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  1. I have a 1966 M2OE that had the upper screw pulled out after my BFR. I inspected the original screw and it appears stripped as the tip is blurred. I have a 10 / 32 tap that I inserted into the hole were the old screw was and could not locate the receiving nut. Anyone have any ideas how I can find or replace the receiving nut?
  2. Can anyone recommend a “midwest” service center or independent mechanic they trust? I live in Milwaukee Wisconsin, so driving distance would be awesome. I used to use Northwest Flyers out of Schaumburg IL, but they sold off the FBO in February.
  3. Hey. Recently a good friend purchased a gorgeous 1963 Mooney M20C. Brand new paint job, 500 hours left on the engine, brand new prop. After picking it up, after an exhausting flight across the country in turbulent weather he wrecked it in a gear-up landing. For a gear-up landing it's in relatively good shape but the mechanic he talked to thinks his insurance will probably just total it, and he is, understandably, very overwhelmed and distraught at the thought that the plane he's been pursuing for months and saving up for for years might be done after just getting it home. Does anyone have any insight as to how to help lower costs and save his plane? As far as we can tell, he needs the belly panels replaced, definitely needs a new prop (2 or 3 blade is fine), and potentially will need to overhaul the engine. Everything else seems to be okay, and neither wing was damaged.
  4. Hello everyone, half a year ago, I have purchased a 1995 M20J MSE. I have been flying for ~20 years but have no aviation mechanical background - but a willingness to learn. 25 flight hours after the annual, I have performed my first oil change, and it went "okay" (meaning that, I now know how to avoid the mess next time :-) Soon enough, my first 50h inspection will be coming up, and I would like to do that myself - and I'm legal to do so here in Europe. The checklist I have for that (taken from the approved maintenance manual) is the following, where I have marked in red a couple of entries that I am not fully aware of how to do them properly. Any advice, link or hint is welcome. (Let's not discuss the legality of doing this. It IS legal in EASA-land, and most of the stuff below is pretty trivial. The 100h and annual inspections are done by an MSC). Thanks, Fry ENGINE Drain engine oil sump Remove and clean suction oil strainer; Reinstall strainer and plug. Safety wire strainer plug. Remove and replace the full-flow oil filter cartridge (AA48103). Drain and clean fuel strainer. Remove and clean fuel injector fuel strainer. Service engine oil sump with proper type, grade, and amount of lubricating oil. Inspect engine intake and exhaust systems for evidence of leakage and looseness. Check spark plugs elbows and shielding nuts for security. Check cylinders for evidence of overheating. Check baffles for secure anchorage, close fit around cylinders, and freedom from cracks. Check engine controls for full travel, freedom of mouvement, and security. Visually check fuel oil lines for security of connections and evidence of leakage or damage. Visually inspect induction air system; check operation of alternate-air door (refer par.71-60-01). Inspect engine mount & bolts for security and condition. Inspect engine mount tubes (bolt attach tubes) at firewall for moisture accumulation and corrosion PROP Check propeller and spinner for general condition, looseness, and oil leakage. Inspect blades for nicks and cracks. Repair prior to next flight. CABIN Check brake and parking brake control systems for proper operation and fluid level. Check trim system and indicator for free operation and travel. Check cabin and baggage doors for damage, proper operation and sealing. Check cabin, instrument, position, anticollision, and landing light. Check fuel selector valve, gascolator, and boost pump for proper operation. LDG GEAR Check tires for cuts, blisters, wear, and inflation. Check chock discs for proper extension at aircraft static weight per section 32-81-00 Check hydraulic barkes for wear, warpage and proper installation. WINGS Check surfaces, and tips for damage. Check ailerons, aileron attachments, and bellcranck for damage and proper operation. Check flaps and attachments for damage and proper operation. Lubricate controls if necessary.
