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Everything posted by tmo

  1. So there is basically no way to tell which wire is which, right? Not questioning, just making sure I'm not missing anything. Looks like a project for next winter...
  2. Thank you; this doesn't seem like a very significant downside. Benefits of placing on LHS > downsides of portrait orientation. Case closed. OK, this one seems obvious, but I'll ask anyway - if/when I redo the panel and can move to landscape, the change is just a few button presses, right? Unless I manage to put it in the "one bad angle" and have to send it back to JPI (another "WTF" moment, but I'm [slowly] learning to deal with those).
  3. Just wash your hands... Perhaps my tickets to get to the Summit will be less expensive due to this hysteria...
  4. Well, the FAA allows the rental fee to be split as well, right? As well as FBO / airport fees and such - things that are directly related to the specific flight.
  5. If Aspen knows that systems manufactured after a certain date (Jan 16, 2020) are not susceptible then it would follow that Aspen knows what changed and thus the cause, no? Or did "everything" change mid-January and you're still looking for that needle in the haystack? Not meaning to give you a hard time, and thank you for being here with us.
  6. I've been convinced that I need to have it in the LHS panel, so out goes the ADF, aka the in-flight entertainment center, in goes the EDM. If I put it RHS, yeah, no problem. What I am not certain on is what actual info I loose in a portrait installation in a 6 cylinder plane. Looks to me like it's all there, just laid out differently.
  7. FWIW some planes came with prop-only TKS systems (eg. Socata TB20/21). I'm told that with singles the TKS fluid from the prop usually does a good job deicing the windshield. With twins not so much, so you need either a heated one, or separate sprayers.
  8. If it won't accept a >8GB card, perhaps you can create a 8GB partition and FAT16 file system, effectively wasting the rest of the card, but not having to buy another one? No idea if it will work, just throwing an idea out there.
  9. Don't you have to cut the panel to use the flush mount adapter, which is what we're trying to avoid (I am going through the process now as well)?
  10. @larrynimmo - thank you for not raising our collective insurance rates and, of course, congratulations on the save and keeping your cool.
  11. @Baker Avionics - based on the description of the workaround (turn up radio, turn headset down) is it likely that the cables between the audio panel and the headset jacks are to be looked at first? If turning the radio up didn't change the ratio of signal to noise, I'd start with the connections between the radio and the audio panel, but it seems the noise is added "downstream" of the radio.
  12. Say again? How about a mandatory 6 year propeller overhaul, just because Her Majesty's subjects running the UK CAA said so? How about mandatory overhaul at TBO, regardless if calendar or hours flown, just because some ex-military fellow running the local CAA thought it was a safe idea? How about no GPS substitution for VOR / DME / NBD? How about mandatory CAMO (Continuous Airworthiness Management Organization), usually with a sister company doing the maintenance, just because you aren't able to look up ADs on your own? How about mandatory SBs? Yes, for private operations. Owner produced what?! Don't get me wrong, I'd love to see price parity of identical devices between certified, experimental and ultralight. I'd love to see all the cool stuff from E/AB and ultralight available for our planes. But do not call the FAA Part 91 rules draconian. That is simply not true. They really did get it right, and are trying to continue down that road, with NORSEE, the Part 23 rewrite, just to name a few. Yes, some ideas are stillborn, like LSA, but nobody is forcing anyone down that path. And don't get me wrong, I think EASA (European Air Safety Agency) is moving the right direction, albeit starting from years of overly restrictive, disproportionate regulation, and still has ways to go, both in terms of the letter of the law and, more importantly, the mental attitude towards private flight. And let's not talk about training, my BP is elevated enough already.
  13. @airbuspilot2436 - what a great idea! Tell your plane it's brother, 25-396, says "hi". FWIW, the FAA says "A/W date: 27 June, 1980" but the first logbook entry is "19 June, 1980". Don't know if I can handle a week-long birthday party...
  14. Speaking of audio panels, how much slack do you leave behind for the various wires? Any chance for pictures from the other side, while it's all opened up? Pretty please?
  15. Did someone already suggest a well hidden motion camera to catch the joker that is putting water in your tanks?
  16. You and your science, just getting in the way of the people! (or, perhaps it should be )
  17. Are you saying the M20-NG should be a high wing? ;-) But joking aside, thank you all for a discussion that while going way over my head is at the same time extremely interesting to try and follow.
  18. Not that I have any right to chime in, but that saying about old pilots and bold pilots does seem applicable... I like your rule to not second-guess safety-impacting decisions post-fact. Armchair quarterback and all that stuff. Privileged to be learning from the likes of y'all I am.
  19. I think "the switch" is not a Surefly device but an ElectroAir one. The idea is for separate controls for each magneto, so you avoid the slight-but-possibly-noticeable delay for when the Surefly "boots up" and actually starts sparking. As in, make sure there is no time with no spark, which can happen when turning the key back and forth. See this post (better yet whole thread) for where I got the above.
  20. 1400h (see 1st post) isn't exactly lowish, is it?
  21. It is the still-unofficial name of the part of Greece that the Chinese government bought as part of the bailout... (kidding!)
  22. As soon as the EDM is installed I can fly down, take a look, and report back. ;-)
  23. IOW, it worked as designed - the AGM batteries are supposed to handle a deep discharge much more gracefully than standard lead-acid ones (up to 80% "depth of discharge" vs. 50% for conventional flooded lead acid batteries). See: AGM Batteries at The Battery University.
  24. OK, I'll bite - is the "flaps before gear" approach due to speed limitations in the earlier Mooneys, or is there some reasoning behind it? My M20K POH has noticeably higher speeds for gear down (132 KIAS) than for flaps (112 KIAS) and I'd always do gear first, flaps later as needed. FWIW, I've been told gear goes down on downwind / abeam threshold.
  25. Whew, you had me worried there for a moment... And you forgot about the Dynon HDX...
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