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Everything posted by RocketAviator

  1. For all of you that ask I am a bit reluctant to share however the cost was $65,200 plus trade in credit of $13,200 for the 2 430's, and the other used avionics taken out of the Rocket plus two Bose headsets. The plane was tied up 4 weeks. And one of those weeks was due to auto pilot issues. I am a systems integrator and have worked with servos and automation for my entire career and when the auto pilot issue came up I told John I don t think it was the servo but remember I was not there and could not say for sure. I got some good advice from Byron and checked with his source who confirmed my suspicions but could not say for sure without testing the autopilot himself. John told me what they had checked and said it was the only thing he could not check himself... Long story short they sent the computer and trim servo off to be checked the next day I called John and ask him to overnight the pitch servo for test as well, which he did. While the unit was off being tested John found the problem in the conductors. John reported what the auto pilot company doing the test had found and that the problem was in the conductors he would stand good for auto pilot overnight and bench tests with no additional cost to me... what a relief to have someone stand behind their work and tell me the truth.. Because John Miller was completely truthful with me and especially without being prompted our warned to do so I happy paid him for his lost expenses. What a blessing it is to have someone be honest with you! Let me be clear I have no dog in this race, I did not know this man or his company before he did the work for me, for once just a story of a guy who did what he said he would do, for what he said he would do it for and it works just as he said it would, what more can I say! I will do business with John Miller again if I have the opportunity & I would highly recommend John Miller at Crystal Avionics in New Braunfels TX, oh and by the way his quote was the best I received from 4 of the recommended shops I checked with! Low enough that I made him confirm and recheck his quote twice, over 20k less than highest bidder! Also John added several other special request items such as the AOA, 2 additional 12VDC power outlets with the proper circuit breakers, remote handheld radio antenna connection, door seal controls and proper circuit interrupt, and repaired the gear down warning system. He also personally flew with me in the plane today for training with system and approaches etc! Lastly I am still behind the learning curve for sure but the SVT is more than I had hoped for, we flew a couple hours in IMC today, made approaches like it was VFR all I can say is WOW! I have had tablet SVT in my Saratoga for some time but nothing like flying SVT as your primary navigation!! I wont ever go back to steam gauges... well at least I hope I wont! Have not had sufficient VFR conditions to permit the calibration and use of the AOA, will advise when we get it set up!
  2. Well it is about time that I go see if I can get that ol bucket of bolts in the air..... and hopefully back down in one piece! Currently overcast at about 1000 AGL.... I guess we will see if the SVT really is helpful! After flying the Saratoga for some 700+ hours, at this early stage I have found you don't get in a Mooney, YOU PUT ONE ON! Tally Hoe.... or something like that!
  3. Jose, Thanks, at my age long range tanks are not the limiting factor!!! LOL I find the Rocket actually very efficient on fuel consumption when flying it at economy power settings, far better MPG than my Saratoga.
  4. Thanks Eldon and I plan to take you up on your offer and come your way, at a minimum meet in Oshkosh... LOL. Yes they did get the extensions installed and another Mooneyspace member was kind enough to provide me the drawings and paperwork needed. However in the Immortal words of "Houston we have a problem....." Not only did they install the extensions they installed the whole complete assembly with the black pedal!
  5. Well its been a long time coming... well it seems that way to me however I finally got to at least sit in the ol - new to me Rocket tonight with plans to fly it with the new panel tomorrow! I have read everything I can get my hands on and watched all the videos I could find, downloaded the training simulator etc. Any advice or words of wisdom from those who have similar panels would be greatly appreciated. The panel consists of a G500 with SVT, GTN 750 & GTN 650, GTX330EX, GDL88, GAD43E, PS8000 audio panel, Insight G3 engine monitor, KAP 150 and Alpha System AOA.(would especially like any words of wisdom on calibrating and flying with the AOA). Here are a few pics of the orig panel new panel, a couple of them with the power on the quality is beyond bad but it was all I could get with my phone and the light conditions, better pic to follow!. OK here is a shot of the panel as it is powered up with the 696.... Yea before anyone says something yes I like the yoke mounted tablets, have two on my Saratoga!! oops forgot you cant say Brand X on this site!
  6. I flew into the KWYS last summer in my Turbo Saratoga with my wife and two grand-kids a great airport... ok it was before I bought my Mooney Rocket!!! A great single runway strip with GPS and ILS approach, great people. Far lower cost fuel than say Jackson Hole! Watch the winds when you get above the tree tops if you are not familiar with mountain flying or you & your passenger may get an unexpected thrill!!! I just flew over it a few weeks ago again but it was closed as it is during the winter months FROM DEC 1 THROUGH MAY 31. Definitively worth the time to fly over YNP but even better is to fly along the Grand Tetons in my opinion that is something that can only be seen from a plane and appreciate it's majestic appearance. I plan to go back next summer and stay longer this time 2 days is not even close to long enough time in and around YNP!!! I too give Two Thumbs up on the Old Faithful lodge and the Lake Hotel! Enjoy, fly safe.
  7. Freebird will be hooked...... say no more!!
  8. Praying for Gods Blessings and Peace to you and his family.
  9. ok here is another one, I purchased this Mooney Rocket in March of this year.
  10. I currently have both, have flow 700+ hrs with the Century 41 in my Saratoga and only 10 hrs with the KAP 150 in my Mooney Rocket. I have had both sent in for repairs! I will say the service I received from Century (Matt whom is the service manager at Century) was outstanding. The 150 is due back Monday from a AP shop in the Midwest my Avionics shop sent it to, we will see how it works out. When both are working correctly in my opinion both perform very close to the same, I like the panel features and the self test of the Century 41 more than I do the KAP. Both are more than acquitted autopilots, especially in IMC where to me they really count. I have spend a fair amount of time in IMC lately where I fully enjoy the benefits and safety of a correctly functioning autopilot! I hope to pick up my Mooney this next week with the new avionics panel and correctly working autopilot, Ill let you know how it all works out.
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