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Faked a Crash


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I strongly doubt this fellow has the wherewithal to:

  1. Hide a grown pilot from all those cameras and cut everything such that second pilot never appears.  He isn't that good at editing.
  2. Stage an RC crash to look real.  Isn't as easy as it sounds.  Toys look like toys to the camera.
  3. Build a mock-up of a crashed airplane for him to visit.
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3 hours ago, ZuluZulu said:

So it's a CFIT crash then?

No - I meant that it is a faked for YouTube crash.  That there is no crash at all.  That a second pilot pops up and flies the airplane safely back to the airbase and all we are seeing is a melodramatic parachuter trying to make money on YouTube.

Funny - there is a kid who lives nearby our house - actually my youngest son's best friend - who has cracked the YouTube money code. He makes 15 second YouTube videos of quirky things like strange ways to tie your shoe laces, and other nifty gee whiz stuff.  And he makes a few thousand dollars a month from it!  Since his videos are so short it doesn't take him much time and he does it as a side gig while attending college.  A lot cheaper than crashing an airplane!

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14 hours ago, aviatoreb said:

Could there be a hidden pilot in the video?  Someone hiding low in the plane that once the YouTube departs the plane then sits up and takes over?  

There was some suspicion about that regarding the TBM Avenger that "crashed" in the White Mountains here in AZ, but has never been found.   The guy that owned it and bailed out of it offered a $25k bounty to whoever could locate it, which would be an easy thing to propose if you knew it wasn't really there.  ;)

I'm still waiting for it to turn up somewhere.   It's been a few years now, so if it's up there it isn't easy to spot.

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13 minutes ago, EricJ said:

There was some suspicion about that regarding the TBM Avenger that "crashed" in the White Mountains here in AZ, but has never been found.   The guy that owned it and bailed out of it offered a $25k bounty to whoever could locate it, which would be an easy thing to propose if you knew it wasn't really there.  ;)

I'm still waiting for it to turn up somewhere.   It's been a few years now, so if it's up there it isn't easy to spot.

Yeah - the more I think of it - the more I think it is also entirely plausible that there was no crash - just like the TBM story - and this whole thing was a made for youtube silliness.

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38 minutes ago, aviatoreb said:

Yeah - the more I think of it - the more I think it is also entirely plausible that there was no crash - just like the TBM story - and this whole thing was a made for youtube silliness.

That might be, but I think Occam's Razor tends to be correct more often when it comes to human stupidity :rolleyes:

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1 hour ago, EricJ said:

There was some suspicion about that regarding the TBM Avenger that "crashed" in the White Mountains here in AZ, but has never been found.   The guy that owned it and bailed out of it offered a $25k bounty to whoever could locate it, which would be an easy thing to propose if you knew it wasn't really there.  ;)

I'm still waiting for it to turn up somewhere.   It's been a few years now, so if it's up there it isn't easy to spot.

Consider how long it took to find Steve Fosset's wreckage. Or I remember a PA-28 that was never found out of San Jose. Almost 2 decades it was found slid up under some brush on Mt. Umunhum about 17 miles SSE of KSJC. Not exactly the sticks. You never know. Everything is on the table.

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11 minutes ago, aviatoreb said:

Occam's razor fur sure when it comes to scientific endeavors.

When it comes to human stupidity - anything goes.

I actually disagree, with science, we frequently discover the world is more complex and interesting than we initially thought.

With people doing dumb things, they usually do them dumbly because...well, they were more likely to be dumb in the first place!

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I think there's enough circumstantial evidence visible to indicate there really was a crash as depicted in the video...

As pointed out above, model planes don't move like full size (Reynolds number cannot be scaled, among other things).

Faking the wreckage would be prohibitively expensive.

There's no reason to hide fire extinguishers in your pants legs if it's fake.

Those are just off the top of my head. I can't imagine how he wouldn't be up for enforcement actions in short order (FAA timescale).

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That Dunning-Kruger effect rears its ugly head again. Looks like he wasn’t nearly as clever as he thought he was.

“The Dunning–Kruger effect is the cognitive biaswhereby people with low ability at a task overestimate their ability.”

“They tend to overrate themselves because they do not see the qualitative difference between their performances and the performances of others. This has also been termed the "dual-burden account" since the lack of skill is paired with the ignorance of this lack”


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11 hours ago, aviatoreb said:

No - I meant that it is a faked for YouTube crash.  That there is no crash at all.  That a second pilot pops up and flies the airplane safely back to the airbase and all we are seeing is a melodramatic parachuter trying to make money on YouTube.

Funny - there is a kid who lives nearby our house - actually my youngest son's best friend - who has cracked the YouTube money code. He makes 15 second YouTube videos of quirky things like strange ways to tie your shoe laces, and other nifty gee whiz stuff.  And he makes a few thousand dollars a month from it!  Since his videos are so short it doesn't take him much time and he does it as a side gig while attending college.  A lot cheaper than crashing an airplane!

I probably should have noted my comment was meant to be tongue-in-cheek...

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More misinformation being spread:

"Watch as Youtuber Trevor Jacob's plane stalls"

"It cannot be restarted"

These kinds of comments don't make GA look good or sound safe. Cannot be restarted or chose not to be restarted?

He declined to comment... funny that he'd make a whole public video about it but isn't on every news show crying about how lucky he is to survive.

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8 hours ago, 201er said:

funny that he'd make a whole public video about it but isn't on every news show crying about how lucky he is to survive.

YouTube clicks pay money. Interviews on the news do not.

So I'm not watching any videos by or about this deviant.

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5 minutes ago, aviatoreb said:

I am guessing that good ol' Trevor will be enjoying some jail time before this is all over said and done.

I doubt it. He has money. At the end of the day he can afford a good lawyer. It won't be hard to convince anyone he just took the best route to save himself.

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