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Aspen Pirep after 2 years

Steve Dawson

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I recently had the Garmin GTN 750 with the remote transponder and audio panel installed in my M20 J and am seriously considering installing an Aspen Pro 1000 this spring. My avionics technician suggested installation of the G500. He mentioned that the Aspens don't hold up after 2 years without some serious service problems.

I like the way Aspen has quite a few options built in to their system (ie: GPSS, 30 minute battery, ect) and Peter and his company stand by their product 110% but will I run into substatial down time and extra costs after the 2 year warranty?

Any one have experiance with this?


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Have a shop that knows what they're doing install the Aspen.  A lot of the initial heating issues due to installation have been resolved and Aspen is definitely a good product.

That said, I had a G-500 in my former airplane and loved it.  If you don't have GPSS, the Aspen unit provides this.  I don't, and that's why I'll go Aspen when it's time to upgrade to glass.



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I've never had any trouble with my Aspen unit.  I have another friend who has had their Aspen for 4 years now and never have they had any problems either.  One thing is for sure, Aspen stands behind their product and their customer service is great!  Parker is right, if you don't have GPSS, Aspen is the way to go.

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My Aspens are flawless....albeit only 30 hours so far. The ESV is surprisingly readable and not a distraction. It seems like the ESV would be a real benefit night VFR or on a non precision type approach. Took me a while to let go of analogue needle positions. Still not used to watching the tapes unwind really fast in a steep decent.

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I have 16 months behind my Aspen unit and haven't had any problems. I'm doing a software upgrade tomorrow and hopefully that'll go smoothly. I'd highly recommend their unit, but with the same advice issued earlier: find a shop that's got a good bit of experience. The only issue I've had is with the installer, not with the unit. Aspen as a company has been fantastic to work with.

Ignore the peanut gallery....

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Thanks for the replies,

My intention is to use the GPSS and have the ESV. I've flown non preccesion before in snow and have been nervous but fortunately successfull each time.

I'd like to keep the basic legacy system for now just for back up and familiarity (sp). Who would you recomend for installation?

By the way, Love the GTN 750 and would recomend it to anyone.


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