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Arsenal of Democracy Flyover - Washington DC

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I apologize if I missed the thread where this was located, but I couldn't find it in the search function.


On Friday, May 8th beginning at 12:10 PM, 15 formations of WWII aircraft will fly over the Lincoln Memorial to the Capital along the Mall in Washington DC at 1000 feet.  These will include dozens of historic aircraft representing turning points, theaters, and various aspects of World War II.  The final formation will be a missing man formation.


Here is the link for more information.  I'm going to be down on the Mall somewhere to watch.




The formations are:


1.  Trainers

2.  Pearl Harbor

3.  Doolittle Raid

4.  Guadalcanal Campaign

5.  Battle of Midway

6.  Yamamoto Shootdown

7.  Ploesti Raid

8.  Escorting the Bombers

9.  Big Week

10.  D-Day

11.  Marianas Turkey Shoot

12.  Battle of the Bulge

13.  Iwo Jima

14.  Final Air Offensive

15.  Missing Man Formation




For specific aircraft check here:  http://ww2flyover.org/flyover-formations/




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I should have gone..... :-( I had an opportunity to go with the B25 I volunteer with.

Yes! You should have!!! Flying in restricted airspace over DC, specifically the mall, monuments, capital, with the White House off your left wing!!!!

I'm looking forward to this!

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