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Everything posted by peevee

  1. I agree for certified, I don't for experimental they seem to be doing a little better.
  2. You're supposed to do it at cruise climb-ish settings. One minute is allowed at peak EGT None of this has anything to do with the subject at hand however.
  3. Again, I'm unfamiliar... But peak TIT is allowed on my setup for 1 or 2 minutes. I never linger there but it's OK to check for peak and I'm supposed to every flight in order to test the accuracy of the TIT probe.
  4. I'd like to have one of those. Need to get an electric backup AI and we can.
  5. next time I'm at the hangar I'll try and get a shot of it. I was happy rocket had one, but less than happy to pay $250 for it... plus shipping. I've had this guy for years https://www.amazon.com/Mityvac-7201-Fluid-Evacuator-Plus/dp/B0002SR7TC I had just never thought to use it on the airplane. I have mixed feelings about it, but every other change it might be a nice time saver and save wear on my cowl, removing the lower cowl on the rocket (and K) is a 2 man hassle as I'm sure you're aware. I'm thinking I can remove the lower every other change for a full drain and to clean/rotate the plugs, then the interim changes just use the extractor.
  6. I use ours often, great for me. Not so much for the passenger.
  7. I have only flown the factory turbos so I can't help, but if you figure it out I'd be really curious to hear what it was. I really only know how to run them based off TIT, with no TIT I'm clueless. 125ROP sounds fine, I go 150 but that's just me.
  8. I don't have a photo at hand. It's about a 3/4 inch alum tube with two fingers at the top to hold it on the drain fitting. They cost 250 from rocket and probably ten bucks to make. I might try the extractor route every other change just to save wear and tear on the cowl.
  9. I have no trouble whatsoever with the quick drain. Do you have the rocket drain fitting? I certainly have never removed the intercooler for a filter change.
  10. That got pushed out a couple months
  11. That looks real nice, makes getting to and safety wiring the filter harder though.
  12. I'd hang out in Singapore and Australia or new Zealand as long as I could, those long Pacific legs sound brutal.
  13. you can show me in the "doesn't care" category
  14. what's the deal with the coating on the garmins that seems to turn purple after awhile?
  15. Nope. Did the rest of my training out of MMV. Well, private anyway. It was fun, I'd go again. I saw a place I was visiting last week had a t6 you could fly in but didn't have time.
  16. I took some early lessons at TDD. Lets see here: 7/12/1997 N704SV 8/8/97 N704PX 9/9/97 N8997U 12/31/97 N7322A Flew a t6 texan out of chehalis once. Love the walmart in the middle of the old runway.,
  17. So we flew from Co to ca to northern CA to or to ut to home, 2 of us at alts from 140 to 240. We left with 1500psi and landed with 1k psi. 10 or 12 hours of flying. Probably about 8 hours at 180-200
  18. Iirc the rocket manual calls for 3 cycles, and it's full feathering. Why I do not know. Or care I guess.
  19. Yep, fresh overhaul by Corona and a fresh tank seal by Paul Beck.
  20. Ah, someone bought cg. We had a prebuy done and ultimately settled on a different plane. It's a nice flying plane.
  21. Not exactly. Atlantic owns the fbo at mtj. Their bread and butter is the overflow jet traffic going into mtj when they can't get space at Tex, which has a very very small ramp. It's the same story as Aspen. Wealthy people that don't care what it costs, that's the business they want, just like heber city I was just at. You and I aren't their demographic.
  22. Avflight dro is good. But it's not Atlantic that owns mtj ase and 2 others that escape me. Avflight is old school. I get in there almost weekly for angel flight West.
  23. Clearly you don't see the volume into Montrose around the busy ski weekends.
  24. Most of Colorado ski country is about like that.
  25. Sounds like you can only replace one with it and have to keep the other magneto. -35 could be a problem for us in the flight levels too
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