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Everything posted by RocketAviator

  1. I have the G500 - GTN 750 & 650. Have V7.0 on the 500. As I recall it is in the Map-setup option page where you turn on the weather on the default (main) and or other pages MFD (right side) best I recall. We set it up as the plane was still sitting in the Avionics shop. I don't know if anything in the 430 package would effect but I could not see how as the weather and trafic are products of the GDL 88 and not the 430.
  2. Now after having the GTN 650 & 750. If there is anyway I would highly recommend the 750 over the 650. Just my 2 cents worth and YOUR $$$! The 750 has several features that the 650 does not which I use frequently! Weather, Airport directory, approach plates and more. 650 a great device I use as backup but 750 is used XX times more than 650. Either are better than the 175B by a millennium in my opinion. Good luck
  3. Im not sure I understand. I have had my M20K Rocket on external power supply many times and it does not run my ship battery down. I don't even turn the master switch on as the external power supply enables a relay to the main buss, which is where my G500 draws power from. I then need to turn on the Radio Master to enable the GTN's.
  4. Rocket is Shane coming to the San Marcus clinic. Between the two of us I'd like to get some formation video from a 2 to 4 craft view if we include Pinto & Sandman
  5. Super easy to get your records fax them a one sentence letter requesting a complete copy of your records, they will send them certified mail now due to HEPA.
  6. I print my form off each year. There is also an option to save as PDF, I do that as well. Lastly every few years I request a copy of my full FAA Medical records (which they must provide you free) It has a copy of EVERYTHING the FAA has on me medically. I fly on special issue. This year I'm requesting after more than 15 years of stability to be released from the special issue. I had cornea transplants 15 years ago! I'm corrected 20/20..... Well see FAA exam is today! I have multiple letters from my eye Dr and Eye Surgeon who state I'm stable and have been for more than a decade. But one must remember this is the FAA they don't have to be logical or reasonable do they!
  7. Congratulations Wishing you many great, fun & safe years of Mooney flight!
  8. Sled, I am beyond excited for you guys!!! Thanks to you and all those that helped put on this clinic, well done! I wish I could have gotten there to help. I will do my best if any way possible to try and come help next year if you put on another clinic... (& I SURE HOPE YOU DO), appreciate as much advance notice of a date as possible to enable me to participate. HATS OFF TO YOU ALL!!!! It is great to see action in the East Coast! Keep up the Great Work.... Oh there is one last detail that needs to be worked out.... What are you going to NAME your Group.... We have the Gunfighters from the Yuma Clinic Texas Wing (yea you know where we are from....El Paso, Kerrville, San Marcos) The group from CA I think they go by Norcal.... but I am not sure. SO WHO & WHAT ARE YOU ALL GOING TO BE KNOWN AS??? Be aware there might just be a little friendly "throw down competition".... Texas Wing is the odds to win favorite of course!!! Fly safe and thanks again to everyone, Lacee / RocketAviator (RocketMan)
  9. Congratulations, welcome to being part of owning one of the best Planes in the world and part of the BEST People in the world..... that is Mooniacs of course!
  10. WOW A++++++++ for creativity and execution! I would put you up for Mooneyspace Creativity of the Year Award..... if we had one!
  11. Will do, will be great to see you again!
  12. Dallas I continue to be amazed at and by Clearance he is always very helpful and knowledgable. I hope you get to meet him this year at Oshkosh. Way cool video, just got 3 knock off GoPros mounted in my Rocket but have zero experience in the cool editing and adding music that you all do. Going to have to get someone to educate me on how to do all that. Fly safe, by the way we are planing on a whirl wind CA trip in September. Fly the Golden Gate Bridge, Shelter Cove, Half Moon Bay finishing off with a couple days on Catilina Island then returning home. Expecting our 2 other Texas Wing Mooney & maybe one C to join us in addition to my good friend from Lincoln. By the way I met and had a great time at diner swapping stories with the guy that builds shocks for crazy off-road and airplanes that you also know a couple ago in SnF. He is good friends with my good friend out of Lincoln where he has his shop. Take care
  13. I'm in! Let's do this. Going to be a great time! One of the many formation flights in the image below that I've had the pleasure to fly since I attended the San Marcus formation clinic last year.... Not to mention the much more highly prized element of meeting up with what has become 2 very good friends in just one short year! Almost hard to believe how much has happened in my aviation & personal life in the last year! Yea San Marcus holds a very special place in my aviation life! Good times, Great People! If you've never been you DONT know what your missing!
  14. 103.25 Since Jan 1 2015 73.25 IFR flight plans Balance in VFR & Formation Flying! In addition to the above I have 14.4 hr as IFR Currency Safety Pilot. Have a trip to CA, MT and Oshkosh still to go so might break 200 total this year. When you live in El Paso NOTHING is close! I calculate assuming 160kts average GS about 16520 statue miles... 3400 miles alone week before last RT SnF and back. 1250 miles RT Yuma Formation Clinic 1000 miles RT Kerrville Formation Clinic 800 miles multiple trips to Phoenix 1200 miles multiple trips to Granbury 850 miles multiple trips to Amarillo This is making me realize how much $$$ I spend on flying I think I will quit now!!!! Please dont show this to my wife... the one who manages the $ or should I say now the was the $$$$$ Fly safe all!
  15. Man thats a good looking lead Rocket wing now..... aint it!
  16. RocketAviator

    YAK 57

    Sweet looking plane indeed. Thug the owner is a great guy & pilot. Sure appreciate all his help with the Formation Clinic in Kerrville!
  17. Well I guess Pinto is not too far out..... Bring it in there Pinto so you can become a Mustang!!!
  18. Sweet thanks I'll go to the airport ASAP & check it out!
  19. How did you get the head rests? I would really like to have those and an up / down adjustable right seat.
  20. Well done Dad! I have had many such flights with almost all of my 7 grandchildren most of whom have not known me without an airplane! When my children were young I did not own (could not afford and airplane then....)
  21. cant seem to get anything on the page the link leads to open! Anyone else have an issue? Thanks
  22. Yes sir great photos. We were there too as our first time. Sorry did not meet you in person.
  23. Check out flight aware for the flight GS & flight profile. Enjoyed it, bought another mask today at SnF so can get High with my wife...LOL
  24. No problem at all, we had standby O2 wore masks as you can see. Constant O2 meter checks, never either of us below 98%
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