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DO NOT use the word "socialism!" Flyboy IS NOT a socialist! Several leaders in his party want socialism. One video I posted earlier here shows one who wants socialism in the form of government takeover of the oil industry. Other members of Flyboy's party openly say that Americans want socialism; Obama promised socialism, in the form of government run health care, and the people voted for socialism when they elected Obama. Flyboy is Not a socialist. He just thinks, however the government is better suited to manage most things. The government will be stable in the long term, unlike private enterprises. So government should provide most things for most people, like care for the elderly, food, healthcare, healthcare insurance, retirement and regulate most things ... But Flyboy doesn't like government intrusion or the word "Socialist." So don't "use the S word!" NOT A SOCIALIST!!! Let's be clear about this!



Some corrections, if you will


Other members of Flyboy's party openly say that Americans want socialism. I vote for the candidate, not the party. I have voted for more republican governors over the years than democrat.



Obama promised socialism, in the form of government run health care. I still don't know why you think ACA is socialism. I guess my explanation yesterday of what socialized healthcare is didn't sink in at all. Come to think of it, you didn't answer me when I asked what part of Obamacare makes it a socialist healthcare system. Now is your grand opportunity!



Flyboy is Not a socialist. He just thinks, however the government is better suited to manage most things. I think the government is better suited for SOME things. The ATC system that we all love to use, Yes. The FDA that we rely on to keep our food supply safe, Yes. National Park Service, oh yea. FCC, no. EPA, not so much. Dept of Education, not at all. Dept of Agriculture. If these are the guys that hand out farm subsidies each month, no way. AMTRAK, pffft. Homeland Security, I think I made my position on them quite clear throughout this thread. OSHA, may have their place to a limited extent.



So government should provide most things for most people, like care for the elderly, food, healthcare, healthcare insurance, retirement and regulate most things.  The government should provide some things for some people. Lord know's I've been beaten  up on this one a lot in this thread, but it's just beyond me how you, Scott and like minded people could deny healthcare to the elderly. It just floors me. I don't know your age Dave and assume you aren't 65 yet, but if I were to poll you when you are 70 and whether you like Medicare, I'd be willing to bet you would say that 1) it works for my needs and 2) it beats having to shell out $3k a month for private health coverage at my ripe old age. As for retirement, if you have a few million stashed away to cover you from age 63 through 90, my hat is off to you and I'd like to know your secret. With an average of $300 a week for most American's, Social Security ain't much but it helps keep millions out of abject poverty. I'm surprised that you would want seniors living as they do in India, Bangladesh and a few dozen other third world countries.


One thing that I haven't mentioned here is that I got a lot of private messages from others that have been agreeing with my responses but "didn't want to get involved". So I guess I'm not the only one who thinks this way.


Keep on truckin.


There's so much wrong here ... I don't know where to begin!


Refusal to accept proven economics. Cut taxes - government revenue increases. He won't touch it!

Open Class warfare.

Blatant untruths about debt and spending - He would never let us rack up debt like George Bush! George Bush's debt is weighing down our economy! He is going to change that!


So 6 years out, what is the long term capital gains tax now? 



You have a nice way of taking my comments and twisting them into something else. For example "I want seniors living as they do in India, Bangladesh and a few other dozen other third world countries." Please show me where I said that is what I want.

I'll get to "my grand opportunity" later, but first ... How about a simple admission that you mis-characterize my comments as bad or worse than you just accused me of mis-representing yours? My mis-characterizations have been un-intended for the most part because I have either not listened well or misunderstood. For that I apologize. I believe your mis-characterizations are deliberate. I wish I didn't ... but I do ...


If I offended you, please accept my apologies (I mean that).


But what else am I supposed to think when you come back with a line like "So government should provide most things for most people, like care for the elderly..."


Somehow does your outdated cartoon explain our current 17 trillion debt and rising daily with Barack's "pay as you go, not borrow from bank of China statement?"


It is quite unfortunate and I make no excuses. The trend continued and was not abated as he had thought it would.


Your apology is certainly accepted ... and I offer mine to you sir.

