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I've seen some posts here and on the Mooney mailing lists regarding worn gear locking blocks on the manual landing gear Mooneys.  So, while in flight to MYGF yesterday, I snapped a picture of mine from below.  To me, it looks rather worn.  Any better-educated opinions?




aside from it being a really good idea to replace...

From your experience, when you put the gear handle in the block

[1] Does it go all the way and seat itself all the time?

[2] Does it go in, feel like it is in all the way, but not light the green light?  On further coaxing it goes in, lights the green?

I found that my 65C with 5,000+ hours would want to not go in all the way.  The worn spot is somewhere up inside the hole.  You can feel it with you fingers.

I found checking, making sure that it goes all the way, get the "click", check the light and all is well.

Logic check...If the part was free, I would probably have switched it out without questions.


Looks somewhat out of round.  Installation of the block is a much less time consuming, much less inconvenient, and much, much less expensive than repairing the damage from a gear collapse.  I'd replace it if it were mine.  If I still had my old M20C, I'd change that one just to be safe....43 years is a long time for one of those blocks to last.  When I had her, I didn't even know that part was available.


The bar seats fine every time--I always give it a good tug to make sure it's latched in place.  However, the green light occasionally fails to light.  Looks like it might be time to give LASAR a call.


Yes, replace it.  Looking at your photo, the hole is definately worn out of round.  If it does pop out of the locked position and you do not catch it in time [chances are you won't], you've got a possible gear collapse.   If the prop. is turning, then you've got more to deal with than just airframe damage.  Jolie had this personal experience on her E, but she was quick enough to catch it! 

Check the gear up block [located on the floor] too.  Same out of roundness happens with that as well.  That one popping out does not have the potential dollar disaster, but it sure can whack your arm as the bar comes up to great you!


Well, I just heard back from LASAR, and either I remembered wrong or they changed their price since I heard of it being done before.  It's now $325, and they just got another batch in stock.  Sounds like I'll be ordering soon.  Thanks for the input!


Getting my up and down blocks replaced with LASAR units was a great decision for me. As mentioned in an earlier post, I was lucky enough to have caught the gear and saved my belly.

I had just landed at KRDD, Redding.  I pulled off at Alpha, because I just had a great landing! HA. Anyway, after I pulled off the runway and past the hold short line, I heard a loud buzzing and happened to look at the gear light as it went from GREEN to RED.  The handle popped out and somehow I was able to catch it about six or seven inches down.  It wasn't a pleasant job wrestling it, but I did. The folks from Redding Jet Center came and helped me get it locked.  The next day I was at Clear Lake, getting the replacements.  I am the only person I know who caught it. I don't want anyone else to have to go through that.

Get it replaced.  I believe in that, and shoulder harnesses!  Okay, off the soap box for now.




Jolie, I saw your story on one of the Mooney lists, and it's part of what prompted me to check mine.  Already have shoulder harnesses installed.

Are the up and down blocks the same?


The up and down blocks are different parts which serve the same purpose of course, to hold that bar where you want it.  Good for you, checking that block. Mine looked like an egg when it was removed.  The LASAR unit is much stronger. 


LASAR also indicates that the up block (the one on the floor) is never a problem, just the down block.  Shouldn't take too much to change this one at annual--will need to readjust the landing gear preloads, though.  Otherwise, am I right in thinking it's just a matter of the two bolts?


Hi Dan.

With complete respect to LASAR, it was our experience that the up block did need to be replaced as well.  It was rounded out also and would let the bar pop up and whack your arm, quite hard actually, at any given time during a flight.   With the new up block installed, no more arm whacking!   


Replace it! However, one note: Because the J-bar will now be positioned silghtly differently with the gear down, be sure the gear preloads are checked while the airplane is on jacks and be prepared to make adjustments... more suitably, ensure that the shop/A&P doing the job knows how to measure the preloads and how to adjust them.

Also, I have replaced my gear up/down switch because it wore and became intermittent. I bought one of these new from LASAR as well. This one I managed to install myself with A&P supervision (and the airplane on jacks).


Called LASAR yesterday to order the block; they have in stock and said it would ship today for $325.  It includes instructions for moving the latch mechanism from the old block.  Annual isn't for a couple more months, but I'm getting things together.

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