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Everything posted by ArtVandelay

  1. Yes, if you have a total loss…but if you have a major incident it’s going to cost you resale value. A belly landing that’s relatively minor incident will cost you resale value.
  2. I think it’s more complicated than that. Assume a retail price for your plane in today’s market is $100,000. A. You insure for $100,000 and have major damage. Now the plane gets fix (but only after major hassle of such a repair), now your plane is worth maybe $80,000 because it has damaged history. You’ve lost $20,000 in value. B. You insure for $80,000. Now you take your insurance money, no hassle of a repair, no waiting for it to be repaired (may take a year with such damage), just take the money and buy a new $100,000 plane. It costs you $20,000, but you would have lost $20,000 anyway.
  3. I had good luck with Palm Beach Propeller in Lantana.
  4. Can’t answer question, but there’s possible some arcing on the left most switch/CB? Your steel frame is rusted, and the switch on the lower right…was there a leak?
  5. You’re effectively taking the plane off the market when you get the security deposit, possibly losing money from another buyer while dealing with current one, that’s why the deposit is necessary. I would tell the buyer to pound sand, he might just be a tire kicker.
  6. But it looks faster!
  7. Read the POH, there’s performance tables, you’ll want to run in at 75% horsepower for the first few hours, ROP, then try to keep it at least 65% horsepower till first oil change. You’ll likely have hot cylinder temperatures till it breaks in, but keep them under 425°F. Don’t try LOP operation until temperatures drop below 400°. Once broken in they should run around 350° or so in winter temperatures. I assume you have an engine monitor with fuel flow.
  8. I assume the fluid would spread out as it moves covering the wing, so only the small leading edge lens portion would ice up.
  9. Yes, when it was apart for an overhaul. Remember some air filters are soaked in oil, so excess oil ends up coating the air box.
  10. I believe my 78 has the mod, I thought it was just a reinforced metal strip glassed in?
  11. Mine went up 8.5%, it’s now 1.6% of hull value. No milestones, less than a 100 hours due to lack of longer cross country trips because of rental car issues.
  12. I think “Matterhorn White” is pretty standard these days: https://www.aerotouchups.com/f17178652.html
  13. Some sites will still allow you to be tracked, like http://adsbexhange.com
  14. Some field overhauls install new mags, mine did, check your log entry.
  15. No, get the JPI first, then do some lean tests to see what kind of fuel flow spread you have, if it’s 1/2 gallon or better…then get the gamis. Edit: by better I meant larger.
  16. I tried contacting them before Covid when I was looking, never responded, the website is now gone, FWIW.
  17. I just use a generic backpack, I also carry clothes,etc for an overnight in a hotel when traveling. I don’t leave my A20 headset in the plane.
  18. I like the halo effect, I wonder what’s causing that?
  19. I don’t think it matters, as long as it’s pointed in the right direction. You want LEDs, and stop what seems like endless replacements and drop you electrical load.
  20. I was talking about gear speeds, being able to drop the gear at a higher speed helps getting slowed down.
  21. 1. In the end it’s more about the economy and inflation. 2. Not necessarily true, it depends, was the plane hangared, active, and maintained, or left outside, inactive and abandoned. 3. 77J is a transition year, still has F throttle quadrant and lower speeds, other than that changes are small and incremental. 4. Get a good prebuy, corrosion can be a killer.
  22. Charts, pubs? What are these things? It’s 2021…we have electronic flight bags nowadays. ;-)
  23. And yet tugs which are less complicated to manufacture are 4-5 times more expensive.
  24. I tell them stop at 1/2”, wet tanks, I’ve never seen it blown out, but I hate seeing them overflow the tanks.
  25. Let’s do the math: $87k price paid $30k engine overhaul (or more if you have a bad cam, case,etc) $4k prop overhaul $17k paint job $10k interior redo $75k new panel: GFC, G3X, GPS, PS Audio… For a total of $223k…. No problem in aviation can’t be solve if you have enough money. [emoji6]
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