If I ever figure out at what point individual responsibility melds into collective responsibility ... I'll let you know. I am sure I do not know the answers ... and I am not sure anyone does?


Feel free to send me a PM with your position on Medicare and SS. I'd be curious to know.


While you are at it, throw in the federal agencies you feel are necessary and those that should die an ugly death.




This is old news, but you seem to be under the impression that I love this stuff and support it. Somewhere in this (or another) thread I wrote that to me "Liberty", as in Life, Liberty and Pursuit of Happiness, means being left alone.


Today's headlines ... Why government abused their power and threatened Yahoo with $250,000.00 a day fine unless they turn over your personal information! 0639734479675fa1661f227d3ef5810b.jpg

View Mrs. Englebrecht's Congressional testimony (posted earlier this thread) about government targeting and abuse ... and PM me (no don't .. really) your thoughts about giving more power to am already over-reaching government.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


Just another example of the Patriot Act running amok. 


Two interesting similarities between Bush and Obama. Both ran up our debt severely. And both have assaulted our freedom and liberties by expanding government powers in the name of protecting us. Only Obama isn't done yet ...


Amen brother.


But let's be honest, stuff like this has been happening for decades, we just didn't know about it. And if Snowden hadn't come from out of the woodwork, we wouldn't have known about the current crop of abuses.


And about your graphic, touting Clinton as a fiscal savior. People forget he did not create or foster a great economy.....he merely presided over one.......and even then, he almost F'd it up. Pure luck to be president during the biggest industrial and economic shift in America since 1888. The computer processor changed everything and we really have Bill Gates among others to thank, not Bill Clinton. In fact, Willy wanted to advance stifling anti trust suits, while Al took credit for the internet. They were pooping revenue, so much of it, they didn't know what to do with it. They were tripping over one dot-com millionaire after another...... Clinton didn't do anything except smile and take credit for it. Puh-lease.


And about your graphic, touting Clinton as a fiscal savior. People forget he did not create or foster a great economy.....he merely presided over one.......and even then, he almost F'd it up. Pure luck to be president during the biggest industrial and economic shift in America since 1888. The computer processor changed everything and we really have Bill Gates among others to thank, not Bill Clinton. In fact, Willy wanted to advance stifling anti trust suits while Al took credit for the internet. They were pooping revenue, so much of it, they didn't know what to do with it. They were tripping over one dot-com millionaire after another...... Clinton didn't do anything accept smile and take credit for it. Puh-lease.


While I liked Bill (but loathe Hillary), I totally agree with what you said here. The economic times that a president presides over - for better or worse - is mostly luck. One thing that Clinton did do, which did help the coffers immensely, was to increase the individual tax rates.


Sometimes a president signs a bill which has an immediate impact for the good, but comes back to bite the next one in the arse, and I'm not referring to Bush/Obama either. As one example, Reagan deregulated the savings and loan industry, which sounded good at the time, but it came back to bite the taxpayers during the early Bush Sr. years. There are other examples over the history of the republic.


Thought about you today flyboy as I was in South Carolina filling the gas tank of my full sized truck. Sorry I don't own a Prius. :-(

I live in Georgia six miles from the South Carolina line. Each week the last few weeks I have needed to be in South Carolina. I noticed for years that gas is 10-15 cents cheaper in South Carolina due to the difference in state taxes on gasoline. Just the past month I have started buying in South Carolina before I re-enter Georgia and saving 10-15 cents a gallon each week. I guess I am all about profit? I must not be "loyal" to Georgia? Otherwise I would wait to cross into Georgia and deliberately pay more for my gas. I "have a responsibility" to "contribute."

All the other state, city and county taxes I pay are not enough? The sales tax, ad valorum tax on vehicles and aircraft, the ever increasing city and county property taxes. (Not to mention state income tax) Last year the government schools in my small rural county went over their budget to the tune of about two million dollars. That's unprecedented! An audit discovered hundreds of thousands of dollars were "unaccounted for." So what did they do? Did anyone go to jail! Did anyone lose their government job! No, they raised all of our property taxes by the maximum annual increase allowed by state law. Nice huh!

