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Hello Mooney Pilots,

I am starting to get serious about purchasing an Acclaim. I live in Los Angeles and would like to meet someone in the area who could show me their plane, answer some questions, and let me buy them lunch. 

I owned a Bonanza for 10 years, and I am into year 5 of a Cessna 340. I learned about and purchased both airplanes by joining forums like this, asking questions, and meeting owners. 

I moved up to the 340 because I needed the room, but my mission profile has changed and there is no need to take all that metal with me on every flight now. I have become addicted to the speed, and the only way I could give up the twin is if I could fly faster (with a lot less fuel). I have also become quite fond of pressurization and flying up high, so wanted to get your impressions of using oxygen for hours at a time.

After years of owning antique aircraft, I also love the idea of owing a plane built in current century that does not have brittle plastic and wiring. Any other thoughts on Mooney ownership would be welcome. 

Thank you for your time!

Ron Mohrhoff KSMO



Welcome aboard Ron,

The Acclaim is still the best and most capable Mooney ever built.   

It is very refined with 310 TN'd hp, AC, FIKI, and a G1000 that currently, can be updated with WAAS and ADSB...

Not all Acclaims have these items.  Doing proper research and a PPI are important to your wallet.

Go Mooney!

Best regards,



Ron! Great to see you are interested in a Mooney Acclaim...you are right about the speed for sure, nothing better than seeing over 200kts on a regular basis at around 21 gallons per hour! I am the Customer Sales Representative for Premier Aircraft Sales, and we specialized in used Mooneys. Feel free to email at lee.drumheller@flypas.com or give me a call in the office at 334-826-1600 (option #2), I'm more than happy to share some more in depth information about the Mooney product and why we at Mooney Space wouldn't fly anything other than a Mooney. I look forward to chatting with you Ron, have a great day! 


Wearing o2 doesn't bother me or my wife in the least. Getting it filled does, it's a hassle around here. Easily remedied with your own transfill setup.

Would I take pressurized? Sure! But I'm good with the tradeoffs.


I like to fly my Mooney up to about 17,000 ft, then point the nose down at the earth and watch the airspeed and groundspeed climb... then pretend I have an Acclaim... :P

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