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I have been using a GNS 5870 GPS for Foreflight on my IPad. Today in flight, it was not "georeferencing". Going back to the IPad settings and checking the Bluetooth tab, it showed the GPS was not connected. Tapping the device button started it searching and the GPS then connected.

After getting home, I decided to see if I could find out why it had not automatically connected. When I fired it up; same problem; not connected.

Going back and reconnecting it, it began working again. But (sitting in my chair) after a few minutes, the blue dot went away. Going back and restarting Forefilght gets it going again.

Anyone had this problem, or know a way to fix it. I hate having to go back and reset things multiple times to find out where I am on the map.

My first thought is that it is the GNS, and I should junk it and get a bad Elf.

All ideas appreciated.


My iPad 1 connects automatically to familiar wifi sources...

But I have to manually "connect" it to my sky radar. Settings , wifi, skyradar001

There must be a way to have it connect automatically...

Best regards,



I just took my IPad & gns 5870 for a walk around the block, and the blue dot stays operating. Does anyone know if the dot is supposed to go to sleep if you aren't moving.

Naturally that does not fix the "automatic connect" situation.

I just deleted the GPS from the IPad's list and re-installed it. I will see if that helps.


There''s a reported iOS 6 bug on loss of connection. I haven't seen it myself but this sounds like it.

I've never trusted auto-connect for flying and always verify as part of my iPad preflight so that has not been an issue for me.


This is an iOS bug. Search this topic for a solution. As I recall you need to go into your IPad settings under Bluetooth and make it forget this particular GPS. Turn the iPad off completely then reconnect the GPS. I would also take a look to see if your GPS has a firmware available. Bad elf fixed this problem by issuing a firmware that lets their GPS connect directly Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD

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