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I think you might have scored 100%. But, somebody didn’t want you to know the test system isn’t as strong as you are....  
Its possible that one of the questions didn’t have the right letter associated with the correct answer....
Not being a pro pilot, I wanted a simple, understandable, credible, answer to the question... ‘how good of a pilot are you?’
I didn’t get the 100 that I thought I would answer that question...
Anyone get 100% on the IR written?
Best regards,

Yes, but not till I took it as a CFI for the CFII.

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They used to be young???? :lol:
All kidding aside, I did like them a lot, and my wife would always burst out laughing whenever she saw me reviewing their videos.

Our wives would get along well. She would always chuckle when she saw me watching them.

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Posted (edited)
On 1/12/2019 at 6:10 PM, EricJ said:

The Kings are quirky but good at what they do and they feel like family after you've been through one of their courses.



3 hours ago, jaylw314 said:

THAT is an understatement! :lol:  They are so tacky, they're almost cool :)

I call them the OGs of GA.  ;)

OGs = Original Gangsters for the uninitiated.

Edited by EricJ
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On 1/12/2019 at 8:38 PM, Robert C. said:

I used King for both PPL and IR, and while they are campy...

Definitely campy lol. Not sure if they’ve changed much since 2009 but they were fine

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Thanks, everybody!  I'm leaning toward King only because I did my PPL with Sporty's and would like to change it up and try a different approach.  The Sporty's videos were good but dry.  Plus the Kings have used Mooneys in their videos and marketing for so long, how could I not?

16 hours ago, carusoam said:

The written is a major hurdle to get to the practical test.


Good luck taking the test... The results have an expiration date of a couple of years(?)... it doesn’t last forever...

Best regards,


Note: Times have changed... the test question bank isn’t so available as it used to be....  :)

Test expiration is 24 calendar months. First item in FAR 61.39.

I chuckled at the use of the word "hurdle." I kind of say the opposite. It's a "gatekeeper" so you  and a DPE don't waste your time. Absent some test-taking disability, if you can't get a 70 on a rote multiple guess test you study for by drilling the questions and answers, you probably should not be near anything with moving parts, let alone an airplane.

The real test is the practical. During the oral you actually have to know something and be able to apply it. 

Some of us indeed manage to learn something in the process. The best ground courses are not directed solely at the knowledge test, but that does not appear to be the more general test prep goal. "Get 'r done!" seems more like it.

BTW, I don't think it's been mentioned, but in the get 'r done! department, for my private, instrument, and commercial some time in the last century, I did the weekend ground school offered by Aviation Seminars. Day and a half of drill followed immediately by the test, while it's all fresh in your mind.

not too cynical, am I? :D 

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I did Sporty's only because for me its a local business, they're not that far from me.  Were that not so I think I'd go for whichever I could lay my hands on for the fewest AMU's.


on all my ratings, I found the ASA books to be the best.  They explain things, then ask you questions.  Gleim is aweful.. it just goes straight to asking questions without explaining things clearly to understand firstly.  Also, the graphical layout of the text is easier to read in the ASA.   Get consistently 90% or better on sporty's online practice tests and you should be ok.


21 hours ago, carusoam said:

For scoring a high number on the written...

1) All the 100s of questions are known, searchable or available in some way...

2) They were written by expert test writers...

3) Many of the questions are designed to easily mis direct the unknowing test taker... (don’t be un-knowing)

I think #1 was once true - when I took my PPL written  5 years ago - there were tons of direct repeats from the practice questions where one could pick a memorized answer without understanding the question.   But the changed in the last couple of years - the FAA  dumped many old questions, rewrote details in the others,  and started more carefully guarding their questions database.  The Sporty's practice questions were still hugely helpful for IR - the general style of many questions is preserved, but there are some totally new questions that don't fit any previous template in the practice materials. Of the 4 questions I missed, 3 of them were in this category, and I had no idea what they were even asking. 

Right after taking the written, I started flying with a very experienced CFII who gets some consulting work from the FAA. In this role,  he had taken the recently updated IR test with zero prep time and scored an 84%.  He mentioned missing a couple of questions that he thought were total cheap shots because it was so hard to figure out what was being asked. Amusingly, these were two of the ones I had gotten wrong myself - only difference was he immediately understood what they were asking after seeing the right answer.  I should have written those questions down - I have now forgotten what they were. 

Overall I think the test is more fair now because you can't just memorize the precise answers in advance, and most of the questions are still easy to get correct with widely available prep tools. However, there are a few curve balls that probably make it harder to get a perfect score than it once was.  

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I’m thinking about doing the commercial written.  Was also considering doing the FOI  at the same time.   Shepherd the best bet for this? 

Also I’m trying to decipher the alphabet soup.

You can do FOI + FAI written -> CFI

You can do FOI + FII written —> CFII

Or FOI ... + AGI written or IGI written ...AGI or IGI after FSDO trip.  

You can waive the FOI if you’re a certified teacher or work at an accredited educational institution for CFI but you still need FOI for AGI regardless of employment status / profession?

step 1 to your journey to CFI... figure out 61.183 and 61.185.  

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