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Everything posted by RocketAviator

  1. I do change them as a set. Already ordered 2 now I'm broke or should I say double broke! Thanks Tom
  2. Anyone have a Rocket Battery Board that would be willing to post an image and provide dimensions and let me know if it has any pins or other specifics. I need to change out my batteries during annual and Id prefer not to have the A&P crawling over and on top of all the avionics and other items in the tail getting the batteries replaced. Any help or information would be appreciated. Thanks in advance,
  3. First I am thankful you and your passenger was not hurt, 2nd sounds like you did a fantastic job & last I'm sorry about you plane. take care,
  4. PPL in 1983, IFR in 2010 1600+hrs, fly about 150hrs or more a year on average and a fair amount in IMC and some smaller amount in hard IMC but fortunately in West Texas it's not overwhelming. Seldom take off without being on IFR flight plan. Have a 2nd home that's a about 500 miles so that trip is fairly frequent and often contains weather conditions would prohibit VFR flight when conditions are still otherwise safe to fly. Have made several cross crountry flights from CA to Florida and about 3/4 of the rest of the USA. Still want to fly up to the North East US & Bahamas / Carabeian & Alaska are all on my bucket list! I flew for years without the IFR rating and while the initial training and the continuation of training does make you a better pilot it does not just make you a better pilot just because you have the rating! For me the IRF rating has allowed me to have a much greater utility and use of my flying opportunities. Would do it again for sure! 1st plane was a turbo Saratoga, the 2nd the Mooney Rocket.
  5. Congratulations.....
  6. My home is only a couple miles from the airport so I flew over my house!
  7. I have logged .3 hr flying the Ford Tri Motor! A great thrill of a lifetime! Our local EAA sponsored the Tri Motor, had the largest # of rides & $$$ raised. My buddy Yoda EAA chapter tried to beat our local EAA out in Sacramento but don't think they quite made it.. although he says they may have.... lol
  8. Clarence, Im serious, Since Byron brought this up, I have long wanted to try my hand at aircraft racing. Now if Byron will teach me how to race and YOU come down and help us tune up the ol bucket of bolts....... that would be winning combination! You come down and well do this!
  9. Well done Mooney drivers! One day I hope to try my hand at a race or three....
  10. Mike have you used it with Synthetic Vision and if so for any length of time and with what software?
  11. Pm me Pinto @ Houston Southwest has Acclaim
  12. Highly Recommend using hot air gun rather than open fire torch. Also always best to use impact vs straight torque. Also can use insulation or old baffling material to keep any excess heat off unwanted areas. As Chuck said never use ball end of allen wrenches for high torque apllication. Even if not metric use tightest fitting wrench (metric or SAE) even if light force is needed to insert. Use great caution to not wobble the allen socket out. If wobble begins stop try larger wrench or you may need to use easy outs! Heat first and impact even the palm type would be my first choice.
  13. Congratulations Rocket Can't wait to see & check it out! Enjoy!
  14. I have never seen it around 5T6 before, good luck. Looks like a great airplane.
  15. Just heard from Caravan they are still in Maddison on weather hold. Wishing the best for the pilot and his plane. Glad to hear no one was injured.
  16. What is Mooney tail that had the problem? If don't know tail what color? Was it in the Caravan arrival?
  17. I too flew this wonderful piece of aviation history with 26 passengers as i recall... 80 mph rotate, 80 mph climb, 80 mph cruise, 80 finial.... A prized memory. Note the Mooney Caravan Oshkosh Shirt & Hat! Flight at my home field of 5T6 in 2015
  18. Please PM me. Are the units you have same as K? Lacee
  19. You've seen my panel. With all you've done to your plane I would recommend the GTN750 or equivalent, Aspen (you can get lifetime subscription fairly reasonable) & one of the less expensive ADSB options! What have you heard about the latest on the lessor expensive glass panel options like EAA just partnered on with D? Might be worth waiting.
  20. I use Fine wire in my TSIO 520 Rocket. Tried Champion, very noticeable improvement. I run seriously LOP, now with well over 650 hrs on them they still preform well. I do see some lead build up at annual. I only clean with pick, never sandblasting. Was a challenge to choke down the cost but I would do it again.
  21. Congratulations and welcome to the Exclusive Mooniac Club! Hold on for the greatest ride of your life!
  22. Texas Wing already has printed stickers.... we were the first to have them as far as I know.... oh and we have multiple versions! Come join us in Texas all are welcome, we don't get jealous....maybe just a wee bit competitive though!
  23. John my friend it has come & gone.... Next one up that I know of is San Marcos. Come spend the night at my shack and join me, I'm departing 5T6 early the 22nd for KHYI!
  24. I have the electric pump version. Works well. I have not seen not seen but am told the bulb version is quite adaquat. My light has gone out once. I had to repair inflatable seal once after wife opened door while inflation, tore a 2" rip. Fields grandson told me what they used to make the seal. I purchased the RTV from McMaster Carr. Going strong for more than a year now. I have had both inflation seal is only way I'd go!
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