And I am supposed to reward that sort of thing? Support their waste, mismanagement and incompetence? Otherwise I am not loyal? In counseling they would call a person like that "an enabler," and it is not complimentary!

How dare me not show my loyalty by making sure I empower them to gouge me even more in the future! After all in the big scheme the extra 15 cents a gallon won't break me? Isn't that your logic? After all saving 15 cents a gallon won't "change my life?" Right? It's all about "giving something back" ... right?

Fiscally responsible people have a saying regarding continuing to enable big government spending ...



I'm not sure what the price of gas has to do with American companies moving their manufacturing operations offshore. But if I'm interpreting your reply correctly, you are in favor of this practice as you said you have no loyalty and American companies owe the country - nothing.


Do tell...

What is the price of gas in SC this week? Cash price, self serve, regular, is OK... Just a reporting standard.

NJ has dipped into the $2.99 area... (We don't have the luxury of self serve)

Best regards,



You're not sure? Let me spell it out for you. It's not about loyalty. You want it to be about loyalty - but it's just not!

It's about uncontrolled spending, lack of accountability, fraud, waste and abuse of our money. They are out of control. They refuse to cut one penny from the budget. They only want more and more government revenue. They want to RAISE TAXES and we think they need to LOWER taxes. Our taxes are too high. I will not support that. I will withdraw my loyalty. We are in opposition. The government big spenders in Washington need to change or be ousted! I oppose them. I oppose you. I oppose this out of control and corrupt big spending government.

If we want to keep people here we need to conquer the out of control Washington spending machine ... and lower taxes to COMPETETIVE RATES. Otherwise, companies are leaving ... and I am too! And good riddance. It's a shame the way progressives and moochers have destroyed America. Makes us true Americans very very sad. But it is what it is ... goodbye America. America is already gone ... whether I live on this soil to be taxed and regulated into submission is irrelevant. The America I was loyal too is no more.

It's that simple. Sorry you can't see it ...


Other than that Mrs. Lincoln, how did you like the show?


Yeah, that's what it's like having to watch progressives and socialists destroy and dismantle the country you love ...

You are right on target ...


You know, it's kind of ironic. In Kansas they may be on the verge of throwing out a governor who lowered taxes so much that it threw the state into a financial tailspin to the point where their credit rating was actually lowered. Governor Brownback assured the citizens of Kansas when he signed the legislation a couple of years ago that the tax cuts would result in tens of thousands of new jobs. Only one problem: their revenue dropped precipitously and no new jobs were created. Oh well.


In California, the governor who dared to raise taxes appears to have saved the state from financial ruin and is now enjoying his highest popularity to date (60% approval rating). Today the state is using the "S" word, no silly, not that "S" word, but "surplus".


Just saying.


In your world the State of California has a surplus ... Thanks for that.

I don't think we will be able to agree or come to a concenous about out of control government spending. It simply doesn't exist in your world. There are only "false" surpluses, more taxes and they are all good. Spending cuts and crazy ideas like REALLY balancing the budget are bad and what causes hardship on the people. Carry on ...

I may take my panel to New Mexico ...


I thought my source was reliable, maybe not? The Orange Country Register, a right leaning, very conservative newspaper has been reporting on the surplus and ways to keep the democratic assembly members from spending it.




I thought my source was reliable, maybe not? The Orange Country Register, a right leaning, very conservative newspaper has been reporting on the surplus and ways to keep the democratic assembly members from spending it.





Sorry, I forgot to include this, the state's budget as viewed from the non-partisan Legislative Analysts's Office, sort of like the Congressional Budget Office. I know, lies lies, nothing but lies.




If I owe a five hundred thousand dollars on my home loan and have twenty-five thousand dollars in credit card debt, and two car payments to the tune of $700 a month, but I have 500 bucks left in my checking account after I paid this months bills ... do I have "a surplus?"


According to an accountant, you absolutely have a surplus. Your annual income exceeds your annual expenses, resulting in a annual surplus of $6,000 ($500 x 12 months). If all of those expenses were due immediately, on demand,  then you would have a budget shortfall.


