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Everything posted by tmo

  1. The "Travel John" (and Jane, respectively) lines are said to work well, too...
  2. THIS IS WRONG. It resets the flight time (f/t) on the ADF. I don't know what I was smoking. Apologies. mine looks the same and is labelled "F/T RESET" andvbit resets the totals in the fuel totalizer; make sure your JPI EDM does not have a fuel totalizer that replaced a factory FT-101.
  3. I think there is a G4 in the for sale section, if you can find a spot that won't require too much redoing...
  4. Isn't that adapter still vaporware?
  5. Or 10BASE5 or 10BASE2
  6. A, for the sake of correct terminology - a transformer will not help with direct current (DC) - they only work on AC. DC can be changed, of course, but I'm not sure it's worth the effort. FWIW Trig do have a good reputation this side of the pond, although there is not one Trig device in all our club planes, so no direct experience. Do let us know what you went with.
  7. Not exactly today's, but Saturday, August 24 2019 was my first flight in my M20K. After a few dozen of practice circuits and some time for me to calm down from all the excitement, we took N4041H for a spin EPKP - EPNT - EPNL - EPKP. Not even a XC, but we have to start somewhere... Happy to report the plane, and all on board, survived. N4041H's new home - EPKP Approaching EPNL Joining right downwind to 09R at EPKP.
  8. To the best of my knowledge, two altimeters are only required in RVSM airspace, N-reg planes with single altimiters can fly "normal" IFR in Europe just fine.
  9. Reviving this ole thread... Until the registration paperwork goes through I am stuck reading every piece of paper that came with the plane, and since the panel of a new-to-me M20K 231 is also tainted by said placard, I believe I traced it down to the KNS80 AFMS - on page 3, point 4 of section II - Limitations it says: A/P coupled R/N approaches are prohibited (placard installed just above artificial horizon). Limitation applies to KNS80 s/n 3865 and prior only. Coupled approaches are permissible with approved autopilot installations. Am I correct in understanding that a coupled R/Nav approach with the KFC200 driven by a GNS430W is not subject to this limitation? When I get rid of the KNS80 (flaky screen, 2nd DME freq digit dead) that placard can be removed as well, correct?
  10. For a true CB solution those lucky (emmm, smart?) enough to have IFD devices can install the IFD100 app on their iPad... Those of us with a GNS will have to upgrade, but that is said to be trivial, although not free, as the app is.
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