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Since I am a newly rated IFR pilot, and am flying more than I ever have, I have a question from all you IFR veterans. How is the easiest way to go from point A to point B with a fuel stop midway at an an uncontrolled airport. I understand you cam file another flight plan from your intermediate stop, but is there a way just to put a "delay" of say, 30 minutes or so for fuel then pick up where you left off, or is that too much for the system. All help appreciated.





Consider that if you're IFR and are given a clearance to include a stop, you'll essentially be tying up the airspace for the duration of your approach, time on the ground, and departure until they know where you are. I haven't done this myself, but my guess is that it is only likely to work in a very remote area. To me "very remote" would be somewhere past 60 degrees north or out in the pacific somewhere; I was once told that airliners would be given clearance to "cruise through" places like Guam, which was a cruise clearnce to include a stop and subsequent departure.



I have also not figured out how to do that. Instead, I file two flight plans, A --> fuel, then fuel --> B. Be sure to update your weather briefing for the second leg to make sure there are no significant changes happening.


we all tend to forget that from an ATC stand point, IFR is not about flying without visibility but rather about separation.

ATC wants to know where you are and when you will be clearing the airspace they allocated to you. Of course, with all the radar coverage, they rarely ask for position and ETA at next way point.   The flight plan has an airspeed esitimate.


I just file separate plans before I depart for the trip.  When I get to the fuel stop (uncontrolled field), I'll just call on the radio for a clearance or via cell phone if no remote repeater is on teh field.  I agree with Jesse in you don't want to tie up the airspace because another IFR aircraft cannot be released unless you cancel or are back in the air and on their scope for separation purposes. 

I'd be livid if someone did that and I had to sit and wait to take off in IFR conditions.  If VFR, not that big a deal since I'd just depart VFR and call ATC once airborne and clear of the airport.



Definitely two different flight plans.  Sometimes you'll have to use a phone to pickup a clearance at an uncontrolled field, and they'll give you a window of time to depart, and if you exceed the window you'll have to get a new clearance.  (Clearance is issued with a "void" time.)

Like Brian, if it is VFR conditions, then I'll depart and then contact ATC via radio for a clearance vs. waiting on the ground and using the phone.


The phraseolorgy is "cleared through" for an intermediate stop which would be indicatd in the remarks section. At issue is that you as the arriving A/C will shut down the airport for other traffic untill once again airborne. So one might arrive, cancel & ask for "clearance on request" for a quick turn. That also works for separate flight plans which is what I would do. This "cleared thru" IFR flight plan would typically be used for an uncontroled airport that has limited comms making it difficult to pick up a separate clearance & sometimes necessitating a climb to altitude. Typically controllers IMHO would probably prefer separate flight plans.   http://www.faa.gov/air_traffic/publications/atpubs/atc/atc0402.html

Another option based on weather is a "Composite" VFR-IFR flight plan which allows the A/C to take off VFR fly to a fix & then become IFR It works in reverse also.   


plenty said here .... bottom line is that ATC wants to be in touch with IFR traffic at all time. The 2 exceptions I can think of are when they give you a couple of minutes to check the latest weather (if you ask and they will ask you to report back). The other one is when you approach an uncontrolled airport (and they will give you a number to call when you are on the ground).

If you wanted to push it !!!I am thinking that if you really wanted to file only 1 plan, may be keep a handheld radio with you and keep them posted on whats' happening. only kidding here !!!

Fly safe ...

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