  5. Hi Mooney fans! Im from Advanced Aviation Reno Inc and we are a dealership and install facility for Dynon certified, Trutrak autopilots, Avidyne, Trig Avionics, JPI and Surefly ignition systems! We love all Mooneys and we work on them all the time. We've been waiting on TruTrak finishing certification on the Mooney variant of their autopilots but after chatting today with our contact at Dynon, it seems highly likely that the Dynon autopilot for the HDX may be ready at the same time, if not before! (I presume TT and Dynon may have been working together?who knows) We can also do Aspen E5 units and G5's on request and the Dynon display with integrate nicely with the TT- the Dynon version will be quite a bit cheaper and the overall cost is way cheaper than a Garmin G3X setup, both in equipment cost and installation time. So any Mooney work that needs doing (Avionics or mechanical) and you're in flying range of Reno give us a shout! Ask for me (Calum) and I can hook you up with a great avionics deal. We can give discounts on bundle deals like an Aspen and TT, or A dynon and Avidyne IFD email: avionics.aari@gmail.com facebook: @advancedaviationreno We also have a website but I haven't got around to overhauling it yet: www.advancedaviationreno.com
  6. Hi all, I'm having an odd electrical issue and I'm hoping someone has an M20R wiring diagram or can offer some insight on how this might be happening. I have LED nav lights installed a year ago from Aero-Lites - It's a model they don't sell any more. The left one does not turn off when the nav light switch is turned off in the plane. I started pulling breakers to see what other circuits could be causing this. It appears that the only breaker required to power them normally is the 40A Right Aux one - Is the switch also a breaker? Now the really odd part. The juice that keeps it running can come from two different sources. If the Gear Warn breaker is in, the nav light will remain on at a medium (not full) intensity. If the Starter Relay breaker is in, it will remain on at a low intensity. Putting both in does result in a slightly higher intensity than just the Gear Warn breaker being in. What could be causing this? Thanks!
  7. Explanations appreciated.
  8. 2019 MooneyMAX Registration Form.pdf MooneyMAX Registration Form As we are nearing the Maintenance Conference scheduled for June 6-9, Registrations are coming in daily now. The Hilton Hotel Reservation System's policy is to cut off registration earlier than the conference; however, by calling the Hilton Garden Inn Direct and stating it's for MooneyMAX, they will continue to take your hotel registration and honor the discounted price of $119 which includes a large full breakfast buffet which be served in the Convention area specifically for our attendees. The following is a link to register online for the Conference: https://donmaxwellaviationservicesinc.regfox.com/2019-mooneymax-conference-maintenance-and-education Also attached is a form for registration should you wish to mail in your registration. Feel free to call and register with a real person if you like. 903-643-9902 IHilton Garden Inn of Longview, Texas 905 East Hawkins Parkway Longview, Texas, 75605 USA TEL: +1-903-212-3000 FAX: +1-903-212-6400 Thank you all for your time here, and if there is anything that you would like to see offered at this Conference and any future, please don't hesitate to let us know.
  9. 2019 MooneyMAX Conference - June 6-9 Update on sponsors and supporters: Mooney International Tippin Aviation Services, Tennessee AeroSmith Paint All American Aircraft Concorde Battery Corp. Electro Air Houston Tank Kelly Aerospace Mooney Caravan Mooney Girls Premier Aircraft Sales Midwest Mooney Sales Zeftronics Lightspeed Aviation Whelen WAT Aircraft Specialties CamGuard Paint Schemers Power Flow Systems, Inc. Sky Ox King Schools Tippin Aviation Services, TN Don Maxwell Aviation Services, Inc. Aaron Tippin and Stonehaus Winery Mooney Girls - Right Seat Ready!© All speakers and presenters slot are full - 8:00 to 6:00 Thursday and Friday and at the airport all day Saturday Registration is filling fast. Don't miss it! Boost
  10. Happy Sunday, I am looking at purchasing a J model Mooney in Hartford, CT and need some recommendations for a shop to do a pre purchase on the plane. I have heard of Reliant Air in Danbury but that is about it, any recommendations would be greatly appreciated. Sincerely, Charles
  11. We are looking to share the new expansion to the entire Mooney Community. What are you looking for? What are you interested in doing in the near future? Please give us an opportunity to earn your work and make a good difference not only with your aircraft, but throughout the community as well. We can accommodate your needs from an annual to a full avionics stack upgrade. We are running several different specials and are booking installations for the upcoming ADS-B mandate that is right around the corner in 2020. Give us a shot, you will NOT be disappointed!!! Shoot me an email, text or call me if you have any questions and to schedule your visit. Greg Baker 541-205-9141 gbaker@bakeravionics.com
  12. Hey guys! I wanted to let our customers (current and potential) know we're all caught up! We're no longer behind struggling to catch up. Tamara is also back to work regularly. 2017 has been an interesting year: we sold our home, purchased the new one, moved in and are as settled as we can be with the light remodeling. With that said, if you need maintenance now is the time to come to us! We're wide open after Christmas - which is not a good place to be if we want to keep our doors open. If you don't have a maintenance need, please pass the word along for us! We hope all of you have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!!
