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Thoughts on removing my Insight Strike Finder and replacing it with a backup electric attitude indicator?  I am going to be finishing up my IR by the end of September and plan on doing quite a bit of cross country flying.  I have been extremely limited with how long/far I can go on trips because of my work schedule and possible IFR weather.  It seems that as soon as I land I stress about the weather for the trip home if we are going anywhere for a weekend....

We are going to repaint 8DF this winter and thought that it would be a good time to get rid of the antenna.  My 496 displays lightning, not real time but I think the overall package with XM makes the strike finder obsolete.  Correct me if I am wrong.






...Not a good idea.  WX datalink only displays (delayed) cloud to ground stikes.  Your strike finder is going to show you cloud to cloud strikes which will or at least could provide a much earlier warning as to what your flying towards or into in real world IFR flight.  Not something I would want to lose!


I don't know where you live, but if you live in California, you're OK to ditch the SF. If you plan on traveling anywhere east of the Rockies, it seems like a useful tool. Aren't there remote strike finders that display on PFDs like the Aspen or G500 now? Maybe that's a way to have both. I'm $ure there'$ lot$ of $uper $olution$ to thi$ $ituation... and I'm here to help!Wink


NO! NO! NO! NO! 10 to 20 min old info is not as valuable as the real thing. There must be a better place to put the AI if you want one.  



Keep the strikefinder it works in Mexico, Bahamas, etc.  Maybe you could relocate it to right side of panel?  I have used either Strikefinder of Stormscope for many years with good results.


In each of the last two aircraft I have owned, I have replaced the ADF with a back-up electric attitude indicator.  I have had a Garmin GNS-530 in one and a 530/430 combination in the other.  I have not missed the ADF in the last ten years.  An electric attitude indicator easily fits into the ADF slot.  The turn coordinator ball is useful for rigging and trimming the aircraft.


Brandon...The electric AI is important, but I have kept my old, analogue Strikefinder. It works remarkably well and is dead on accurate. Can't you sub your electric AI upgrade in the turn coordiator spot? I would think long and hard about removing a sphereic that works well.

I was on the gound around Washington DC one time. One entire quater of the Strikefinder screen was painted solid. I had checked the weather...nothing was forcast. It was a local flight and upon my return, I checked the wx again. A large complex had developed off the coast of Atlantic City. My Strikefinder painted this wx from 150 miles away on the ground!!

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