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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/11/2015 in all areas

  1. That's a tough one. I take it that whoever is buying your plane has no interest in repairing it? You might try offering your stub spar to all the MSCs at a big discount. They might be willing to take it on as inventory if it were a great deal for them. At least let them all know you have it. The guy who will be wanting it will likely get the bad news at an MSC, or will likely have their shop calling around to MSCs.
    2 points
  2. This is what a 900 looks in place of the cluster gauges on a 1967 F.
    2 points
  3. Let's not forget those great moms out there today. Mine now 94 will be arriving soon for a day with the fam.
    2 points
  4. Time spent with my mommy on her birthday and Mother's Day. Sadly we didn't get to do any flying.
    2 points
  5. Good Day Everyone, I just had the JPI 900 primary system installed to replace my non-primary JPI 700 system. In case anyone is interested in what the JPI 900 looks like installed in a 65C, please see the before an after pics attached below. Certainly no lack of panel space on the right side now! If you are considering doing this and have any questions, send me a PM and I will answer whatever I can. Cheers Edward
    1 point
  6. Hey guys I am wanting to put a FS450 in the plane but as you see the panel I have little to no room. So I'm wondering what you guys think if I were to take out my Garmin 496 and put the 450 there??
    1 point
  7. Wow! Found something he DOES care about!
    1 point
  8. You don't know how long I waited to use this line! "Nobody cares" Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
    1 point
  9. The old guys get a free pass. Us young guys should probably do this: http://lmgtfy.com/?q=site%3Amooneyspace.com+%20fuel+stick I get better results using the site:mooneyspace.com tag with google than I do with the search function on the website. I'll be making mine this weekend with a plain wood dowel. Josh
    1 point
  10. I never really liked the hub cap/dust cover idea. Too hard to check or fill the tires. My suggestion: paint and new hardware.
    1 point
  11. Mines the original hand crank version... it really seemed like a better design then the vacuum operated version. Brian
    1 point
  12. send me your front wheel, and we'll call it even,
    1 point
  13. These are all very good suggestions to install an engine monitor. You should definitely strongly consider one. As far as ff it is my preference to have a dedicated ff computer to separate out the ff functions. My airplane came with a 450 and a separate 700. What I did is upgrade the 700 to a big screen 800. I really like this setup having all that info from both instruments in my scan. It's a lot easier to let the engine monitor and the FS450 each do their own thing and display it. The EDM800 has ff on it as well and the 450 is piggybacked on same transducer. Is it an option to put it underneath the engine controls?
    1 point
  14. CW, That's a nice panel, is there something behind the flight instruments that prevented them being arranged in a standard six-pack? #1 way to create more panel,space is to install an HSI, and something like a Sandel SN3308 has a host of other functions too. Your 'RHS' is pretty full, it would be easy to replace your EGT with a combined EGT with FF. Not cheap, but has high value in running your engine properly and identifying problems. If you go with JPI it is a major step in the direction of a future 730/830/900 upgrade as a lot of the probes and harnesses are identical. Not all. See Marauder's 830 thread and video. Another way is to install a Shadin FADC and then display fuel and air data on your 430. But you need a heading input from the HSI. Regards, Don
    1 point
  15. This is a great idea... We should have a "hop a ride" ride sharing section on the website. Admin...Your thoughts?
    1 point
  16. Bonal. Amazing I have a 93 yr old mil living with me...God bless u all....
    1 point
  17. I have also found to reinstall, a little super glue on your finger and nut will help start the bitch bolt.
    1 point
  18. This solid-state AI is appealing. Full-width display, no moving parts, stable within seconds of power-up, won't tumble, only about 2" deep. http://www.aircraftspruce.com/catalog/inpages/rca2600-3.php
    1 point
  19. If the speculation scenario it may have been misfueled with Jet A ends up being the case, would he not have noticed something before takeoff? Detonation during runup? CHT's going through the roof? Something odd and not right? Certainly at takeoff power on the runway? no? Some reason to abort the takeoff? This is scary stuff. And with the high rate of turn over with line personnel these days we have to be vigilant. It seems there's a new kid every other month fueling and moving planes around. I make it a point to watch and see what they put in my tanks. Something so seemingly harmless and trivial as refueling can ruin your day!
    1 point
  20. I don't go on MooneySpace very often, but want to thank you for the positive comments about Lake Aero Styling & Repair/LASAR. Paul and I are truly humbled! Tim, I'm sorry I missed you yesterday, but so glad you enjoyed my brownies, made with "mocha chips" from Kyle's wife, Shelley! Someone in a previous posting mentioned Mike......he left us for "greener pastures" ....all on good terms. God has to close one door to open another, and we feel so blessed that He brought Kyle Kennedy and his family into our lives and business. We are very excited about the future of LASAR with Kyle here. LASAR will be celebrating its 40th anniversary on Sunday, August 23. Hopefully I attached the information correctly to this post. We would love to see you all there! Thank you for all the support you have given us over the years! Shery Loewen
    1 point
  21. A friend and I flew to the Bahamas last Tuesday, and came back as far as KY on Sunday and then to KFCM on Tuesday. It was great weather for a turbo, very little winds aloft. We got a few knots of tailwind on the way down and a few knots of headwind on the way back up. There was a large front through the mid-section of the country that we had to navigate from KBWG Kentucky to KFCM Minnesota, and it turned out to be a deck at anywhere from 14-18k so we went to FL220. At that level all that was left was the isolated Tstorm tops and those were easy to see and navigate, so it was a fast an uneventful trip thanks to the turbo.
    1 point
  22. A hangar with a home built in would kick A.. Definitely gets over to the if I won the Lotto thread
    1 point
  23. Eric, That's why I you need to buy a hangar house at Alpine Air Park. You can look into your hangar right from the living room and kitchen ;-) I'm too short on funds for a second house (aka wife wants to reproduce, I wish Scott was still around to explain to her that there is no need for any more liberals), but if you get one, I'll come over and visit.
    1 point
  24. I want to get a second Mooney, paint it just so, do the interior, new panel, shiny new engine, new prop - and then I will put it in my living room. Well, I will have to have a contractor come out and extend the living room. Then I can sit in that "house Mooney" and watch TV, or just generally relax in it. Maybe I will take the rear seats out so I can sleep back there. I'm sure my wife won't mind.
    1 point
  25. Rookie...typically a question like the one you posed initially (then followed by your statement that you want to own an aircraft) is interpreted as a "call to arms" that mobilizes this group to action...hopefully to educate you and help steer you in the right direction. If your goal is indeed aircraft ownership...whatever form that may take...a Mooney honestly cannot be beat, as others have stated. Although I've only been with this group a short time, I've been flying over 29 years. I grew up in an Air Force family, followed by a "Boeing" family, and can say without a doubt that I can't imagine life without flying or my aircraft. Saying it's an obsession is a gross understatement. It might help this group tailor any answers for you if you could provide some background about any flying you may have done prior, what drove you to aviation (family involved in flying?), number of hours & types of aircraft flown, etc. Are you pursuing a Private certificate, and if so, how's that going for you? Welcome to the group, and hope you stick around awhile...lots to be learned and exchanged here, so be honest and open and you'll discover a wealth of advice and counsel. Regards, Steven
    1 point
  26. Sad fact.... Based on all the fixed costs associated with aircraft ownership, I'm not sure I could fly enough hours to bring those costs into the category of "reasonable". 100 hours/year is what I base my calculations on, but I rarely fly that much. To make matters worse, I have two airplanes. This is a depressing subject for me. Happily, my wife has a horse, so that's like "Carte Blanche" for extravagance....
    1 point
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