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OP ED-"Little Timmy Wants to Know Why Nobody Likes Airplanes Anymore?

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Slavery has been gone one hundred and fifty years. No one who was a slave in America is alive today. Get over it. All Americans have the same rights, opportunities and privileges. Except that some people don't want you to believe that.

1964 was fifty years ago.

I live in today.

You keep trying to go back and re-living 1964. The racists of 1964 are the republican party of today ... You say it over and over again like a broken record. Fine you stay in 1964 ... (Psssst ... it's 2015, you can get on with your life.)

Ah-oh he might be regressive
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The US Govt gets a national firearms registry from background checks, including the newly proposed background checks from gun shows and private sales. 


Based upon what I read, this is pretty much what I found out about a national registry. Senate Republicans feared in 2013 that enhanced background checks would be hijacked by your government and the data submitted for the background check would be used to build a national registry. I can't find anything that points to concerted effort to build a dedicated registry of this type.


Sorry Dave, you weren't correct on this one. If I'm speaking out of order, then please paste a link that discusses the proposed legislation.

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Wow, the smokescreen is a pretty thick today. The bottom line is gun control in France resulted in two police officers dead. The truth is Islam has zero tolerance for free speech. Islam is all about control. Islam is all about men being superior over women. Islam is all about everyone else is wrong our religion is right. If you are not down with our religion we kill you. We shall see if Europe becomes much more conservative as a result of these recent murders. There are many that want Islam to be outlawed in Europe . Their voices will be drumming louder and louder.

Meanwhile back in the USA, we have a terrorist that killed and maimed hundreds in Boston complaining about not being able to get a fair trial. It's Tough being a terrorist...


And complain they will, and fair trial he will get. That's what makes us better than them. And we'll fry his ass. As much I disagree with most of what you say, I will support your right to say so until you start advocating deadly violence. That's where the buck stops with me.


As to gun control, France actually has rather liberal gun laws. I lived there for a while, had a couple of guns. Bit harder to get than America, but not by much. Obviously, you can't carry them around. I really don't think what happen in France can be blamed on gun control. I have a gun in my desk drawer, but if 3 assailants armed with AK suddenly stormed my office, I highly doubt I'd stand a chance. Look at what happened in AZ few months ago when a CCW holder stood up against some ultra right wing, white supremacist nutcases. He didn't know the whole situation and how many were there and he got shot.

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Based upon what I read, this is pretty much what I found out about a national registry. Senate Republicans feared in 2013 that enhanced background checks would be hijacked by your government and the data submitted for the background check would be used to build a national registry. I can't find anything that points to concerted effort to build a dedicated registry of this type.


Sorry Dave, you weren't correct on this one. If I'm speaking out of order, then please paste a link that discusses the proposed legislation.

Its actually Federal Law that a national gun registry cannot be compiled. But thats just the beginning of the slippery slope. Obama can repeal it with Executive Order, and there goes the guns. Seriously.


from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Firearm_Owners_Protection_Act


text from link:

The Act also forbade the U.S. Government agency from keeping a registry directly linking non-National Firearms Act firearms to their owners, the specific language of this law (Federal Law 18 U.S.C. 926 (http://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/18/926) being:

No such rule or regulation prescribed [by the Attorney General] after the date of the enactment of the Firearms Owners Protection Act may require that records required to be maintained under this chapter or any portion of the contents of such records, be recorded at or transferred to a facility owned, managed, or controlled by the United States or any State or any political subdivision thereof, nor that any system of registration of firearms, firearms owners, or firearms transactions or disposition be established. Nothing in this section expands or restricts the Secretary's authority to inquire into the disposition of any firearm in the course of a criminal investigation.
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Its actually Federal Law that a national gun registry cannot be compiled. But thats just the beginning of the slippery slope. Obama can repeal it with Executive Order, and there goes the guns. Seriously.





You are probably right. Your Kenyan born, Muslim Communist president would probably do away with the law with one fell swoop of his pen.

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Wow, the smokescreen is a pretty thick today. The bottom line is gun control in France resulted in two police officers dead. The truth is Islam has zero tolerance for free speech. Islam is all about control. Islam is all about men being superior over women. Islam is all about everyone else is wrong our religion is right. If you are not down with our religion we kill you. We shall see if Europe becomes much more conservative as a result of these recent murders. There are many that want Islam to be outlawed in Europe . Their voices will be drumming louder and louder.

