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HD Cameras Without Prop Effect Thread

Carl S

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In another thread (Re: newbie landing video M20J), Mulro asked, "So does anyone know of a good cockpoit camera that won't get that prop effect?  My iPhone takes great video but also shows that bending prop look.  Any ideas?"

Maybe this thread can help to find some answers.

The Canon Vixia HF301 seems to fill the bill without getting into pro prices. I understand they could had at Costco for about $350, but they are sold out at the on-line site.  It is small, light weight and has an external mike jack. It shoots 24p and 30p with a claimed 1920X1080 resolution. The reviews I have read say that the price to value ratio is very good.

Here are a couple of Propellor tests here: http://vimeo.com/27218266.

Any Others?


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  • 7 months later...

Problem solved!  This simple filter goes inside case in front of lense.  Just $15.  Be careful not to lose it when you open up the GoPro case as it just lays in there and is not securely attached.  But the videos look great upon first tests.


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I recently went on vacation and forgot the Sony camcorder I normally use to film landings.  I am very serious about quality, as I burn my flight videos to bluray.  Well, I went to the store and picked up a GoPro Hero2, to supplement the Canon XT3i, which shoots professonal quality video, and was really impressed.  It gives off the annoying prop effect, but the clarity when in 1080p mode is great.  When/if the Hero3 comes up, I"ll probably upgrade and put it for sale on MooneySpace.

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Why do so many dedicated video cameras use the same silly, cheap sensors used in cell phone cameras, where rotating 2-blade propellers turn into 15- or 20-slat venetian blinds and block the view of what you are trying to film?

My 4-year-old Sony pocket-size digital camera takes beautiful video through the propeller, looking just like what I see and rarely capturing the propeller blade in a photo [even though they usually show on the screen before pressing the button].

So I can't capture audio. But the video looks good! Like video should, not like what so many more expensive dedicated video recorders show. For the meantime, I am voting with my wallet and waiting for a video unit that shoots video as well as my old digital camera. For every second I've shot video out the side window, I have minutes of video through the [invisible] propeller.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Quote: jacobwall

Yup, I *love* my nFlightcam+ which works wonders at not having any prop effects. The major drawback to that camera is the horrible low(er) light performance. I've tried every combination of settings without luck once the sun starts to set. I want to get a camera that can get the lights of DFW on arrival, no dice yet. Ideas? 

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Did more research - you want to get a video camera with CCD technology. Most CMOS-equipped cameras use a 'rolling shutter', which is the real culprit in motion artifacts. However, the selection of small, inexpensive CCD cameras is small.

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