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Everything posted by RLCarter

  1. Wouldn't the "M" be for Magnetic and the " T" for Track? As far as Compass interference has anyone considered Mooney Service Instruction M20-95 to correct the problem instead of masking it? I'll take a Vert. Card over the whiskey compass any day, especially in IMC and bumps
  2. Did the new style update on my 65E three months ago (Lasar parts), noticed them on the pre-buy and just left it on the jacks. They looked fine as well, but I was able to remove the collars off the link assemblies without using the compression tool. Once removed the originals were splitting at the center hole and were as hard as chinese arithmetic.
  3. I’m in the process of replacing the PTT switches, which were mounted in little plates that had been screwed to the yokes (in several different locations). As far as switches, the biggest problem is when the wires are soldered on to the terminals with way too much heat and the internals of the switch is damaged (melted). Tin the terminals and the wire before soldering together. If you opt for drilling the yokes for mounts, drill and tap don’t use sheet metal screws. These are the mounts and switches I'm using.
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