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Everything posted by ArtVandelay

  1. Keep track of the number for sale, when I was looking back in 2014, there was like 29 Js for sale.
  2. I guess aluminum isn’t poisonous?
  3. Why not just use PRC you mentioned?
  4. You have to get the STC from manufacturer which will cost money and can’t be driven by 660 in a certified airplane. To me this is only good for someone who already has a 30 and wants spare parts for future repairs. By the time you pay for STC and install, you’re getting close to a GFC 500.
  5. I JBWeld a 4” stub of threaded pipe and then thread a cap on to make sure it doesn’t come out.
  6. Ignore the sample problem.
  7. I use the aircraft spruce one: Although as I get older I’m thinking of going electric.
  8. I have a camshaft I use as a door stop in my hangar here in south Florida , the only rust that develops is where there is dirt. This tells me it’s not just the humidity of the air, it’s the dirt maybe in combination with the humidity.
  9. Maybe to the exterior….
  10. A single CHT or EGT is 1/6 as useful, I would either have a second panel or reconfigure the panel to show all.
  11. Doesn’t matter where it sits, dirty oil contains bad things including water. What matters is how the engine was treated. If you check the logs and only see oil changes during the annual, that’s a bad sign.
  12. I’m not talking about the lens, the older Js had a bracket (trim) in addition, definitely not flush, that’s what I removed. See Steves picture above. The Ovation never had the bracket AFAIK, I’ve seen one up close and it was like mine.
  13. I would touch base with Alan and other salvagers, they might have used parts.
  14. On POA (medical topics forum), Dr. Chien answers questions like these, check this out: https://www.pilotsofamerica.com/community/threads/add-questions.85996/#post-1892265
  15. Chances are it’s a broken wire to the light.
  16. Before you do that, disconnect the transducer, spray inside liberally with carburetor cleaner, connect it back up, see if that fixes it. The impeller could be sticking.
  17. It’s weird that it looks so clean with exception of the corrosion. Makes me wonder what caused it?
  18. I have my own custom made checklist, I added light gun signals along with transponder 7000 codes…..just in case.
  19. If up against the radio stack it will blend in because it sticks out the same amount. But if isolated, yes, will look better flush mounted, of course that’s going to cost extra.
  20. 4 cylinders in horizontal mode wastes space, the layout is not as clean. IMHO of course.
  21. For those of us without turbos the runway might be too short depending on weight/temperature.
  22. The important question is, did the cameras survive the impact?? Did he start a go fund me so he can buy a new plane?
  23. Biggest myth is they’re a tight fit.
  24. Maybe it’s the environment, where are you based at?
  25. My J has two hose attachments to the right side air vent, so no fan needed as fresh air gets piped in. I capped 1, but have 1 feeding air to the back of my left stack.
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