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Everything posted by kmyfm20s

  1. If you are in Concord I would check out Tim’s in Long Beach. From what I gather reading posts people aren’t comparing apples to apples with cost. I know people are happy with the quality of Jewell and its sound like they are great people so I’m not trying to disparage them but it sounds like the overhauls are top and bottom end overhauls without the accessories. I might be wrong but if that is the case it is a big difference in cost. Most shops will do just a top and bottom overhaul without doing the accessories but you can’t technically call it a major overhaul. Someone correct me if I’m wrong.
  2. Coincidentally my baggage door popped open just as I was rotating after this thread started. Plenty of runway to abort the landing safely. I am back to locking the door regardless if I have backseat passengers. No damage to the door.
  3. Tell us about your current engine and why it needs replacement? Where are you located? This way someone can give you a recommendation.
  4. When I had this issue the cable was loose and slipping on the servo. They tightened it up and all was good. Here is a quick read that might be helpful. https://genesys-aerosystems.com/blog/the-ups-and-downs-of-autopiltot-troubleshooting
  5. For sure the ground ops is when you want and use A/C the most. I usually turn off the air conditioner between 6000’ to 8000’. Today when I took off it was 109 out and had the A/C on up at 8500’ and kept it on which is isn’t the norm. The more humid the air the better it A/c works. Sometimes when it is really hot and dry out the air coming out of the ducts doesn’t feel all that cold but like today at 109 I could taxi with the doors shut and not sweat. Really nice for commuting in my works clothes!
  6. My Eagle had a placard for it to be turned off for take off and climb but no mention of ground ops and cruise. When it got the 310hp STC it could be used full time with no limitations.
  7. Can this unit be taken in and out of the plane when needed for seasonal use? Freeing up useful load would be nice in the winter time.
  8. 1055# in my 310hp Eagle, loaded with everything except O2, but with air conditioning, unlike an Encore;)
  9. That good news! I wonder why the EGT runs so much higher on that cylinder?
  10. Very sad! I never had the good fortunate to meet him but always enjoyed his contributions here on Mooneyspace. RIP Bob and condolences to the family!
  11. At minimum on a quick turn around I fill the first tank then shake the wing tip up and down then fill the second tank and shake it again. Go back sump tank 1 then tank 2.
  12. I am jealous of the barn doors and the easy loading of bulky cargo. The front seat removal technique has made it much better for me but obviously less than ideal. I would keep your plane and Join a flying club that has a plane that fits your needs for the few times you are maxed out. After owning several planes the best plane is one you own and is squawk free which fits 80% of your mission profile. Acquisition cost, taxes, upgrading and de-squawking a used plane has never gone in my favor. You never get back what you put into them.
  13. Take a look at this one. Looks like it is exactly what your looking for. It is on my airfield. https://www.controller.com/listings/aircraft/for-sale/165453279/1999-mooney-m20r-ovation
  14. I assume you are taking out the back seats but also take the copilot seat out when you load the bikes. You can leave seat belt attached and set it on the wing walk while loading the bikes then put it back in after. It takes a second to do but makes it sooooo much easier. When we fly with the baby I take the copilot seat out and leave it out for mom and baby to fly in the back seats. Loading baby seats in the back is a serious PITA plus it’s much safer in an emergency exit situation. I love having the copilot seat out and usually don’t put it back in until I have to. I’m sure you know how to remove the front seat but you just pull the 2 cotter pins, slide the seat back and lift, slide it all the way forward and lift. Reverse the process to put it back in. If you don’t take the belt off it literally takes a minute. Saves you way more time and frustration than leaving it in.
  15. Could the backfiring or miss timed ignition have caused the push rods to bend? Mag failure could significantly change the timing on an individual cylinder. If ignition happened at the correct point it could put a lot of pressure on the valve bending the push rod? Just thinking out loud.
  16. I have had 3 magneto failures. I failed to switch to the good mag each time even though it states to do so in the POH. I was to preoccupied with the rough running engine. 2 of the 3 times EGT’s and CHT’s went wild with backfiring during these 2 times Luckily I was still in the pattern of the airport. If I continued flying I could of easily lost a cylinder and had more serious issues to deal with. The 1 time that the EGT’s and CHT’s didn’t go wild on the mag failure I was on a 3 hour cross country the engine was smooth and didn’t even know the mag was out. The only thing I noticed was that EGT’s we’re slightly higher than normal but when I was landing I was getting some stumbling I’m sure because of an overly rich mixture. It was diagnosed on the ground the the mag had completely failed. The difference on this failure was it was the 1 mag was completely out, similar to if you turned it off in flight. I recommend people isolate and turn off the bad magneto regardless.
  17. You are correct! I hate when I get things backwards:(
  18. Higher manifold pressures will make induction leaks more pronounced. The EGT’s of 1 & 3 as well as the CHT’ of 1,2 & 4 come in line with each other once in cruise is I’m sure why Paul feels like it’s not a leak. We know EGT readings are relative but the #3 cylinder on 360 Lycoming engines is always a wildcard. My guess is #1 EGT just reads high since it parallels 2 & 4. Something is making the EGT of #3 rise disproportionately on takeoff and the CHT follows for that cylinder.
  19. Maybe @kortopates can take a look at the above screen shot of your data. I know you said they tested for an induction leak but that’s what it looks like It is to me.
  20. Something is causing your #3 EGT to be out of line and much hotter than the other cylinders on takeoff.
  21. I agree with and follow the CDC recommendations both personally and professionally. I don’t want to be the source of my family, friends, employees or patients getting sick. I recommend everyone follow the recommendations. I think anyone would agree if you get a fresh supply sick patients from out of the area it’s going to screw the numbers. It’s a contributing factor not the only factor. Flattening the curve doesn’t mean no one will ever get sick again. Reopening has to happen at some point and there will be new people getting sick as it occurs. You obviously see the worst of it and we are fortunate to have you helping these sick people. https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/prevent-getting-sick/prevention.html https://www.sandiegouniontribune.com/news/health/story/2020-05-20/help-on-the-way-imperial-hospitals-drop-covid-diversion-even-as-they-continue-transferring-patients https://www.azcentral.com/story/news/politics/border-issues/2020/05/31/binational-response-cornonavirus-arizona-mexico-border-yuma/5276952002/ https://kfoxtv.com/news/local/discrepancies-in-el-paso-covid-19-reports-from-hospitals-treating-patients-from-juarez
  22. The border cities in the US have been getting hammered with US citizens that live in Mexico coming back across to receive treatment. The Mexican hospitals have been overwhelmed. El Centro hospital (Ca) is full and they have been transporting patients out of the airport I fly into KIPL (Imperial) by helicopters and Planes day and night to other hospitals that have enough space. Primarily San Diego and Riverside.
  23. That has to be a first! I have heard of the baggage door popping open many times, coming off maybe a few Times but wrapping around the horizontal stabilizer, never! Glad you got it to the ground safely! You had me worried with the gear!! I used to always lock the baggage door before flight until recently since I have been flying with the kids in the back seats. I felt like the benefits of being unlocked out weighed the risk of the door coming open with back seat passengers. With only the front seats full I always lock baggage door.
  24. Do an in air magneto check and it should be pretty apparent if one of the mags is causing the problem.
  25. I had a 182 that I had the seats reupholstered. The bolsters and headrest were in leather with the center of the seat and back in woven wool fabric. By far the comfortable seats for hot and cold weather.
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