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After 18 months or so, I'm still shopping Mooneys (among a couple other planes).  I'm focused on pre-'69, manual gear/flap E's and F's with certain "must-have" 201 mods...well, for my tastes, anyhow.  This is largely due to the impossibility of doing a number of the 201 mods anymore.  As I've seen a number of these STC's be allowed to lapse or expire, I've begun to wonder about some of the MAC problems that newer model Mooney owners have had.

In particular, I'm concerned about parts that cannot be rebuilt or fabricated by an A&P or MSC.  The die-stamped control surfaces come to mind as an example here, but it has me wondering what other parts might be made using a process that is either too complex or cost prohibitive for an individual or small shop to replicate.  However, is this a concern for the vintage, pre-J Mooneys that I'm looking at?  Continuing with the control surface example, I believe the smooth-skinned surfaces found on the planes I'm looking are no more difficult to fabricate than a homebuilt RV, and could be readily repaired while the later model owner continues to scour salvage yards as they try repeatedly to get a hold of MAC.

I guess I'm trying to guage how many other potential parts are like this, and how much a factor they are to the old, J-bar M20's before I take the plunge on one.



After you do a couple 201 mods to an early Mooney, you can just buy an early J for the same money, and you get the panel, cowl, gear doors, induction system, an extra 12" all for free.


I certainly agree, however, in looking at Mooneys that already have had the mods installed, I've found a number of E's and some F's in the upper-$40k/low-$50k range.  The cheapest J's I've seen are in the mid-$60k range, and they tend to be the "bottom of the barrel" in more ways than just price.  Although, the overriding factor for me looking at the older birds is that E/F I can afford to buy outright, where as at $60k and above, I need to look at borrowing money.


As the owner of an unmodded F, but who has some limited experience with J models I can tell that the advantages you see in the vitage birds is real. If given the choice between a J and well modded F with manual gear and flaps, the vintage bird would win my vote, all other things being equal. They are lighter, simpler and typically have better payload (I've seen deltas ~200lbs for 2740lb MGW birds)...and the cost of entry is less.

If modding yourself, you're talking a whole other can of worms. It is near impossible to get the sloped windshield mod now and the costs of modernizing a vitage bird will never translate dollar for dollar to resale value.

After turning wrenches on a few different models from a number of years, I feel that Mooney did some of their highest quality work in 66, 67 and early 68.  

At the end of the day, they're all good birds (a couple of less the stellar years under AEL, then Butler and Republic), get the most you can for the money and enjoy.



I think ailerons are the single biggest airframe parts that are subject to damage due to their light gage and location.  Elevators are much less likely to be damaged IMO, and as you pointed out, the earlier models with flat skins will be much easier to duplicate from scratch, if needed.  Other parts that might be needed are gear doors and belly parts in the event of a gear-up landing, but it sounds like Mooney is building gear doors again.  When evaluating candidate airplanes, I'd caution you to look closely at the nose gear doors as they can literally erode away on the leading edges over time and you would be wise to get one with good doors since availability (and especially price) might be in question in the near term.

Other than that, the most "consumable" items are nose trusses and bushings, and we have great aftermarket support from LASAR.  Other consumables are rod end bearings for the control system and gear doors, and I believe those can be cross-referenced to standard parts without too much anguish.


For the last 10 years I have been building a 2 seat homebuilt aircraft, I have dreamed of building a flying machine since I was 10 years old, and over the years I have been to many flyins of experimentals. One thing is for certain and that is; the ONLY thing that will stand in the way of keeping any Mooney airworthy is not the abillity of obtaining parts, but rather the FAA and all the government regulation that strangles the development of new ideas and design and the parts re-production. We have all seen many new things at Osh or S&F that look so promising but will never make it to market because the financial risk and government regulation are just too much to overcome. Dont get me wrong I do believe that aviation must be regulated enough to keep the public safe, but there is a point at which it strangles innovation. If the DOT was the burden the FAA is there would be VERY few 1965 Mustangs, or old vintage Corvettes driving the road.  


For the last 10 years I have been building a 2 seat homebuilt aircraft, I have dreamed of building a flying machine since I was 10 years old, and over the years I have been to many flyins of experimentals. One thing is for certain and that is; the ONLY thing that will stand in the way of keeping any Mooney airworthy is not the abillity of obtaining parts, but rather the FAA and all the government regulation that strangles the development of new ideas and design and the parts re-production. We have all seen many new things at Osh or S&F that look so promising but will never make it to market because the financial risk and government regulation are just too much to overcome. Dont get me wrong I do believe that aviation must be regulated enough to keep the public safe, but there is a point at which it strangles innovation. If the DOT was the burden the FAA is there would be VERY few 1965 Mustangs, or old vintage Corvettes driving the road.  


I have owned a 68 C model, a 71 F model, and a 76 F model, and I have never had a problem finding parts for any of them. The only exception is SWTA wingtips are no longer available....you have to get them from LASAR and they are slightly different. If you want a modded out pre-J, I suggest buying it that way......my opinion only.

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