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Everything posted by RLCarter

  1. If your bidding on this verify the STC (paper work) comes with it, if not see if LASAR will re-issue it and at what cost.
  2. It is fairly tight under there, I had the front seats removed when I was installing new jacks for the intercom.
  3. Should be easy to trace, ck for voltage at the switch, then follow the wire down to the pump. If there is another connection it will show up
  4. too many variables, i would plan on 3 to 4 days. the work wont take that long but the drying time between will
  5. Years ago I was on final and felt like I had a heart murmur, landed and all was good. Two weeks later it happened again, seems that at roughly 500agl my crackberry would sync up and do a short pulse (vibrate) to let me know I had a missed call or text. The way the shoulder harness fit it would hold the phone in my shirt pocket away from my body just far enough to make you think that things are fixing to get bad..... But yes, I do text\talk if I have service while in cruise
  6. The standard (straight) adaptor has served me well, I also have a slotted straight (90*) for tight places. My experience has been if your having an issue with grease coming out around the fitting something is plugged or worn.
  7. I would have to check the FAR's, but I seem to remember that once something is used in or around your plane it can no longer be used for its intended use
  8. My POH doesn't mention running the electric pump while switching, only for Takeoff & Landing
  9. if your planning on getting your Instr. rating, you can get double duty out of your CFI for the first 10~15 hours. My first flight in my Mooney was interesting at the end...Mooney's are great airplanes and one of the things they do very well is go fast on very little power. You dont have to think much faster than in the C-172, just sooner, a lot sooner
  10. how many hours has it flown since 2012?
  11. I'm going with Hank on this
  12. Not in a Mooney .
  13. You can get them at Spruce,
  14. Make sure the USB charger has the correct output for your iPad
  15. My hangar find, and now my flying project
  16. Chances are if the phone lines are inop, so is their internet service so they won't be able to access their email either
  17. Repair shops that pull crap like that piss me off, once opened up they should be able to guess and get within 50 bucks a mag, plus a call to let you know if it's more cost effective to replace
  18. Flip the lever (arm) at the pump where the release cable attaches. Did your current A&P disassemble the pump or just remove it?
  19. Sounds odd to me, I just rebuilt mine about 6 months ago, the release lever at cylinder could have been installed 180* out, stripped threads can be repaired
  20. I'm guessing you need the plastic, give these guys a try Plane Plastics (dont think they show on the site), I have a 65 E and purchased all 4 pieces that cover the nose wheel well from them...the one you need will only be the plastic and will have to be trimmed way down but the cut outs for the indicators are there, will also have to transfer the aluminum placard over as well
  21. Nope just going by what he said, T65 has been getting the runway widened and lengthen along with some other improvements that weren't needed, he told the board that the FAA would be re-certifying the approaches, runway will go from 13/31 to 14/32 and the identifier would be changed to the ICOA 4 letter
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