Meanwhile back in the USA, we have a terrorist that killed and maimed hundreds in Boston complaining about not being able to get a fair trial. It's Tough being a terrorist...


Replace Islam with any form of extremism: be it Christianity, ultra right wing, ultra left wing. Christianity when practiced to an extreme calls for men's dominion over women as well, aka the Duggars. The Good Lord of the Old Testament, before he chilled out few thousand years ago, when he had a kid, was all about genocide as well. What do you propose? Convert them all from one fairy tale to another? Create some sort national "re-education" campaign run by the federal government? Free bacon?


If certain elements of America's right wing christian movement had their way, they would be doing exactly the same thing. Walking around executing sinners.

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Do your homework and get back with me ... A five minute Google search is not doing your homework.

It is certainly not thinking about what you learned, understanding the underlying reasons different sources depict the same information with different conclusions, and properly discerning the facts and the falsehoods ...


Oh, now I got it. There is something subversive going on within your government which will lead to a gun registry.

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What is the law this year? Is it 2015? Or did I step into a time warp somehow? Good Lord man, get on with your life!


Why does everything have to be so black and white with you guys? Is it not possible that we have come a long, long way since slavery and Jim Crow but that there is still a few things that need fixing and adjusting? Is is still no possible, that in 2015 somewhere out there a single black person got treated unfairly because of the color of their skin? You're telling my everything and I mean everything is hunky dory?

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If you can not find the multitude of plain information available from multiple sources ... just be sarcastic ...



Jesus H. Christ Dave, just send me one link which discusses the subject matter. I admit it, my research skills on this matter is sorely lacking.

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Ha ha ha! You Libs are just kooky. You are going to compare Christianity to radical Islam? Nope. You are going to try and compare the hands up don't shoot to Rosa Parks? Nope! You are going to try and tell me that the federal government does not want to restrict firearms? Nope! You are going to try and tell me that state and local government do not want to restrict firearms? Nope!I am the one that's regressive? Nope! Spare me.

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Really? I have yet to hear the "nuance" on Fox news. Have heard it multiple times on other networks. 


Fox is definitely black and white with no chance of gray. Ebola IS going to reach epidemic proportions here. ISIS IS taking over all of Iraq. The dollar IS heading downwards. Gas IS heading for new highs.

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Excellent post. You'll see a particular pattern here. A wild and totally false claim thrown out by a conservative. Then a properly sourced debunking of said claim by someone who is not far right, then angry name calling and a personal attack. Then a new claim. I gave up, some people are lost forever.

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The only thing that should have come out of NewTown massacre was a desire to have police in all schools and mandatory firearms training and competent teachers that know how to shoot.


Security in the Paris office yesterday didn't exactly stop the attackers, nor the police officer that was shot dead in the street (who was actually a Muslim from what I read). Probably would not in most massacres of that type.

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"support my right to say so until you start advocating deadly violence"? HUH? So when you told me to shut the $%^& up and called me a goose-step'n nazi...that was just you being tolerant? WHAT A JOKE. Hey, tell you what...I get a 9mm handgun and the element of surprise. You get an AK. Heck, I will let you bring a couple of buddies along. You in?

The only thing that should have come out of NewTown massacre was a desire to have police in all schools and mandatory firearms training and competent teachers that know how to shoot.


There you go again with violence. No desire for any shoot out with you Scott. You'd probably win. And I still think a lot of policies you are advocating resemble those of third reich and I think it would be best if you shut the ^&&* up, however, I will support your right to speak. 


I don't have wet dreams about my gun collection being useful for anything else but shooting cans in Wyoming.

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You like this Byron? Respect...Gone. It's a radical love-in. Get your freak on....Get your freak on...Get your freak on!


What did I say in my post that was not true? Have you read the Old Testament? I have 19 years of theology classes behind me. The Good Lord called for quite a bit of killing. Have millions been killed in the name of Yahweh? Surely you must know about the plight of natives here, both south and north of the border. Have many other extremist groups, both right and left wing commented atrocities across the continents over the years. Look at your favorite dictators in South America over last 70 years and their paramilitaries. Would the most right wing Americans, those who preach hatred on Sundays from the pulpit start executing gays if given a chance. You bet ya.

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Scott-Less Government...Hitler?

Scott-Rights of Individual supreme...Hitler?

Scott-Freedom for all to pursue happiness...Hitler?

Scott-Less taxation and more representation...Hitler?

Give me an example of my "policies"_____________________________



Can we please get off of this subject.

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