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Everything posted by peevee

  1. our plane is in for some adjusting. shop says at some point there was a SB back in the day for the kap-150 to upgrade the microprocessor relating to glideslope performance, but they can't get the processor anymore. I can't find anything about it online, anyone happen to know anything? It'd sure be nice to know what the upgrade did and how I could track down a processor.
  2. I think I'm done with certified airplanes. I'm over it and this is a big reason why.
  3. I kind of hate the odp system. Why can't they chart them like a Sid and make life easier for all? I have just enough automation to really feel a lot safe monitoring the plane in a critical phase leaving my attention to higher sure priorities than hand flying it.
  4. Not exactly. Lots of people depart ifr at airports without an odp and manage to hit something before they can get to the mva
  5. was just in heber a few weeks ago, how was that "cheap" gas? LoL here's the last couple times I was there. Rocket most recently and 231 it replaced a bit ago.
  6. $1500 would be a bargain on what I saw when researching a few weeks ago!
  7. I dunno which heater you have, but our prop gets pretty warm from ours. I haven't checked but I bet (hope) the hub does too.
  8. I need the bucks to keep my airplane flying. And others needs the parts to keep theirs going.
  9. it's just an airplane. I'd hack it to bits with a grin if it made me money.
  10. Generally considered a career limiting move.
  11. it's gone a little beyond that
  12. Based on those? My money is on FUBAR
  13. That's got everything I need to convert back to a factory belly pan too.
  14. Works in paint too. Good for bugs.
  15. maxwell said it's costing us. he might be right, he might not. there's a limit to how much I'm willing to spend to find out though and a new one piece from lasar is about 5 times over that threshold.
  16. lockmart doesn't run flight service anymore, leidos I think merged with lockmart and took over? I'm not certain the mechanics of it. Point remains, no one calls flight service for anything anymore.
  17. For years I've wanted to do that a d every year something happens and I can't, work, weather, broken plane... Every year.
  18. 10lbs and possibly 10 knots.
  19. I can learn the mechanics of it online easy but not the finesse Maybe I can just practice. Fiberglass materials aren't expensive. Biggest problem is I need an autoclave as the belly pan won't fit in my oven.
  20. We have 1080 useful. I can put 103 gallons, bags, and me and the wife on board. If your guy has 750 then something is wrong. I can run 27" and see basically 231 performance on 15gph or I can run 31" and run faster. I can climb out at gross 1750fpm. Kind of handy departing a short strip at 10k density altitude. The 520 doesn't cost me much to mimic a 231 and the rocket cooling is much better, climb is better, and I can run 230-235 knots if I want to. The big bore mooneys are much more flexible. It cracks me up to see people spending 20k or more a year to keep a plane then bitch about a few gallons of gas.
  21. I bet eaa has some local stuff. I'll look into it.
  22. That can be said of about everything
  23. I could. I've done very little fiberglass work before and I'm basically terrible at it.
  24. I run the rocket at almost the same fuel flows I ran the 231 it replaced. And I probably at least break even in climb due to reduced time in climb. I'd rather have it and not need it than need it and not have it.
  25. Yeah, I bet you could very easily. Tape up the inside so it's flat and put down plastic and or mold release. I bet it wouldn't be too hard. Maybe I'll give it a shot this winter. Good idea.
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