Democrats and big spenders everywhere like the way you think. After all it's someone else's money ... Let's spend it! It's not like we have a colossal debt ... let's spend more ... we have "a surplus." Never mind that we overspent, help people over a cliff and raised taxes to achieve that "surplus." We've got a "surplus!" Forget that huge credit card debt ... let's go out to eat! Maybe time for that new Mercedes?


In a balanced budget situation, payments for interest expense are paid for, as well as principal. A smart legislature (oxymoron) will use the surplus to pay down the long term debt, just as we saw the federal government do here in the late 90's (I know, another lie).


Have you heard of the new IRS tax form? Simple and straight forward and you don't need an account to help.

Line 1: What did you earn last year?

Line 2: Please remit all of it!

Governments everywhere are considering it.



Flyboy ... You really are in a different world. You can't see a thing I am talking about ... and it still amazes me that we can see what is happening in our country so differently. Congratulations to you and other progressives in your destruction of America. I don't think I have much more to say to you for a while.

I need to focus the things I can do ... just received and opened my personal property Tax bill(s) and also a tax bills for the Mooney ... for the very first time as a new owner! I am so happy to be able to be loyal and pay my new higher taxes to help support my corrupt and overspending government. Thank goodness they raised my taxes! They are true heros and leaders! Maybe they can raise them more so they can have "a surplus." That will get them re-elected for sure! They had "a surplus."


I think I know what you are talking about, how tax and spend democrats are ruining it for all of us. If democrats were the only ones responsible and we didn't have 8 years of Bush and his taking of the national debt from $4t to $9t, then I would say yes, you absolutely have a case. If you think it's a case of Bush bashing, it's not - it's the cold hard reality of what happened under that republican president and the republican senate and house that he had the pleasure of presiding over. How he got that $1t Medicare Drug plan passed by "fiscal conservatives" is still a complete mystery to me, ten years later.


But what I'm trying to convey to you is that without revenue a state or federal government can't pay their bills even when they cut their budget down to the bare bones. And where does the revenue come from? Not lowering tax rates, that's for sure, and is evidenced by what has happened in Kansas and when Bush lowered the taxes rates across the board. I suggest you catch up on the writings of Dave Stockman, Reagan's budget director (and architect of "Reganomics"). He used to be like you, but after witnessing what happened after massive tax cuts he changed his tune. And let's not forget what happened after Prop 13 was approved in California all those years ago.


I would suggest you move further south to Florida. No annual tax on airplanes, repairs and best of all - no state income tax.


Lastly, I'm as appalled as you on the federal budget situation and it should not come to you as a surprise if you have been reading my responses here.

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Unfortunately we all don't agree..this is the most disgusting, rude, out of place dialog which has no place within this forum. Bringing politics, sad policies etc here makes one wonder if its even worth being associated with the group...Sorry politics DO NOT belong here....


That's a great response. I agree with most of it. Especially about big spender GWB. GWB didn't get much opposition from the dems while he was spending big, they went along with him on that ... Unless it was for the military. BUT THEY ARE ALL BIG SPENDERS. BHO being the worst! I just know know why you continue hold up those who increase taxes as great examples of success and put down those who reduce taxes. Those are extreme examples and not the true thinking we should have IMHO. "Don't feed the Monster!"


A little history Dave. Democrats did not support the Medicare Drug bill, just 16 out of 208 democrats in the house voted for it, and 11 out of 48 in the senate. Maybe, in a rare instance, they saw it for what it was, a humongous giveaway to the drug companies. While on the subject, do you remember the disastrous rollout Medicare Part D had in 2006? Sound familiar?


Unfortunately we all don't agree..this is the most disgusting, rude, out of place dialog which has no place within this forum. Bringing politics, sad policies etc here makes one wonder if its even worth being associated with the group...Sorry politics DO NOT belong here....

You can ignore the thread if you want. I have found this thread entertaining and humorous at times. Can we just be grateful that all the politics are contained to one thread?

It is interesting to see what some other pilots views are in relation to politics, after all were operating on 1950s engine technology, so I do believe politics belong in mooneyspace, but best confined to a single thread.

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