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Everything posted by kmyfm20s

  1. LS3 Power/torque curve included in the chart.
  2. I have flown in there a few time and is a good one. Driven through too many times before I was a pilot. I know the feeling! I went to Dental School in Nebraska and I would drive home on the I-70 for breaks. I would stop and Jump in the hot springs by myself and it definitely felt a little odd. This time I will have the family and I am looking forward to jumping in with them it if this is the way we go.
  3. Exactly! If the weather not forecasted to be good enough for the airports I listed I would just fly commercial to Denver and drive up. Several airports along I-70 if needed. 20V, 3:50hrs flight, 1hr drive, 4:50hrs total KEGE, 3:40hrs flight, 1:15hrs drive, 5:05hrs total KRIL, 3:30hrs flight, 2hrs drive, 5:30hrs total KBJC, 4:05hrs flight, 1:37hrs drive, 5:42hrs total
  4. Here is my best LOP true air speed:) Obviously not the norm! I was riding an updraft for about 10-15 minutes that day.
  5. I searched before I asked this question but I didn’t see enough to answer my questions. Weather permitting I’m hoping to fly from San Diego to Colorado for a Breckenridge ski trip early April. The 3 airports that look the most promising to me are Rifle(KRIL), Eagle(KEGE) and Kremmling(20V). Rifle probably gives me more outs if the weather turns on me but the drive is about 2 hours. Kremmling is about an hour drive but looks likes I could easily get trapped if the weather turns for the worse. Eagle being a balance between the 2 and is what I’m leaning towards. We are planning to stay 5 nights and need a rental car. All airport list rental car available. I would prefer to have electricity available to plug in the engine heater or be able to put the plane in a hangar the last night night before departure. If anyone has any recent experience with cost, cars, commute, etc to share at any of these airports I would appreciate it. Thank you in advance, Karson
  6. I like having air conditioning! I have been seeing 173 ktas, 12.9 gph @ 2400 rpm, 8500’. I don’t see the ROP numbers other are seeing.
  7. He should have 2 thin binders that came with the STC. In the binder it shows the gross weight increase to 3368 lbs, which bring the Eagle up to the same GW as the Ovation. Show the binders to your mechanic and have a new W&B made for your POH.
  8. Looks pretty hot to me I wouldn’t kick her out of bed:)
  9. It would be exciting to see the use of an electric turbo charger to turbo normalize our engines. High altitude takeoffs and en route climb performance at the flip of a switch with no pressure on the exhaust system:) https://www.forbes.com/sites/samabuelsamid/2019/10/17/garrett-electric-turbochargers-headed-to-production-in-2021/#6df60865180a
  10. There is no extra expense on the annual inspection for air conditioning unless you report something broken.
  11. I had Tim’s do my engine. Very clean, tightly and professional shop. I have been happy with it. They encourage you to visit the facility when it’s your engines turn. They show you all your parts and the condition. LyCon is awesome if you want to wait that long. I had them do an engine on a 182 I owned and it was smooth. You can have you cylinders ported, polished and flow balance by them and that’s a quick turn around. I did on my last J and I like it.
  12. Ouch! That really could have been bad for the guy under the plane. Poor plane! Looks like a little fuel spilled also. Defiantly could have been worse. Different but similar, every time I’m cleaning the belly of my plane this thought goes through my head (hopefully not literally).
  13. Yes, I used full RPM to climb and help reduce ice build up on the prop. I usually cruise at 2400 RPM when I’m below 10,000’ but after I climbed to 11,000’ I ran 2550 RPM to regain some of the speed I lost. I was happy with the performance under the circumstances. It took over an hour for the ice to sublimate off the wings with an OAT of 22F. I thought that would of happened faster.
  14. If you don’t want me to take it the wrong way then make it less about me and more about icing related to airplanes. I was comfortable with my decisions. Go ahead and highlight and dissect all my sentences you want but you don’t know the time between my thoughts, communication and when the actions all occurred. Nothing would have changed the outcome in my particular situation. I recommend people take immediate action when in ice and these pictures demonstrate that. Look at the first photo. The forecast didn’t have icing at that altitude, the patch of clouds was relatively small, the temperatures dropped rapidly in the clouds and I picked up a significant amount of ice quickly. I was lucky, I had clear air a short distance all around me and I had a nice warm dessert floor with a runway in front and below me. It turned out very well and a hell of a learning experience for me! I don’t even want to comment on how my plane performed because I wouldn’t want to promote flying with ice on the wings without TKS. I posted this to share for others to learn how fast ice can form even in conditions that you would not expect it. I hope my experience helps other in the future.
  15. Your seeing the end result of the ice buildup in the pictures. I wasn’t just lumbering along watching ice collect, I did take action. I wasn’t alarmed to the degree of declaring an emergency in the bottom picture but did not want to stay at that altitude when I knew there was clear air all around me, above, left, right and below. I post this to share with others so people to realize to take action. The majority of the buildup on the way out after I was already cleared for higher. When I asked ATC for my climb sooner than latter the ice was like the bottom picture but could see and hear it started collecting at a much faster rate. If they didn’t clear me when they did I would have declared an emergency. I did give a PIREP after.
  16. A sobering experience and a lesson to take action immediately because it can get ugly quick! I told the controller I was collecting ice and I needed higher sooner than latter. They held me at that altitude for only a short period but it seemed like forever. I thought I was going to have to declare an emergency to climb but they cleared me in time. I knew the tops were only 500’ above me and I know I had outs left and right of me but when the ice collects that fast it gets you pretty nervous.
  17. I flew from San Diego to Las Vegas yesterday (1/9) for a meeting I had at CES. I have always heard stories of people getting incredibly rapid buildup of ice over San Diego but in my 20 years of flying have never seen it. As you can see I experienced some ice. I was in and out of the clouds climbing over over Ramona(KRNM) airport to Julian(JLI) VOR. The bottom 2 photos were taken only 4 minutes apart and that much ice collected. Wow!
  18. We would all get MRI’s for our routine physical exams with that rational.
  19. Nice! I’m curious did they do it as a result of your inquiry or was it part of their standard procedure? Hopefully it was done before pulling the cylinders.
  20. Especially when inverted:)
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