  13. Hi All, So I just went through an exercise in taking my new (to me) mooney and reviewing all the logs for AD compliance as well as all the other maintenance items such as ELT batteries, VOR checks, Transponder, etc. I wanted to do this to convince myself that everything was ok. I found 1 AD that was past due (a month) and one that was due in 11 hours and then need to check the new AmeriKing ELT AD when I get out to the hanger because I could find no where in the logs where it noted what kind of ELT was installed. All of that aside, I was wondering what the best way was for a pilot to track all of that. I've looked at ADLOG and that looks good but it just seems like a fancy filing system. I checked out TData - an application for mechanics but they want something between $300-$700 a year. There is Zook Aviation and their product "AD Toolbox" but they want about $50/month. I also found Quick Aviation but wasn't able to find out anything from their website really. (It kind of looked abandoned). I find it hard to believe that there is not a simple online application that would do this for you (at a reasonable cost). I was wondering what other's experience was? Anything that you have discovered that has helped you other folk keep track of ADs, maintenance periods, etc.? Cheers Cam
  14. I had a case of severe morning sickness a week ago, see attached JPI graph, the log was started about 30 seconds after start, it appear to only be running on 1 cylinder, which is rather impressive. I've had this before but it's always been on cold mornings After it recovered everything was normal, I flew it for another 20 hours and engine ran great, I put in some Marvel Mystery Oil and flew for an hour today, then changed oil, any other preventive measures I can do?
  15. So what are the differences and who can work on what? Let's use a fuel servo as an example or magnetos
  16. If your TKS-equipped Mooney has over 2,000 hours, then it's time to send in your pump for preventative maintenance checks and services. Call the TKS Repair Station at 913-738-5397 for more information.
  17. King KAS297A Altitude Selector Maintenance Manual View File Similar to KAS297B but without vertical speed. Revision 3 July 2002 Submitter floridaflyer Submitted 08/23/2016 Category Avionics
  18. Okay, so I did my first oil change and cut the filter, now how do i get the paper part out?
  19. Is anyone able to make a recommendation for a quality shop in or near south central Texas for a 1966 Mooney M20C? I used to have service completed at Dugosh; however, they have lost almost all of their Mooney experts and have increased their prices by 30% in the last year.
