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It's nice to let someone else go first

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I was out flying Monday and approaching our field when I heard (one of those real pilot voices) ,"We're 7 minutes out , We'll be needing 300 gallons of fuel , picking up Mr. xxxx, need a quick turn around ". Needless to say I knew he was fast but not a clue from where he would be approaching. I called and reported my position ,which was making a mid field entry from 2 minuutes out. we were at least looking for each other at this point. I called that I would stop my entry to the pattern for him to go ahead, he said (in the real pilot voice) , We're doing 200 Kts just entered downwind, and I saw him at my 10:00. Needless to say I was gear down, slowing down to pattern speed, and easily fell in behind him. I called , that I had him in sight and would TRY to SLOW my MOONEY down to stay behind him as number two to land. Actually there was no danger that I could overtake his jet airplane but I felt the legend of MOONEY SPEED deserved to be perpetuated!

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You go Squirrel! I was flying home from Vidalia a few weeks ago on flight following. ATC called out a Skyhawk at my 10:00 somewhere, then in his ensuing communication to the Skyhawk he called me out but said "don't worry, he's going a bit faster than you."  It didn't dawn on me until about a minute later that the controller was having some fun with us at the Skyhawk's expense, and I missed my chance to say "I sure HOPE I'm going faster than the Skyhawk!"

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