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+1 BTW I did not read it as calling Walt stupid which as you point out he is not but rather in the generic of doing some thing whithout thought.


Quote: orangemtl

True: but let's toss around terms like 'stupid' a bit more carefully, yes?  Ignorance is when you don't know any better: I've been ignorant, along with every person in the world.  We all get a pass on ignorance, or more generally inexperience, from time to time. 'Stupid' is when you know better, and go forward anyway.  Walt's done the smart thing in asking the opinions of others, and is hardly a novice to aviation.  I applaud him for doing so.


Thank you to all. You have confirmed my suspicions on this aircraft. Based on some new research I see this as a salvage case. Not a project.


I really appreciate this group for your support. AND I think a trip to St Augustine to look at another Mooney is in the works.


With appreciation,



I can't believe the NTSB report. Whomever was flying it is one lucky dude and probably should have bought a lottery ticket later that day. If it weren't for the structural soundness of the plane, 2005 would have contained another statistic.

I concur, stay away.


If it's one thing I have learned over the 6 months I searched for an airplane and through the 1 year that I've owned my airplane; it's that there are NO DEALS out there.

Is there such thing as a salvage value?  How would one go about finding such a value?

Walt, please take Nick up on his offer to go see his airplane and really get a feel for what a "good" airplane is and should be.  While you're there make sure to query him on annual expenses of the plane even though it's probably a perfect example of a "good" airplane and then just imagine what you would get into something that hasn't been "cared" for in over 3 years and flown for 5 years.



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Location: Brigantine NJ

Re: New Mooney Buyer with questions

Posted Feb 13, 2012 8:08 AM

I'm not a great believer in coincidence so I find it interesting that the Controller Ad references the fact "the current owner has misplaced the logs prior to 2005" & which coincidentally is when the A/C sustained the major airframe damgae & was written off by the insurance company.

Maybe double dipping after skimping on the insurance repair.  


Quote: jetdriven

Wow tnat inflight overstress and convenient missing logs really makes it interesting.  I revise my valuation of it.  It has salvage value only.

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