  20. So I've been flying my plane for a couple of months now and am starting to get used to it. But as I am getting more familiar with it I'm starting to notice a few things that I didn't before I bought it. When starting, typically when I engage the starter it doesn't kick the bendix out on the first try but it always always does the second time. I am planning on getting some silicone spray lubricant and squirting it in and am hoping that will work for a while. Second is that I have an ADF but it doesn't work; I was thinking of just taking the antenna off. I can easily just un-hook the wire from both the top of the cabin and the top of the vertical stabilizer. As long as the ADF is marked INOP is there any problem with this that anyone can think of? I'm considering having the unit removed at my next annual anyway just to get rid of the weight and save complexity (more powered stuff in the cabin is more chance for a short). But I figure if I pull the antenna with its rubber bungee hanging out in the wind I can only be helping my airspeed. Third is that on the Arrow I used to fly I could see changes in fuel pressure on the fuel pressure gauge when I adjusted the mixture. The gauge was marked in PSI and in GPH. On my Mooney changing the mixture doesn't seem to change the measured pressure at all. Without the boost pump the pressure is always at the VERY low end of the green arc, but with it (a new Whelen replacement) it's about 1/3 of the way up, no matter what I have the mixture set to. Is this actually normal? I set mixture by the EGT so I don't need it, but this is not what I was expecting. The last is that the aircraft always wants to bank left. It's barely noticeable when in normal cruise flight, but it becomes pronounced when the flaps are extended. With full flaps it will bank at perhaps 5-10 degrees per second if I don't hold it level even though the ball is centered. Am I looking at an expensive adjustment to get this fixed or should this be fairly inexpensive? Inexpensive in Mooney terms, of course. One 'bonus' topic is that I've got a David Clark H10-13X that uses an external battery box but can be cabled directly if the appropriate plug is installed. This would be in addition to the regular audio jacks. Has anyone had this done? It looks REALLY simple if I can find the right cable and I'd love to get rid of the battery box and it's tangle of extra cables. I can't seem to find the right cable from Aircraft Spruce or on the (mostly useless) David Clark web page. Thanks for all your help!
  21. I'm a new M20J owner after much research and digging around. I've seen maintenance manuals on line for older model mooneys, and references for J's but dead links or otherwise dead ends. Anyone have lead on getting either pdf or purchase a Service & Maintenance model to support... SN is 24-594. Thanks.
  22. Purchased my M20K/Encore conversion last October. Been loving it ever since. But I've noticed the electric trim has been intermittent a few times, getting worse over time. Really screwed me up on short final the other day, so I had it looked at and it appears the servo has issues. The bad news from my mechanic: Anyone know of any other options for getting this servo replaced or overhauled? I'd love to not spend an additional $6k so soon on this airplane! Cheers, Nicholas
  23. I recently needed to repair a leak in my right tank and needed to order tank sealant, access cover sealant and top coat. Aircraft Spruce's prices were quite high and didn't exactly have what I needed. I checked everybody on the web and Sky Geek's website showed they had everything I needed at a reasonable price and the web site indicated that everything was in stock and ready for immediate shipment. So I submitted my order at 11:00 AM Arizona time last Monday. By one o'clock I still didn't have an order confirmation or shipping information, so I called them up. They said everything would be shipped on Tuesday! I was a little put off, I expected it to be shipped right away. Tuesday came and I still didn't have any shipping info so I called again. They said they didn't have the sealant in stock and it would be drop shipped from their supplier! I asked why their web site said it was in stock and ready for immediate shipment if they didn't have it in stock? They didn't answer my question. I asked them when it would be shipped and they said they didn't know, but it usually takes the supplier two days to ship. On Thursday I still didn't have a tracking number and canceled the order. I will never do business with Sky Geek again! I looked around the web to find someone who sold the sealant for a reasonable price and found a company called Seal Pack. THIS IS THE BEST COMPANY EVER!!! I called them on the phone because their website wasn't working right. They sold me the exact sealant I needed for 1/2 the price that was on their website. The top coat that I needed was $110 for a pint at Aircraft Spruce, $47 at Sky geek and Seal Pack sold me two ounces for $8.00!. Everybody else was going to charge me a HAZMAT charge. They said they could ship it ground without a HAZMAT charge. Ten Minuets after Hanging up I had tracking number! The total cost was about 1/2 of what Sky Geek was charging and 1/4 of what Aircraft Spruce was charging. It arrived three days later and was extremely well packed.
  24. I'm looking for the right fuel additive for AVGAS I love mooneyland.com. I'd rather say: I loved mooneyland.com because it was a great source of information... The design was obviously not Zef's priority, but the articles were worth every minute of reading ... Now the content of the site is GONE... In one article, Zef was talking about the fuel additives he was using. Can anyone remind me what is was? Thanks, Olivier
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