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Issues with traffic intermittently displayed

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I have active traffic, as well as adsb in/out, on a g1000nxi.
I left Florida for Texas Sunday and the traffic was working fine. 
However, by the time I flew over Houston, later that day, I could see only three planes on my display. 
This was unbelievable for Sunday evening over Houston so I turned on the stratus and I was correct. I was only seeing a tiny fraction of the traffic.
The interesting thing is there doesn’t appear to be rhyme or reason for which planes show up and which don’t. I may see an aircraft 30 miles away and 15k over me or under me, but the one 1000 feet below and two miles away doesn’t show up. 
Most times I see none of the traffic at all, and sometimes I see a portion. 
One would think if it was broken you would see nothing, and if you had antenna issues you would only see what’s close...

I called garmin, and they said they would send me a procedure to check, I got a blank email...

The system pages shows all items functional, it isn’t a menu setting, or preference for detail etc. 

Anyone ever have a similar issue?

I know a visit to avionics is in order, hoping to trouble shoot myself first...


Let’s see who we can invite to the conversation…

@donkaye knows many Garmin details…

@PT20J Skip has read and memorized many Garmin manuals…

@mike_elliott Has flown in a few of the most recent G1000txi paneled planes….

Question about Traffic not being displayed properly for unknown reason…

Best regards,




I don’t know the specifics of your transponder/ADs-B….but I’ve seen this with various systems.  Be sure that the ADS-B set up is set to indicate that you have ADS-B IN capability.  This is critical for the ADS-B ground station to know you are expecting the traffic data.  If your aircraft does not have this enabled, then you are relying on other aircraft in the area to ping the ground stations and create their own “donut”.  This results in the intermittent operation you describe.  Will drive you crazy.   Of course this is just one possible cause, but one of the easiest to verify.

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I may need to open a new thread, but just stumbled on this while searching. I just recently installed a garmin gtx345 and both my instructor and I have noticed that traffic will almost completely drop off for a period of 5-15 seconds and then come back. Almost like the bluetooth signal is not working correctly. This is not a remote mount system. my ipad is a foot and a half away from the transponder. I've read that disabling bluetooth on the ipad and let the transponder establish a gps connection. Then reconnect to bluetooth. Would something like this also possibly be happening here? How does the g1000 connect to the transponder. is it that weird garmin device? Sorry still a noob in all of this.. It surely can't be bluetooth or any other wireless tech right?

1 hour ago, haymak3r said:

I may need to open a new thread, but just stumbled on this while searching. I just recently installed a garmin gtx345 and both my instructor and I have noticed that traffic will almost completely drop off for a period of 5-15 seconds and then come back. Almost like the bluetooth signal is not working correctly. This is not a remote mount system. my ipad is a foot and a half away from the transponder. I've read that disabling bluetooth on the ipad and let the transponder establish a gps connection. Then reconnect to bluetooth. Would something like this also possibly be happening here? How does the g1000 connect to the transponder. is it that weird garmin device? Sorry still a noob in all of this.. It surely can't be bluetooth or any other wireless tech right?

It's wired directly in if you have the GTX-345R.


For an update... I don’t know exactly what was causing the problem but the system, kept reverting to standby, and discriminating traffic rather than active and unrestricted. 
I could change the settings, and sit there and after a minute it would just cycle back. 
I shut down the system. Unseated all the connectors and LRU’s that  I could access without taking out the headliners, and reseated them. 
when I booted back up it all seems to stay as set, and two flights later it’s still working...

I guess these ancient wagon wheel/buggy whip devices just need a kick sometimes. 
Its the price we pay for flying antiques with no support...

Now to tackle the real problem... something amiss with my speed.....

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