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Stupid Ice


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Stupid Ice , because I hate the stuff. But this is on the ground right outside my hangar. I just got this hangar so it is new to me.

The asphalt has a small dip directly outside the hangar door. This dip fills up with water and then freezes.  When  I try to pull my M20 E out I can get no traction and fall. So my plane is stuck until spring. Well at night it will freeze here for a while still and I like to fly in the early morning .


Any ideas dealing with this situation. If it was my driveway I would use salt. but I don't think that is good idea with aircraft around.



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Stupid Ice , because I hate the stuff. But this is on the ground right outside my hangar. I just got this hangar so it is new to me.

The asphalt has a small dip directly outside the hangar door. This dip fills up with water and then freezes. When I try to pull my M20 E out I can get no traction and fall. So my plane is stuck until spring. Well at night it will freeze here for a while still and I like to fly in the early morning .

Any ideas dealing with this situation. If it was my driveway I would use salt. but I don't think that is good idea with aircraft around.


OMG!! I was just complaining about this today as well! I have a heat torch but that won't work!

Frozen to the cement



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all great answers.

I am looking at Cross City, Florida  only because it has a large airport and no population. Maybe cheap hangar rent?

I can't complain, well I can and will , but my rent is only 120 a month, you kind of do get what you pay for. They say it is from frost heave and "do you want the $300 hangar?"


RV antifreeze . Im going to get some today. And Ill start working on a long tow bar.


Global warming ??? I think we fixed it and are now in a global ice age again. But a faster plane is alway a good idea. 


shoe spikes cool idea .



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Hey Gixxer, your plane is looking good but looks like it has pink lipstick around the spinner. is that a new closure that still needs paint? . if the door can be opened and all you need is grip you might just put down some sand. I feel for all you guys back east I got a nephew lives in Connecticut going to Yale I worry he is safe. think I will go open the door to my office cuz its so nice out right now.

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I have blown a knee out messing with something similar. Then I wised up and put in for a South facing hangar.

South facing hangar: +1

I wear those shoe covers with spikes on the bottom. It works great.

Never thought of that. Great idea. Where do you get them?

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How much can you burn at max cruise? At best, I can pump 26gph...31 in full power climb...I'm cheap so I aim for about 96lb/hour of dead dinosaurs in cruise.

Max power at take off, 2650RPM, 30"Hg, 36 GPH. Cruise at 20 GPH for better than 190KTAS.



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Man I get scared when I pull mine with a golf cart! Just make sure the truck is in 4-Low and hit it really hard right? That way the truck tires melt the ice. I remember snow in Chicago. It was incapacating some winters. You all are troopers! I just get to deal with Traffic!


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Man I get scared when I pull mine with a golf cart! Just make sure the truck is in 4-Low and hit it really hard right? That way the truck tires melt the ice. I remember snow in Chicago. It was incapacating some winters. You all are troopers! I just get to deal with Traffic!



We got snow - we got ice - but no traffic at all.  Town of 17,000 - and a 6 min commute to work.

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