altitude hold option, just the Accutrak (Also have a brand new accuflite with heading bug DG that I never installed). I find it very reliable and easy to fix but I want altitude hold and so waiting for Trutrak. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  18. Interested as well Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  19. Love Mooneyspace as well. Learned A LOT in the seven years I’ve been a member since I purchased my Mooney. The combined knowledge about Mooney’s, avionics, flying, etc., is an incredible resource. Search can be a bit tedious, but persistence pays off. I do wish folks would use their names but I can live with the anonymity. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  20. If the current Chinese investors have thrown in the towel and are now just contemplating how to recoup/salvage whatever they can from their initial investments then it may be really bad (liquidation). Hopefully, as many of you have expressed, there is money to be made in parts sufficient to keep a much smaller Mooney in business. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  21. I think we are all hoping that at a minimum Mooney can remain open with a skeleton crew selling spare parts as they have done in the past. My fear, if the Chinese investors can’t find a new buyer and they don’t want to remain open to sell spare parts, they will liquidate the Mooney factory selling off all the tooling, equipment, etc. Needless to say, if that happens then it will Truly be the end of Mooney. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  22. This thread came to mind this afternoon as I was burning gas for no particular reason. My iPhone measured 93 in my plane today at 7500 (22/2400). Near the upper edge of the door there was no difference but at the aft lower corner it measure 95.5 so obviously have a leak there. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  23. Option 1. Replace the KI-209 with a KI-209A and have a switch so you can have either the KX-155 with glideslope or the GNC-375 coupled to the KI-209A. Have the KI-209A Drive the Accutrak this way the Accutrack will follow whatever is coupled to the KI-209A at the time. Alternatively you can have the KX-155 and GNC-375 wired directly to Nav1 and nav2 in the Accutrak. My KI-209A is wired to the Accutrack (nav1) in a setup very similar to yours with a king radio and GPS Coupled to the KI-209A via a selector switch. Nav2 in the Accutrack is actually open so I could add a third navigator to the mix if I wanted. In your case you could wire your second KX-155 to nav2 directly Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  24. https://www.firstcoastnews.com/article/news/local/plane-makes-emergency-landing-at-cecil-airport-after-landing-gear-fails/77-f7734610-c8eb-44bc-bdf8-36aa3f319bda Here is an update. It was 1965 M20C I presume with a Johnson bar. The only way that gear would not come down is if something broke (control rod failure, J-bar weld crack, etc.) or the gear was jammed. J-bar failures are rare so I would really like to know what happened here. I have a 67C with J-bar in annual at the moment. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
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